Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-4-16
P. 19

Thunderbolt                                        SPORTS                                                                                                                 March 4, 2016
Bball tourney highlights Special Olympians
                                                                                                                                                Sports Shorts
  Story and photo by
     Senior Airman                                                                                                                            St. Patrick’s Day fun run

DEVANTE WILLIAMS                                                                                                                                 The St. Patrick’s Day 5k fun run is
                                                                                                                                              7 a.m. March 11 and will begin at 944th
                56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  7HDPV3HRULDDQG%O\WKHVTXDUHRIIGXULQJWKH3DOR9HUGH$UHD6SHFLDO2O\PSLFV             Fighter Wing Headquarters, Bldg. 988.
                                                  Basketball Tournament at American Sports Center Feb. 19 in Avondale. Fourteen               There will be prizes and refreshments.
   Athletes from all over Arizona came            teams participated in the tournament in which the winners moved on to the state             For more information, call 623-856-2291.
under one roof to compete in the Palo             competition in Tucson. The tournament has been in existence for 12 years and
Verde Area Special Olympics Basketball            IHDWXUHVWHDPVIURPWKH:HVW9DOOH\UDQJLQJIURPFKLOGUHQWRDGXOWVSDUWLFLSDWLQJ          St. Patrick’s Day golf
Tournament Feb. 19 in Avondale.                                                                                                               tourney
                                                  year we added official referees for the tour-     “Special Olympics Arizona couldn’t exist
   Fourteen teams participated in the             nament. It helps to make the atmosphere        without the generosity of our volunteers        The St. Patrick’s Day golf tournament
tournament in which each division winner          a very competitive one while also keeping      who donate thousands of hours each year      is 8 a.m. March 13 at Falcon Dunes Golf
moved to the state competition in March at        the fun intact.”                               to help provide assistance to the train-     Course. The cost is $48 per club member,
the University of Arizona in Tucson. This                                                        ing and competitions Special Olympics        $53 per nonmember and $58 per guest,
basketball tournament has existed for 12             With the tournament being a success, it     athletes deserve,” Haines said. “We are      and includes green fee, range balls,
years and features teams participating            wouldn’t have been possible without the        grateful to the dedicated volunteers from    cart rental, lunch and prizes. For more
from the West Valley ranging from children        support of the volunteers from Luke Air        Luke Air Force Base who came out and         information, call 623-535-966.
to adults.                                        Force Base who assisted by helping out with    helped run all of our events.”
                                                  the scoreboard and aiding staff members.                                                    Sonoran hang gliding
   “The mission of Special Olympics is to
provide year-round sports training and                                                                                                           Hang glide thousands of feet over the
athletic competition in a variety of Olym-                                                                                                    desert on a tandem discovery flight 10 a.m.
pic-type sports for children and adults                                                                                                       to 5 p.m. April 9 at Sonora Wings. The
with intellectual disabilities,” said Sarah                                                                                                   cost is $20 per single Airman. For more
Haines, Special Olympics Arizona Volun-                                                                                                       information, call 623-856-6267.
teer and Human Resource Director. “It pro-
vides them with continuing opportunities                                                                                                      T-Ball/pitch baseball
to develop physical fitness, demonstrate
courage, experience joy and participate                                                                                                          T-Ball and pitch baseball registration is
in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship                                                                                                  through March 18 for children ages 5 to 8.
with their families, other Special Olympics                                                                                                   The cost is $35 per youth program member
athletes and the community.”                                                                                                                  and $45 per nonmember. Practice begins
                                                                                                                                              April 4. Volunteer coaches are needed. For
   The three-day basketball tournament                                                                                                        more information, call 623-856-7470.
has seen more than 103 high-level teams
participate. The stands were filled with                                                                                                      March of the Fallen
family members and friends as they
cheered for their favorite athletes through-                                                                                                     The 2016 March of the Fallen is March
out the tournament. In its 13th year, the                                                                                                     26 through the White Tank Mountains.
Special Olympics basketball committee                                                                                                         Weigh-in is 7 a.m. The march begins at
has made improvements to make the                                                                                                             8:15 a.m. The cost is $40 per person age
tournament more accessible for athletes.                                                                                                      18 and over, and $20 per person 17 and
                                                                                                                                              under. For more information, call Senior
   “Every year is a learning experience for                                                                                                   Airman Scott Giles at 623-856-7028.
us,” said Jamie Heckerman, Palo Verde
director, Special Olympics Arizona. “This

of the

                  NBA Today      Senior Airman          Senior Airman                                     Senior Airman                Staff Sgt.       Airman 1st Class
     0LDPLYV3KLODGHOSKLD        Scott Giles         -RQDWKDQ9DQHN                                   -RQDWKDQ0HDGH             Kenneth Bays          Zaharina Alapag
                                                   WK2SHUDWLRQV*URXS                         WK0LVVLRQ6XSSRUW*URXS  WK0DLQWHQDQFH*URXS    WK0HGLFDO*URXS
       ,QGLDQDYV&KDUORWWH           0LDPL                  0LDPL                                             0LDPL                    0LDPL                  0LDPL
        3RUWODQGYV7RURQWR         2UODQGR                 2UODQGR                                          3KRHQL[                   2UODQGR                2UODQGR
                                      ,QGLDQD                ,QGLDQD                                           ,QGLDQD                  ,QGLDQD                ,QGLDQD
       1HZ<RUNYV%RVWRQ           Toronto                3RUWODQG                                          Toronto                  3RUWODQG               Toronto
:DVKLQJWRQYV&OHYHODQG                                     Boston                                         1HZ<RUN                  1HZ<RUN                Boston
                                    1HZ<RUN                &OHYHODQG                                        &OHYHODQG               Washington               &OHYHODQG
      Atlanta vs. LA Lakers         &OHYHODQG                 Atlanta                                          Atlanta                  Atlanta                Atlanta
       %URRNO\QYV'HQYHU                                   Denver                                           %URRNO\Q                  Denver                %URRNO\Q
                                      Atlanta               0HPSKLV                                           0HPSKLV                                         0HPSKLV
          8WDKYV0HPSKLV           %URRNO\Q                                                                                             8WDK
              NHL Saturday           0HPSKLV                  Buffalo                                          Buffalo                                         Buffalo
                                                            &RORUDGR                                          Nashville               Minnesota               Nashville
      Minnesota vs. Buffalo         Minnesota                Toronto                                           2WWDZD                  &RORUDGR                Toronto
     1DVKYLOOHYV&RORUDGR          &RORUDGR             3KLODGHOSKLD                                       &ROXPEXV                   2WWDZD                &ROXPEXV
                                      Toronto               Pittsburgh                                       Pittsburgh              3KLODGHOSKLD             Pittsburgh
         2WWDZDYV7RURQWR        3KLODGHOSKLD                                                                                       Pittsburgh
&ROXPEXVYV3KLODGHOSKLD       1HZ-HUVH\             Detroit                                          Detroit                  &KLFDJR                 Detroit
                                  &KLFDJR                                                                                                              53
  3LWWVEXUJYV1HZ-HUVH\                                     61                                                66                       33                     
         'HWURLWYV&KLFDJR                                                                                   “Go                       
                                         55             ³<RXPLJKWWKLQN                                                              ³/HW¶VJHW    ³0D\EHLIWKHHUVVWLOO
   /DVWZHHN¶VSHUFHQWDJH            ³-RLQWKH    \RX¶OOZLQEXW\RXZRQ¶W´                               1DVKYLOOH´             MLJJ\ZLWKLW´   KDG,YHUVRQLWZRXOG
 Year to Date percentage           'DUN6LGH´                                                                                                           EHDJUHDWPDWFK´

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