Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-4-16
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Thunderbolt                                  NEWS                                                                             March 4, 2016                                                                                        7                                                                        

Dudette passes 1,000 combat flight hours

   (Editor’s note: Last names were not in-   terminal attack controllers,” Kevin said,                                                                                                                                                              Courtesy photo
cluded due to security and safety reasons.)  who has been flying with Jennifer since
                                             2010. “She can take broken and barely                      0DM-HQQLIHUDVW([SHGLWLRQDU\)LJKWHU6TXDGURQZHDSRQV\VWHPVRI¿FHUVWDQGV
   SOUTHWEST ASIA — Maj. Jennifer            intelligible communications on a secure                    RQWRSRIDQ)(6WULNH(DJOHIROORZLQJDFRPEDWVRUWLH)HEDWDQXQGLVFORVHGOR-
received a hero’s welcome from members       radio and efficiently turn it in to mission                FDWLRQLQ6RXWKZHVW$VLD-HQQLIHUVXUSDVVHGWKHFRPEDWÀLJKWKRXUPDUNGXULQJ
of the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing as       success for the ground forces.”                            the mission in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
she surpassed the 1,000 combat-hour
milestone in the F-15E Strike Eagle Feb.        Jennifer logged her first combat sortie
13 at an undisclosed location in South-      in 2009, during the first of her two tours
west Asia.                                   in Afghanistan, and has compiled more
                                             than 1,600 flying hours and 220 combat
   Jennifer, a weapon systems officer as-    sorties during her career.
signed to the 391st Expeditionary Fighter
Squadron, achieved the milestone during         “Reaching this milestone to me repre-
a mission in support of Operation Inher-     sents my willingness to serve and protect
ent Resolve.                                 Americans in a flying capacity each time
                                             I go out and fly,” Jennifer said. “I’m very
   “The hour milestones in the jet are       proud to serve and keep the enemy here
big deals,” said Capt. Kevin, a 391st        instead of being back at home.”
EFS pilot, who accompanied Jennifer on
the mission. “Our opportunity to accrue         She was also a member of the historic
hours is finite, and every one of them is    Dudette 07 mission in 2011, which was
special. To reach 1,000 hours in a cat-      the first F-15E Air Force combat mission
egory as unique as combat time is pretty     comprised entirely of female aircrew
special; it means someone has invested a     members.
lot of time and effort into their job.”
                                                “You can count on Jennifer to be thor-
   Achieving this milestone is a career      ough and reliable in her job,” Kevin said.
defining moment for any F-15E aircrew        “Her performance is nothing short of
member, even more so for females, which      what you would expect from an experi-
make up approximately 10 percent of          enced and professional aviator; it goes to
Strike Eagle pilots and the WSO com-         show it doesn’t matter what your gender
munity.                                      is - the girls can hang with the best of
                                             them, and are capable of being the best
   “With so much time as a close-air         themselves.”
support subject matter expert, she is
well versed in integrating with the joint                                           Courtesy of

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