Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-4-16
P. 9

Thunderbolt                              NEWS                                                                                                                                                         March 4, 2016                      9                                                                                                                                                

Mississippi                                 Japan

 7KHUG:HDWKHU5HFRQQDLVVDQFH            Instead of the usual howl of jet en-
 Squadron, “Hurricane Hunters,” spent        gines, members of Kadena Air Base
 )HEWKURXJKÀ\LQJWKURXJK³DW-       heard the growl of 120 turboprop
 PRVSKHULFULYHUV´LQWKH3DFL¿F2FHDQ      blades chopping the air as the 17th
 VWUHWFKLQJIURP+DZDLLWRWKH86:HVW    Special Operations Squadron’s MC-
 Coast in efforts to improve storm predic-   -&RPPDQGR,,VGRPLQDWHGWKH
 tions.                                      DLU¿HOGVFHQH)HE7KHDLUFUDIWWRRN
                                             the new specialized mobility aircraft.

                                            South Korea                                                                                                         Northern Mariana Islands

                                             7KHVW)LJKWHU:LQJKRVWHG%XGG\:LQJ                                                                            Military members from six nations joined together for
                                             DW2VDQ$LU%DVH)HEWKURXJK                                                                          a humanitarian assistance and disaster relief deploy-
                                             VKRZFDVLQJ$LUPHQIURPWKHWK¿JKWHU                                                                             ment throughout the region of the Commonwealth of
                                             squadron and aircraft maintenance unit.                                                                             the Northern Mariana Islands Feb. 14 through 18. The
                                             South Korean air force pilots and maintain-                                                                         deployment is part of Cope North 16, a multilateral exer-
                                             HUVIURPWKHWK)6DW:RQMX$LU%DVH                                                                           cise with the U.S. Air Force and air forces from across
                                             traveled to Osan AB in a continued effort                                                                           WKH,QGR$VLD3DFL¿FUHJLRQ
                                             to support the alliance.

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