Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior, January 2019
P. 1

Volume 15, Number 1 Published in the interest of the National Training Center and Fort Irwin community • www.irwin.army.mil January 4, 2019
Holiday Time in Fort Irwin
Moments from the Christmas events at the National Training Center
by Janell J. Lewis Ford
Garrison Public Affairs
FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Residents participated in several events around post to get into the holiday spirit. The Holiday Market and Tree Lighting ceremony and a “Break- fast with Santa” event kicked off all of the celebrations.
There were also photos with Santa Claus at the main he- lipad, which is something unique to a military installation. St. Nick posed in a Blackhawk.
RIGHT: Cameryn 11, Mackenzie 9, and Matthew 7 visit Santa on a Blackhawk at Fort Irwin.
Paws with Claus
No one could forget our furry friends, so the post Vet Clinic welcomed residents to bring their fur kids to take a picture with Santa. There were also hot cocoa and doggy treats provided.
BELOW: Daisy and Autumn pose with their parents and Santa at the post Veterinary Clinic.
Photos continue on Pages 4-5
Story and more pictures on Pages 10 & 11
Santa at the Helipad

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