Page 4 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, March 19, 2021
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4 March 19, 2021 news Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa news March 19, 2021 5
Creech, local fire department fight fire together nellis ink; tattoo parlor opens at nellis
by Airman 1st Class William Rio Rosado Firemen immediately rendered aid to flames. The scene was then turned over to When it comes to helping one another,
Creech AFB, Nev. the single burn victim and treated them Clark County Fire Investigations, and the neither department hesitates. There is by Senior Airman Dylan Murakami Alberto Reyes, Nellis the right person for the installation.”
for shock before a neighbor took him to the cause remains unknown. Since then, the no question about their commitment to Nellis AFB, Nev. Ink tattoo artist, Bringing novel ideas to fruition
It is not uncommon for the strongest University Medical Center in Las Vegas. burn victim has been released from UMC saving a life or extinguishing a fire. The wipes U.S. Air Force requires significant effort from all in-
bonds to be forged in fire. For the fire de- The Creech FD then began their battle in Las Vegas and is recovering. residents of Indian Springs expressed “We love to offer Airmen and their Col. Anthony Figiera’s, volved to ensure processes are done cor-
partments in Indian Springs, that is meant with the fire. Their first objective was to The teamwork and dedication displayed their gratitude for both departments’ families quality services to choose from,” 99th Mission Support rectly, and this project was no exception.
quite literally. control exposures, and focus on preventing in Indian Springs that morning, resulted in quick response to the emergency. said Lt. Col Nicole Droney, commander, Group commander, Through the complications, the 99th FSS
The sun was just about to rise when Jason the fire from spreading. This proved to be a successfully extinguished fire. Each mem- “The first responders, volunteers, 99th Force Support Squadron. “Tattoos a r m p r io r t o remembered their motives.
Mealey, Creech Fire Department Chief Two, a challenge when firefighters realized the ber from the FDs involved was essential to and neighbors worked seamlessly in an can be a very personal endeavor, and pretending to give “It’s been a bit of a challenge to get
received an emergency call at approximately nearest fire hydrant was half a mile away. preventing what could have been a crippling outstanding demonstration of profes- we’re happy to provide more options Figiera a tattoo during through the approval process and get
4 a.m. to respond and support the Clark However, Creech FD quickly adapted blow to the community of Indian Springs. sionalism and commitment to save our to our community, so they can find the a grand opening everybody on board,” said Figiera. “I’m
County FD at a fire in Indian Springs on and sent runners, and a tanker, which is a “One of the big things is that all of our community from a much larger and right artist for their work of art.” event at Nellis Air really proud of our team and the Force
Jan. 18, 2021. large truck used to store water, to the hy- surrounding communities are a lot like us, devastating fire,” said Sharon Daun, While the Army and Air Force Ex- Force Base, Nev., Support Squadron for their attitude and
“As soon as I pulled out of the station, drant to shuttle water back and forth to the a very small department,” Mealey said. “And Indian Springs resident, in a letter to change Service opened a concessioner March 4, 2021. Reyes eagerness to take care of Airmen.”
I could see the flames up in the air over in fire engines. After about 25 minutes of this, with the Clark County Fire Department be- the departments involved. “Without tattoo parlor in the Nellis Exchange in has been tattooing Reyes plans to have the shop open
Indian Springs,” Mealey said. “I called Las the crews from LVFR and Clark County ing mostly volunteers, there’s times where their quick, organized, and tenacious September 2020, this is the first non- for five years and seven days a week from 8 a.m. to
Vegas Fire Rescue dispatch and initiated FD arrived. they might only have one person able to responsive actions, the fire would have appropriated fund tattoo parlor on an was mentored by a midnight. His goal is to ensure he can
a second alarm, which would bring crews “At that point, I assigned their crew to respond, and there’s times where they have a taken a much greater toll on our families, Air Force base. It is part of the Arts and competitor on Ink accommodate Airmen’s various work
from downtown. I knew we were going to different tasks on-scene, and we began the full truck of four. So it’s nice for us to be able livelihood, and our community here in Crafts Center on the installation, and the Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Dylan Murakami Master. schedules.
need it.” attack on the main mobile home,” Mealey to assist them and the community outside Indian Springs.” target beneficiary is the Airmen. “I’ll be here for the Airmen anytime
With the nearest FD more than 30 min- said. the base because they do the same for us.” In this particular incident, both “Airmen want to express themselves tattoo artist was presented a unique op- Reyes met all criteria the 99th Force they need,” said Reyes. “I’m hoping to
utes away, six from Creech FD were the With the extra crews present, some of the The mutual-aid relationship between departments were able to save the com- just like everyone, and some do so portunity to pursue his dreams. Support Squadron was looking for. He see this room full of Airmen. I’m really
first to arrive on scene. There they found Creech AFB crew were provided with food Clark County and Creech’s fire departments munity $150K in damages. through tattoos,” said Col. Anthony “This is an amazing experience,” said has been tattooing for five years and was looking forward to hanging out with
a mobile home fully engulfed in the fire and water to replenish while the LVFR and has proven its importance many times. “To the fire departments who worked Figiera, 99th Mission Support Group Alberto Reyes, Nellis Ink tattoo artist. mentored by a competitor on Ink Master. them, not just doing business, but also
along with three surrounding mobile homes Clark County crews fought the fire alongside Whether it’s for emergencies or training, seamlessly to save our community from commander. “Why would I want my Air- “One day, I was laying down at home col- “We were very meticulous with who creating friendships.”
beginning to burn. the team. both departments know they can count on who knows what kind of an outcome,” men to go off base when we can provide lecting unemployment, and then the next we picked,” said Figiera. “We wanted to For more information about Nellis’
A single burn victim was identified and Approximately two hours after the initial each other. These countless interactions have Daun said. “Thank you for coming to them a space on the installation where day, I got an offer to have my first tattoo pick an artist who was local, independent new tattoo parlor or to schedule time
the residents of surrounding mobile homes call, the Clark County, Creech, and LVFR forged a relationship which reflects their our rescue and we will always be grateful we know it’s safe?” shop inside a military base. I couldn’t say and extremely talented. We spent a lot of with Reyes, text or call him at 702-356-
were evacuated. crews had completely extinguished the drive to help the communities around them. for all of you.” In addition to helping Airmen, the no to the opportunity.” time finding Alberto to make sure he was 9502.
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