Page 6 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, March 19, 2021
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6 March 19, 2021 news Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa news March 19, 2021 7
Red Flag 21-2 wraps up at Nellis Kicking off 2021 Air Force Assistance Fund with a blast
by Tech. Sgt. Alexandre Montes created to serve the Air and Space Force.
Each base has several volunteers as repre-
by Senior Airman Dwane R. Young An F-16 fighter jet, assigned to Nellis AFB, Nev. sentatives to assist with the fund.
Nellis AFB, Nev. the 115th Fighter Wing at Truax Volunteers pulled together and organized “Our base goal for this year is to raise
Field Air National Guard Base,
Red Flag 21-2 ends today, March 19, after two Wisc., takes-off for a Red Flag a color run, but not just for fun. The efforts $130,000,” said Dyer. “A key worker from
weeks of training. 21-2 mission at Nellis Air Force helped kickoff this year’s Air Force Assis- your unit, agency, squadron or group will be
Red Flag is one of the U.S. Air Force’s largest Base, Nev., March 8, 2021. Red tance Fund campaign at Nellis Air Force visiting each work center to provide further
combat training exercises. Flag provides real-time war Base, Nev. information on how your money is being
The 57th Wing’s 414th Combat Training scenarios to test the readiness As the morning sun rose over the moun- invested, answer any questions you may have
Squadron conducts Red Flag exercises to provide capabilities of U.S. military tains surrounding Nellis AFB, 5K run and provide you the opportunity to donate,
mission commanders, maintenance personnel, services and coalition forces. participants began with a slight warm-up if you should choose to do so.”
ground controllers, and air, space and cyber Air Force photograph by William R. Lewis before starting their AFAF Color Run. One The phrase “taking care of our own” drives
operators the opportunity to experience realis- Airman 1st Class Matthew Somuk, of those runners was Col. Todd Dyer, 57th this cause, but it can’t be done by just a few.
tic combat scenarios in preparation for future Tactical Aircraft Maintainer Wing commander, and his family. He led the Historically, the average Air Force base has
warfare. assigned to the 757th Aircraft start of the race with a few remarks about the had between a 9 and 30% participation rate,
Red Flag exercises strive to increase the in- Maintenance Squadron Viper AFAF and its importance. Dyer and his team are encouraging max
teroperability of U.S. and allied forces with the Aircraft Maintenance Unit, prepares “The Air Force Assistance Fund is what participation this year.
aim of creating agile problem-solvers with the to launch out an F-16 Fighting Falcon one may call a ‘by us, for us’ campaign, “I believe our Nellis community is more
ability to correct decision-making under incred- from the 64th Aggressor Squadron where four charities work to benefit Airmen, than capable of rising to the occasion,” said
ible pressure. during Red Flag 21-2 at Nellis Air Guardians and their families,” said Dyer. Dyer. “It is Chief Morgan’s and my hope that
“Red Flag Nellis 21-2 is an advanced coalition Force Base, Nev., Mar. 9, 2021. Those five charities are as follows: the everybody gives thoughtful consideration to
exercise with key Allies and coalition partners. Tactical Aircraft Maintainers, more Air Force Aid Society, the Air Force Vil- investing in each other by way of donating
Working together as integrated teams, they will commonly known as crew chiefs, lages Charitable Foundation, the Financial their time or earnings. You’d be surprised the
fight as a single, coherent team, forging partner- perform routine maintenance Support for Officer Widow, the Air Force difference every cent makes for an Airman
ships and cementing relationships we need for before and after flight to ensure Enlisted Village, and the General & Mrs. and/or Guardian in need.” Air Force photograph by Tech. Sgt. Alexandre Montes
future mission success,” said Col. William Reese, the aircraft remains mission ready. Curtis LeMay Foundation. For more information and how you can Col. Todd Dyer, 57th Wing commander, leads the participants of the Air Force
414th CTS commander. Some may confuse the AFAF with the assist your fellow wingman, contact your Assistance Fund 5K Color Run as they begin the kickoff of the fund campaign at
This iteration of Red Flag will host 2,500 U.S. Combined Federal Campaign. Though unit representative or visit www.afassis- Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., March 5, 2021. The AFAF was created to serve the Air
and international participants from a dozen states, they serve a similar purpose, the AFAF was and Space Force. It is an annual event that helps support several charities.
Singapore, Sweden and seven NATO member na-
tions. The 20th Fighter Wing from Shaw Air Force Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Zachary Rufus
Base, S.C., will take the lead wing position as nearly
100 aircraft, such as the F-35, F-16, EA-18G, B-1,
KC-135, AWACs, and HH-60 participate in com-
plex mission scenarios against aggressor forces.
“As the core wing, we are charged with ensur-
ing our U.S. and coalition units have the support
needed to safely train together in the challenging
threat scenarios that Red Flag is known for,” said Air Force photograph by William R. Lewis
Col. Robert T. Raymond, 20th Operations Group A U.S. Navy EA-18G Growler aircraft assigned to Electronic Attack
commander and RF 21-2 Air Expeditionary Wing Squadron 138 at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Wash., takes-
commander. off during Red Flag 21-2 at Nellis AFB, Nev., March 8, 2021. Red
The inclusion of coalition members on all levels Flag is the U.S. Air Force’s premier air-to-air combat training
at Red Flag serves to galvanize the warfighting exercise, which provides aircrews the experiences of multiple,
force and offers Shaw AFB and other U.S. Air intensive air combat sorties in the safety of a training environment.
Force members the opportunity to integrate with
its allies.
“Nellis is where we practice the advanced inte-
grated tactics needed to prevail in combat against
peer adversaries. We train like we will fight—as
joint and coalition forces,” said Raymond. This ex-
ercise will focus on advanced counter-air tactics, Air Force photograph by
dynamic air-to-ground targeting and real-time Airman 1st Class
Zachary Rufus
risk analysis for personnel recovery. Our ability An F-16 Fighting
to integrate, plan and debrief at Red Flag will be Falcon assigned to
instrumental to our success in the next fight.” the 64th Aggressor
To accelerate U.S and coalition forces’ un- Squadron prepares
derstanding of near peer adversary tactics, Red to land at Nellis Air
Flag will challenge participants with threats and Force Base, Nev.,
warfare specific to those adversaries. Mar. 9, 2021. The
“Red Flag-Nellis 21-2 is designed to meet the 64th Aggressor
Chief of Staff of the Air Force’s intent for his Squadron is a team
‘Accelerate Change or Lose’ action orders,” said of Airmen whose
Reese. “In our 46th year of execution and lever- primary mission is
aging all of our unique and common perspec- to fly against the
tives against shared threats, Red Flag continues combat air forces,
to develop agile combat leaders who can handle Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Dwane R. Young joint and allied
any changes and achieve mission success without An F-35A Lightning II fighter jet assigned to the 62nd Fighter Squadron, Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, aircrews preparing
exceeding acceptable risk levels. This is critical at lands for Red Flag 21-2 at Nellis AFB, Nev., March 4, 2021. The unit has highly-experienced coalition them for tomorrow’s
the tactical level for great power competition.” instructor pilots who will be in a unique position to mentor U.S. and coalition participants. engagements.