Page 1 - Desert Lightning News, So. AZ Edition, August 6, 2021
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Vol. 14, No. 8                 Serving Southern Arizona’s military community, including Davis-Monthan Air Force Base        August 2021
                       Look for expanded coverage in the digital edition of Desert Lightning News and on

               INSIDE                          55th ECG performs Elephant Walk

                                                        by Senior Airman
             StorIES                                   JACoB STepheNS

             Monsoon season prep, 2                     355th Wing Public Affairs
             Reservists earn top honors, 3      The 55th Electronic Combat Group
             Tactical ball cap, 4             performed a show-of-force readiness ex-
                                               ercise at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base,
             AF puts future plans for D-M     June 28.
              on hold, 5                         The 55th ECG, the group responsible
             15th AF command chief visit,     for operating and maintaining the Air
              6/7                              Force’s only airborne electronic attack
                                               platform, executed an elephant walk,
             New unit activated, 8            which is where aircraft taxi in mass
             755th OSS instructs future       formation, using all seven non-deployed
              force, 9                         EC-130H Compass Calls.
                                                 “The purpose is to showcase our sor-

                                                                                                                                        Senior Airman Blake Gonzales
                                                                                                                                 A pilot from the 55th Electron-
                                                                                                                                 ic Combat Group walks toward
                                                                                                                                 a U.S. Air Force EC-130H
                                                                                                                                 Compass Call on the flight
                                                                                                                                 line during a show-of-force
                                                                                                                                 readiness exercise at Davis-
                    Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens                                                                              Monthan Air Force Base, June
                 TacTical Ball cap                                                                                               28. The 55th ECG executed
                                  See Page 4                                                                                     this exercise using seven EC-
                                                                                                                                 130Hs that taxied, took off and
                                                                                                                                 performed simulated combat
                                                                                                                                 LEFT: A group of U.S. Air Force
                                                                                                                                 EC-130H Compass Calls sit on
             Continue to get Davis-Monthan                                                                                       the flight line during a show-of-
             Air Force Base latest news and                                                                                      force readiness exercise at Davis-
             information from these sources:                                                       Senior Airman Blake Gonzales   Monthan Air Force Base, June 28.
                 com/davis-monthanafb                          tie generation capability,” said  Capt.                                     LEFT: A U.S. Air
                    and social media           Charles Wilson, 43rd Electronic Combat                                                      Force EC-130H Com-
                   Desert Lightning News       Squadron pilot. “This emphasizes how we                                                     pass Call taxis down
                                               will dominate an increasingly contested                                                     the flight line during a
                Date of publication            electromagnetic spectrum now and in the                                                     show-of-force readi-
                  First Friday                 future. Today, we demonstrated that we                                                      ness exercise at Da-
                    of the month               can successfully employ this new concept                                                    vis-Monthan Air Force
                                               of operations and provide it to combatant                                                   Base, June 28. This
               Submission deadline             commanders.”                                                                                event showcased the
            15th day of the month                This proved a new mission commander                                                       55th Electronic Com-
            prior to date of publication       multi-ship operations syllabus, which is                                                    bat Group’s ability
                                               being developed to provide greater capa-
                                                                                                                                           to rapidly generate
                Veterans                       bility within the agile combat employ-                                                      multi-ship, combat-
                                               ment concept. This event also showcased
                                                                                                                                           ready sorties with any
                   Tell us Your Story          the group’s ability to rapidly generate                                                     of their aircraft, en-
             Active-duty, Reserve, Retirees    multi-ship, combat-ready sorties with                                                       suring quick reaction
            All military branches are included  any of their aircraft, ensuring quick reac-                                                and counter-com-
            Email name, phone number and a     tion, counter-communication and counter                                                     munication airpower
            brief description of your service to  radar airpower ready anywhere, anytime.                                                  is ready anywhere,
                                                                     See EcG, Page 10                             Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens   anytime.
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