Page 5 - Desert Lightning News, So. AZ Edition, August 6, 2021
P. 5

4  August 2021  Desert Lightning News  Desert Lightning News           August 2021                                                                      5                                        
 Tactical ball cap adds layer of protection for Airmen working the flightline  Air Force puts future basing plans for D-M on hold

 by Senior Airman    antennas on the A-10 (Thunderbolt   A U.S. Air Force A-10 Thun-
 JACoB T. STepheNS  II) that come to sharp points, which   derbolt II sits on the flight   by
 have led to multiple instances where   line at Davis-Monthan Air
 355th Wing Public Affairs   SeCReTARY oF The AIR FoRCe
 other maintainers have had cuts,   Force Base, July 8. Airmen
 Safety has been and remains a top   abrasions and even needed stitches,”   from the 355th Maintenance   Public Affairs
 priority for senior leaders through-  said Sgt. Dalton Musselman, 355th   Group are testing protective   wAShINGToN — The Department of the Air Force
 out the Air Force and Department of   AMXS avionics technician. “We are   headgear as a potential fu-  announced July 23 it is pausing plans related to aircraft
 Defense as it ensures that their most   testing these hats to ensure that   ture form of personal protec-
 valuable resource, their people, are   they will truly prevent injuries and   tive equipment for mainte-  basing decisions at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, and
 taken care of and able to execute the   do what they are designed to do. This   nance Airmen across the Air   Nellis AFB, Nevada, that are dependent upon the require-
 mission. The 355th Aircraft Mainte-  has the potential to be distributed   Force to ensure their safety   ment to retire 42 A-10 Thunderbolt IIs.
 nance Squadron is testing the next   Air Force wide to save the Air Force   as they execute the mission.   The announcement comes as the department awaits
 solution in creating a safer work   money and prevent personnel from   congressional action that will be reflected in fiscal year
 environment for maintenance troops.  getting injured.”  2022’s National Defense Authorization Act.
 The way the 355th AMXS is doing   The 355th AMXS is testing this   In support of modernization efforts, the Air Force an-
 this is “bump caps,” which are tacti-  equipment in conjunction with other   nounced June 30 its plans to establish a center of excellence
 cal ball caps with a protective lining   Air Force entities that will decide   for close air support and rescue missions at Davis-Monthan
 inside, that are a potential form of   if these are effective and should be   AFB by transferring the A-10 Thunderbolt II and HH-60
 personal protective equipment.  implemented across the force.  Pave Hawk weapons schools and test squadrons to the
 “The bump cap is a cap with a   “It is exciting to be a part of an ini-  RIGHT: Airmen per-  base beginning in fiscal year 2022 — a move contingent on
 plastic insert designed to add a level   tiative at the higher Air Force level,”   form an aircraft tow   congressional approval of President Biden’s budget request
 of protection to mitigate head injuries   Darius said. “This could be imple-  at Davis-Monthan   to retire 42 older A-10 aircraft.
 for Airmen working around the flight   mented at bases around the country   Air Force Base, July   In addition, the movement of these squadrons and
 line,” said Airman 1st Class Philippe   and across the world, which is an   8. Airmen from the   personnel from Nellis AFB would free additional range
 Darius, 355th AMXS A-10 Thunder-  awesome thing to be at the spearhead   355th Aircraft Main-  and base capacity necessary to test and train warfighters
 bolt II crew chief. “This allows us to   of. I’m really glad to see these steps   tenance Squadron   in fifth-generation aircraft and establish Nellis AFB as a   courtesy photo
 be more consistent in what we do   being taken to make the job better for   towed a U.S. Air   fifth-generation center of excellence.  U.S. Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt IIs executed exercise Agile Dragon at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, from May
 and not have to worry about head   our maintainers because it can be a   Force A-10 Thun-  According to Air Force officials, however, these plans are   21-27. A-10s from the 357th Fighter Squadron practiced agile combat employment concepts for pilots, maintain-
 injuries.”  rough, rugged job.”  derbolt II back to   on hold pending the outcome of congressional decisions in   ers and defenders during exercise Agile Dragon.
 Maintenance Airmen across the   The 355th AMXS testing this next   the flight line after   the FY-22 NDAA.
 force have sustained a variety of head   potential form of personal protec-  performing routine   The Department of the Air Force’s fiscal year 2022 budget   required to design and field the future force needed to meet   Thunderbolt Advanced Continuation Kitting wing replace-
 injuries, which the bump cap is being   tive equipment is just one part of an   maintenance, en-  request is seeking the retirement of 42 A-10 aircraft, 35 of   combatant commander requirements.  ment contract, which was awarded in August 2019, included
 tested to mitigate and eliminate by   on-going effort across the service to   suring the aircraft   which are at Davis-Monthan AFB. Pending congressional   Although the Air Force is seeking to retire 42 A-10s, the   the purchase of wings for 218 aircraft. The Air Force has
 creating safer operating procedures.  ensure the safety of the Air Force’s   stays able to ex-  approval, the funds made available from retiring these   service plans to modernize and keep 218 combat-capable   invested $880 million in A-10 re-winging and avionics
 “There are  several low-hanging   most valuable resource, its Airmen.   ecute its mission.   Photos by Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens   older A-10s would create the fiscal and manpower flexibility   A-10s within the fighter fleet into the 2030s. The A-10   modernization efforts.

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