Page 9 - Desert Lightning News, So. AZ Edition, August 6, 2021
P. 9

8  August 2021  Desert Lightning News  Desert Lightning News           August 2021                                                                      9                                        

 New unit activated at Davis-Monthan  755th OSS instructs future of Air, Space Forces

 355th Munitions Squadron  by 2nd Lt.             mented is opening up the doors so the larger

                                                  intelligence community can travel here to
                    ALvIN NeLSoN
                                                  learn more about non-kinetics,” Strenke said.
                    355th Wing Public Affairs
                                                   One of Davis-Monthan’s few Guardians,
 by Senior Airman    primary duty of maintaining the highest   The 755th Operations Support Squadron   Spc. 4 Alexander Singleton, 55th ECG U.S.
 JACoB T. STepheNS  state of wartime readiness,” Kelley said.   hosted Air Combat Command’s Intelligence   Air Force EC-130H Compass Call intelligence
 “The activation will streamline our ef-  Non-Kinetic Course at Davis-Monthan Air   analyst, graduated from the inaugural course
 355th Wing Public Affairs
 forts to support the 355th Wing and other   Force Base, June 14 -18.  in March, gaining skills that will help him in
 The 355th Munitions Squadron was   mission partners in providing improved   The innovative course provides a core   his career.
 activated at Davis-Monthan Air Force   support to agile combat employment con-  concept baseline for information warfare,   “This course is definitely going to give me
 Base, July 1.  cepts. The activation and advancement   which familiarizes intelligence analysts with   a step up because I already have a basic un-
 Maj. Jonathan Tolman assumed com-  of the munitions flight to a squadron   non-kinetic touchpoints for potential integra-  derstanding of non-kinetics, which is what the
 mand of the 355th MUNS during the   underscores the criticality of the muni-  tion throughout ACC and the intelligence   Space Force is doing,” Singleton said. “This
 squadron activation ceremony.  tions supply in a near-peer fight.”  community.  will allow me to teach these tactics to analysts
 “The munitions squadron’s mission   By activating the 355th MUNS, the   “Previously, there was no established deep   at other stations, so that they can better guide
 is to enable the 355th Wing’s mission   355th  Wing is continuing to build an   dive into non-kinetics and all that the domain   what they’re looking into and have a better
 by providing superior command and   unprecedented level of high-end readi-  entails both from a planning and targeting   understanding of the overall mission.”
 control; administration and manage-  ness by further empowering Airmen to   perspective,” said 1st Lt. Heather Strenke,   As the Air Force and Space Force develop
 ment of training, resources, and pro-  train and perfect their crafts to enable   41st Electronic Squadron intelligence officer.   the future of electronic warfare, this course
 grams; and the control, accountability,   the rescue, attack and other missions   Photos by Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens   “The Non-Kinetic Course really has helped   provides the intelligence community with a
 storage, receipt, shipment, inspection,   they support.  Col. Marc Walker, 355th Mainte-  build an umbrella to help understand how   strong foundation to build on.
 maintenance, assembly, flight line de-  nance Group commander, and   different unit-level missions support the 16th   “The next-generation’s fight will involve
 livery, armament systems and limited   Maj. Jonathan Tolman, 355th   Air Force mission to integrate multi-source   non-kinetic means more than they are em-
 disposition of munitions and associated   RIGHT: Tolman renders a salute during   Munitions Squadron commander,   intelligence, surveillance and reconnais-  ployed today,” said Tech. Sgt. Alexander Tonic,
 components,” said Master Sgt. Aaron Kel-  the 355th MUNS activation and assump-  unveil a guidon during the 355th   sance, cyber warfare, electronic warfare and   55th ECG Intelligence Flight chief. “Our ad-
 ley, 355th MUNS Munitions Operations   tion of command ceremony at Davis-  MUNS activation and assumption   information.”  versaries are evolving and learning to utilize
 section chief.  Monthan Air Force Base, July 1. The   of command ceremony at Davis-  Experienced subject matter experts from   this capability, why shouldn’t we?”
 This activation will allow munitions,   355th Wing is continuing to build an un-  Monthan Air Force Base, July 1.   the 55th Electronic Combat Group helped   The 755th OSS is making strides in fol-  2nd Lt. Alvin Nelson
 armament and other support Airmen to   precedented level of high-end readiness   This activation will allow muni-  develop the course materials from the ground   lowing Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles   Maj. William Kelley, 55th Electronic Combat Group intelligence officer, presents
 be further enabled to best execute the   by further empowering Airmen to train   tions, armament and other sup-  up. The first iteration of the course was held   Q. Brown’s action order to accelerate change   a certificate to Spc. 4 Alexander Singleton, 55th ECG EC-130H Compass Call
 missions with which the are tasked.  and perfect their crafts to enable the   port Airmen to be further enabled   in March, and now, the course is expanding   by innovating their approach to non-kinetic   intelligence analyst, at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, June 24. Singleton was
 “With the 355th MUNS having our own   rescue, attack and other missions they   to best execute the missions with   its reach.  warfare, ensuring the Air Force’s readiness   one of the first participants to go through Air Combat Command’s Intelligence
 mission, we can be laser focused on our   support.  which they are tasked.  “The biggest change that has been imple-  for tomorrow’s fight.  Non-Kinetic Course.

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