Page 3 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, February 19, 2021
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2 February 19, 2021 Commentary Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa news February 19, 2021 3
Filling the ‘White Space’ Simon Sinek visits Nellis AFB
by Lt. Col. Monica Gramling life when you solved a complicated problem, time to reflect and learn from events and In Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of
Scott AFB, Ill. made a pivotal decision, developed a bril- interactions deeper than the information Less, Greg McKeown warns: “If you don’t
liant idea, found connection with another needed for an after action report? prioritize your life, someone else will.”
During performance report and awards person, or synergy within a group. Were Quiet times of reflection are crucial to The next time you are staring at two emp-
writing season, I often hear “get rid of the you running from one meeting to get to innovation and creativity. Our Chief of Staff ty white spaces at the end of a performance
white space,” in reference to the gap at the another meeting? Were you scrolling social of the Air Force, General Charles Q. Brown, report bullet, resist the urge to immediately
end of a bullet statement on the forms. media on your phone? Were you responding has charged us to “accelerate change or lose” fill it with exclamation points; step away
There is an unwritten rule that in military to emails? Probably not! and to “empower our incredible Airmen to from the keyboard. Take the time to engage
performance reports and awards; white For me the best solutions, decisions, solve any problem.” I assert it is of utmost the Airman you are writing about or take a
space symbolizes missed opportunities or ideas, and connections develop when I am importance to provide white space in your walk by yourself to reflect. You may come
decreased performance. Lately, I feel like the reflecting either by myself or with others, day, to allow ideas and solutions to be de- back to your desk with a more creative way
same concept has been applied to calendars when I am taking time to listen with no veloped in response to the CSAF’s charge. to drive home the impact of your airman’s
as well. In the Outlook calendar system, a agenda, when I am not in a rush to move on In today’s world of telework, I have seen accomplishment or a stronger connection
time slot without an appointment or meet- to the next event. When I am at gatherings many people (myself included) manage to to your team. In this case, white space on
ing shows as a “white space” on the screen or that do not have PowerPoint slideshows, attend two virtual meetings at one time your calendar could help fill white space on
printout. Whenever I see even a tiny sliver of talking points, or meeting invites, but have or finish a virtual meeting while physi- a performance report. Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Bailee A. Darbasie
white space on my calendar, I get surprised open discussion and judgment-free reflec- cally sitting in an unrelated meeting. This I challenge you to open up time for your- Simon Sinek, author and inspirational speaker, takes a photo of aircraft
and then happy. These tiny slivers of time tion on thoughts. brings a whole new meaning to the term self and your Airmen to do “nothing.” It may on the flight line at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Feb. 8, 2021. Team Nellis
allow for self-reflections and the creation of All of the Air Force’s “Airman Com- “double booked.” Being busy to the point create unimaginable solutions, decisions, welcomed Simon Sinek to the base to showcase its mission. Sinek is an
tomorrow’s unimagined opportunity. prehensive assessment worksheets” have a of being ineffective should not be a badge of ideas, and connections which will support author and motivational speaker who has shared his professional ideas
I argue calendars should not be like section on “self” and a question asks if the honor. White space in our calendars needs the Air Force efforts to accelerate change or Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Bailee A. Darbasie with the senior-most leaders of the United States Air Force. Brig. Gen.
awards bullets. White space on a calendar ratee “understands the importance of set- to be prioritized and respected in order to lose. If we want our Air Force to be more in- Lt. Col. Bryon McGarry, 57th Wing public affairs officer, greets Simon Sinek, author and inspirational Michael Drowley, 57th Wing commander, brought Sinek around base
IS important. It doesn’t mean you aren’t ting time aside to assess self.” I am guessing encourage creative and innovative connec- novative, we must make time for white space. speaker, as he arrives for a tour of Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Feb. 8, 2021. Sinek met with leaders at to witness the base’s warrior Airmen in action and to inspire leaders
busy enough, it doesn’t mean you need to everyone answers “yes, understands” when tions. Be intentional about blocking time off If my point hasn’t come across by now, Nellis to discuss diversity and inclusion. to value diversity of perspective.
take on another project or additional duty to they are filling out this form. But do we for “white space activities” so the time will just know I was in another meeting while
fill the time. Think about the times in your understand? Do we do it? Do we carve out not get filled or overrun with other events. writing this article ....
57th Wing personnel, teams recognized for superior performance
ascending to spiritually mature leadership Master Sgt. Shannon Hawkins, Master
by Christie Vanover
Nellis AFB, Nev. Sgt. Bryan Kelley, Master Sgt. Rickey
Kelly, Master Sgt. Janet Liliu, Master
by Capt. Michael Hofer The second tier up the leadership foun- a great start, but true maturity manifests Flattening the fountain model and adding Leaders from the 57th Wing recog- Sgt. Tony Rodriguez, Master Sgt. Todd
Lajes Field, Portugal tain prioritizes actions over things. itself in daily interactions, impromptu a circle makes the adaptation more clear. nized Unit Effectiveness Inspection supe- Swanson, Tech. Sgt. Alfredo Caballero,
“A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is situations and unforeseen circumstances. Engaging the ‘why,’ a leader appreciates rior performers and Noncommissioned Tech. Sgt. Adam Willis, Staff Sgt. Labri-
Imagine for a moment a four-tiered foun- not what ships are made for,” wrote John A. Taskers, deadlines and regulations are part that “the main thing is to keep the main Officer Academy distinguished graduates ana Burton, Staff Sgt. Jairo Villa, Senior
tain. The bottom basin is broad, but shallow, Shedd in “Salt from my Attic.” and parcel of leadership roles, but cutting thing the main thing.” At the heart of every in a ceremony at Freedom Park at Nellis Airman Dylan Murakami and Senior
and each next higher level of the fountain gets Bracketing the power of symbols for team members down for the attainment organization are the values that enliven Air Force Base, Nev., Feb. 9, 2021. Airman Chase Robbins.
progressively narrower, but deeper, until the a moment, the value of objects is in their of a thing or haranguing them for a failed it—the inviolable things to which leaders Upon completion of the Air Combat Superior teams recognized included
narrowest and deepest tier at the top of the usefulness and the mature leader recognizes action following innovative protocols gets hold themselves and their collaborators Command Inspector General inspection, 57th Maintenance Group Quality Assur-
fountain. that using a thing risks the investment. noticed. Followers are incredibly percep- accountable. In effecting and articulating the 57th Wing was graded highly effec- ance, 57th Munitions Squadron Control
Representing stages of spiritual maturity, Planes are meant to fly, infrastructure is tive — especially when it becomes the rule these values, the leader fosters the com- tive in executing its mission, and many Section, 57th Operations Support Squad-
each next tier up the fountain represents a meant to be occupied and funding is meant instead of the exception. munal narrative. The more compelling the individuals and teams were graded as ron HARM, 57th Wing Public Affairs
thorough re-appraisal of values and a trans- to be spent. Risk is to be managed rather The fourth tier and true source of the story, the more energy that spills over to the superior performers. and Thunderbird Public Affairs.
formational shift of perspective. than avoided because not using a thing fountain is yet higher than humans. Teem- ‘who’ — real people with impressive com- “Your efforts over the past few months
In this paradigm, the least effective leader to protect it is the biggest waste of all. A ing with spiritual energy, this basin is where petencies and realistic limitations. Bringing During the ceremony, Jamieson and
at the lowest tier emphasizes the value of mate- baseline grasp of this tier is fundamental leaders engage with their deepest principles. the ‘why’ into dialogue with the ‘who,’ the as we ramped up to the Capstone Inspec- Villarreal also presented NCOA Distin-
rial objects. Not altogether wrong, this leader to leadership; a person afraid to risk objects The Air Force values of integrity, service, team formulates the ‘how’. A sensitivity to tion paid huge dividends — and our IG guished Graduate honors to Tech. Sgt.
sees their position as a caretaker of things. A is not the leader, whether or not they are in and excellence in all we do exist here, as do ‘how’ is foundational to leadership — mo- did an incredible job creating the road- Antoine Degracia, Tech. Sgt. Daniel
leader at this tier sees their job as a steward of charge. personal values. For theists, this dialogue is tivating people to contribute earnestly to a map to success. This led the IG team to Moore and Tech. Sgt. Thomas Velezojeda.
assets; optimizing investments and mitigating Leaders at the third tier of spiritual prayer. Leaders operating at this level live in particular goal. Finally, the ‘what’: this is recognize 13 superior performers and “You obviously did extremely well,”
losses. Whatever else is true, a person who maturity recognize that humans are cat- conversation with the fountain’s source and where performance metrics capture how five superior performing teams,” said said Jamieson. “Now the key is to take
does not take this responsibility seriously egorically more valuable than the activi- it is here that their relationships, activities much water is making it to the lowest level. 57th Wing Commander Brig. Gen Mi- that information you learned and bring
would be quickly dismissed. Frivolity and ties and objects of the lower tiers, which is and objects find renewal. Though the easiest to quantify, the levers chael Drowley. it back here to the 57th and continue to Air Force photograph by Tech. Sgt. Alexandre Montes
waste are hardly the qualities of maturity, but reflected in the depth of the basin. Leaders Borrowing from Simon Sinek’s para- that influence it are not always obvious. During the ceremony 57th Wing Vice make us better.” 57th Wing Vice Commander Col. Kevin Jamieson presents the 57th Operations Support
neither is an exaggerated valuation of things. who articulate this hierarchical valuation digm in “Start with Why,” this top basin ____ Commander Col. Kevin Jamieson and “There’s nothing more humbling that Squadron Host Aviation Resource Management flight (HARM) a certificate for superior
Objects, after all, are meant to be used. of people, activities, and things are off to represents the ‘why’ of the organization. See leAdership, on Page 3 Command Chief Master Sgt. Raul Villar- being part of a team,” Villarreal added. performance alongside 57th Wing Command Chief Master Sgt. Raul Villarreal, Jr. at Nellis
real, Jr., recognized the following supe- “We are good because of men and women Air Force Base, Nev., Feb. 9, 2021. The team was graded superior during a recent Unit
rior performers: Maj. Richard Durstein, just like you.” Effectiveness Inspection.
Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and For all submissions, a name and phone number
published by Aerotech News and Review, a private Review of the products or services advertised. of a person to contact must be included in the event
firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force. Everything advertised in the publication shall be questions arise. leAdership, from Page 2 ______ contribute to the very heart of the orga- a reticence to contribute and eventually times reveal the mature among us, for it is
Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition made available for purchase and use of patronage All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity
Desert Lightning News Staff are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national and conformity to the AP Style Guide, to include nization. Done well, feedback emphasizes in mission execution. The differences can precisely on such occasions that spiritual
Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government, origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political military ranks and proper writing etiquette. Returning to the fountain paradigm, the value of people above their usefulness be striking: whereas less mature leaders women and men embolden their collabo-
Stuart Ibberson, Editor the Department of Defense or the Department of the affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the Corrections: Desert Lightning News staff perhaps the clearest expression of flow- and personalizes overarching principles. grumble when the lower and shallower rators to surpass them. This is leadership
Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout members strive for accurac y each week .
Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales Air Force. purchaser, user or patron. If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert ing water is the domain of constructive Done poorly (or not at all), the tax that basins dry up, spiritually mature leaders in its finest moments — investing in the
The appearance of advertising in this publication, The deadline for submissions to Desert Lightning News staff at 334-718-3509, or e-mail feedback. Bringing people into dialogue organizations pay for spiritual immaturity focus on the water’s source to replenish next generation and pushing them to new
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