Page 7 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, February 19, 2021
P. 7

6   February 19, 2021  news  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                                          February 19, 2021    7           

 Red Flag 21-1 integrates space, cyberspace for joint all-domain operations training  Your Valley › YOUR CARE

                    THE V ALLEY HEAL TH S Y S TEM
 by 2nd Lt. Nicolle Mathison  sary data networks affecting   electronic warfare fires from  ficer course to get them spun up
 Nellis AFB, Nev.  that network’s ability to pass   ground and airborne assets  on what their roles will entail,”
 data or function properly,” said   paired together with offensive  said Taylor. “In addition to that,
 The development of in-the-  Capt. Kaylee Taylor, the chief   cyber fires.  the Nellis team puts on Mission
 ater command and control  of Non-Kinetic Integration at   “To prepare the blue force to  Commander Academics, which
 mechanisms and training ex-  the 414th Combat Training   engage in Red Flag, upon arrival   _
 ercises like Red Flag 21-1 will  Squadron.  they attend non-kinetic duty of-  See red flAg, on Page 8  Welcome to the Birthplace
 enable future deployment of   “What my job entails is co-
 space assets.  ordinating blue, red and white
 This iteration of Red Flag  space and cyber integration for   at Centennial Hills Hospital …
 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.,  Red Flag and other key exercises
 has been engineered to provide  at Nellis Air Force Base,” she
 consistent and realistic training  added. “I am also the only USSF   now open in
 to include space and cyberspace  member in my unit, so I act as
 as mediums for organizational  a type of ad hoc USSF liaison
 learning to take place at the  officer.”  our new
 same level as air operations.  The integration of non-kinet-
 Air Force photograph by     Space unit participants in-  ics in the mission planning cycle
 Senior Airman Dylan Murakami  Patient Tower
 U.S. Space Force Capt. Kaylee   clude blue, red and white players  has a direct positive impact to   Air Force photographs by Airman 1st Class Dwane R. Young
 Taylor, chief of non-kinetic   from the United States Space  the lethality and survivability   LEFT: Maj Scott Hollister, 26th Space Aggressor Squadron (SAS) flight
 integration at the 414th Combat   Force, United States Army Space  of the air package and, ulti-  commander, poses for a photo at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Feb.
 Training Squadron, poses for a   and Missile Defense Command  mately, the success of any mis-  2, 2021. The 26th SAS uses Global Positioning System and satellite
 photo at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.,   and allied nations’ combat air  sion planned against a capable   communications techniques to provide the Air Force and joint coalition   Having a baby is one of life’s
 Feb. 4, 2021. Taylor coordinates   forces.  adversary.  forces with an understanding of enemy threats and how to recognize,   most special moments. As you
 space and cyber integration for   “For Red Flag 21-1, we’ve   Blue forces act as the non-  counter and defeat them.
 Nellis’ exercises. Red Flag 21-1 has  employed space electronic war-  kinetic functional team leads,   await your new arrival, Centennial
 seen the implementation of space  fare capabilities that support  providing non-kinetic planning   RIGHT: Maj. Jason Brasseau, 26th Space Aggressor Squadron (SAS) flight   Hills Hospital is here for you with a
 electronic warfare capabilities  full-spectrum national security  integration into the mission   commander, poses for a photo at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Feb. 2, 2021.   brand-new Birthplace and a caring staff
 and offensive cyber capabilities  objectives, along with offensive  planning cycle. Non-kinet-  The 26th SAS mission is to replicate enemy threats to space-based and
 across adversary data networks.   cyber capabilities across adver-  ics refers to a combination of   space-enabled systems during tests and training exercises.   dedicated to your baby’s healthy and safe
                    delivery. All of our private maternity suites are
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                       Our Birthplace has an obstetrician

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                       intensive care unit, secure NICVIEW
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                   Physicians are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Centennial Hills Hospital Medical Center. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians.
                   For language assistance, disability accommodations and the non-discrimination notice, visit our website.  210183-8361  1/21
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