Page 3 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis AFB - Creech AFB Edition, February 18, 2022
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2 February 18, 2022 Commentary Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa news February 18, 2022 3
Our common purpose Zero talent skills Air Force announces Spark Tank ’22 finalists: List includes Nellis AFB major
by Stuart Ibberson
risk-taking as opportunities to rapidly the Aerial Tow Rehookup solution is Chief of Staff’s Action Order – Airmen
editor small teams and prizing measured designs to fit within the mothership, based learning. It addresses the Air Force
by Lt. Col. Andrew Norton This belief in a shared purpose national agreements, orders from learn and adapt. These principles apply to tow aircraft behind the mothership. to transform the way we deliberately
Scott AFB, Ill. worthy of self-sacrifice is what higher headquarters, and other by William Neitzke As the Department of the Air Force’s equally to operations and day-to-day This opens up the design space for professionally grow our Airmen and
fuels the 375th Air Mobility Wing authorities. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Spark Tank program enters its fifth tasks. The United States Space Force aerial recharging of electronic vertical Guardians, by building better Airmen
Why is it that every car mov- to be Combat Ready ... Showcase • Ensuring Scott Air Force Base year, it is again poised to highlight the must draw upon these traits to relent- take-off and landing, supersonic tow- and Guardians on Air Force founda-
ing slower than I want to drive is Worthy. And it drives the Scott facilities are operated in a way to Several years ago I had a short but interesting creative and innovative spirit amongst lessly advance military space power for ing of various platforms, and towing tional competencies and core values.
“holding up traffic,” while any car Air Force Base legal team’s vision advance sustainable operations and conversation at my group commander’s change-of- our Airmen and Guardians. the nation.” stealth assets to the frontlines of highly
driving faster than me is a “reckless to solve problems, protect the Air conserve the local environment. command and retirement ceremony. The Air and Space Force vice chiefs, “Spark Tank presents each Airman contested environments. This could Custom Facemasks for Fighter Pilots
maniac?” Force, and defend the Constitution. • Investigating and adjudicating As with all ceremonies, this one took an entire along with other senior leaders across and Guardian with the opportunity to provide Intelligence, Surveillance and and Beyond
When referees make a call going After all, it is the Constitution’s claims for monetary compensation, team of Airmen to plan and execute the events. both services, selected six ideas to leave a mark of excellence on our core Reconnaissance assets to loiter over Maj. Ryan Sheridan
against a rival sports team, they memorable Preamble that frames such as damage to private vehicles After the ceremony, one of the colonel’s brothers, advance. competencies through an improvement enemy territory longer and spend less 10th Air Base Wing
are clearly making the right call, our common purpose: “We the caused by Government operations whom I’d met earlier and spoken to a few times The finals will be held at the Air or innovation born of their subject time during ingress and egress. USAFA, Colo.
but when the call goes against my People of the United States, in or- or certain severe weather events. during the preceding days approached me. Force Association’s Aerospace Warfare matter expertise and ingenuity,” said United States Air Force Academy
team they are blind and biased?! der to form a more perfect Union, • Monitoring drug testing pro- He was a business man who’d had little interac- Symposium as senior leaders decide Brou Gautier, Spark Tank director. “It F-22 Project FoX (Fighter Optimization Are our pilots struggling with oxygen
Why is anyone who challenges my establish justice, insure domestic gram operations, to ensure our tion with the military during his life. He comple- who will be declared winner of Spark also affords us occasion to celebrate Experiment) masks that don’t fit? Where is the line be-
opinions a fool, while those who tranquility, provide for the com- force is ready to fight while pro- mented everyone for the impressive events and then Tank ‘22 and take possession of the those risk-takers, idea makers and in- Maj. Allen Black tween “fit” and “comfort”? We have the
affirm me are brilliant? mon defense, promote the general tecting the individual rights and asked me, “Where did you find such high-quality coveted 3D printed Spark Tank trophy. trapreneurs who refused to accept the 412th Test Wing capability, but not the capacity to solve
This is known as the funda- welfare, and secure the blessings of privacy of military and civilian young men and women?” Maj. Giselle Reischick of the 99th status quo and developed solutions that Edwards AFB, Calif. a problem that many warfighters suffer
mental attribution error–we tend liberty to ourselves and our poster- Airmen in the process. “Well those are just the Airmen from our group, Medical group, is one of the six fi- advance our capabilities or improve Air Force Materiel Command with in silence. Advanced 3D imaging,
to give ourselves the benefit of the ity, do ordain and establish this • Advising on what Govern- it’s what they do,” I replied. nalists for her idea to use unmanned our return on investment in order to The F-22 Raptor was recently up- local design, and rapid prototyping will
doubt, but we won’t do that for Constitution for the United States ment records may be released to The visitor went on to ask, “No really, where do aerial vehicles to get blood products to inspire more of the same.” graded with an Open Systems Ar- utilize a robust network infrastructure
others. When it comes to someone of America.” the public, such as official records you find them? I wish I could attract employees with injured troops. Co-produced by the Office of the chitecture Rack (OSA) which opens to align civilian partnerships to support
else’s mistake, we see the obvious Every day, our team of JAGs, requested under the Freedom of half the talent yours have.” He went on to talk about “Last year alone, CENTCOM prepo- Deputy Under Secretary of the Air the door to revolutionize the way in the diverse facial features of our pilots
correlative relationship between paralegals, and Civilian Airmen — Information Act, to balance indi- how they were polite to everyone, well dressed, neat sitioned $3.1 million worth of blood Force, Management Rich Lombardi, which F-22 mission systems are de- with customized masks to optimize the
that person and the problem, with- active duty and Reserve—help our vidual privacy rights and the Air looking, knew their tasks for the ceremony and products ‘just in case’ they were need- and AFWERX, this annual event is veloped and acquired. Project FoX, or human weapon system.
out considering the surrounding leadership, Airmen, and mission Force’s need to conduct sensitive executed them well, and were just impressive young ed,” said Reischick. “We only ended up designed to unleash our total force the Fighter Optimization Experiment,
circumstances. When it comes partners solve problems spanning operations against the American men and women all the way around. I replied, “Oh, transfusing $287,000 wrth. innovation capacity, reflecting leader- provides a transformative way to accel- Project Arcwater
to our own mistakes, we are fully the expansive Team Scott mission people’s right to know what their we teach them those skills early at basic training. “Why do we have this huge logistical ship’s continued efforts to empower erate the delivery of new software capa- Senior Master Sgt. Brent Kenney and
aware of all the factors outside of set, including: Government is doing. We set expectations and they meet them. They’re footprint and waste rate,” she contin- intrapreneurs, celebrate their problem- bilities to the aircraft while decreasing Tech Sgt. Matthew Connelly
our control – and the full context • Educating Team Scott per- • Assisting Airmen, dependents, all like that, not just the few you met.” The visitor ued. “There’s a capability gap and we solving skills and give them a stage to the cost by taking a tablet connected 52nd Fighter Wing
of the situation — that led to our sonnel on ethics and standards of and retirees with personal civil was genuinely surprised at my answer. cannot deliver blood products alone. share their ideas with fellow service to a government interface that puts the Spangdahlem AB, Germany
actions. So yeah, it makes sense conduct to safeguard the American legal needs, such as counseling on I’ve thought about this interaction many times We depend on other people and their members, the Department’s senior aircraft data into a common format. United States Air Forces in Europe —
that we are all seeing the world people’s trust in the Air Force as an and preparing wills, powers of at- in the years since and each time it reinforces some- schedules.” leaders, and the world. Only the top 3 This allows the aircraft to have some Air Forces Africa
through a self-centered lens. institution of Integrity committed torney, and healthcare documents. thing for me. According to Reischick, there are percent of ideas submitted to the Spark of the best applications downloaded Water and power are nonnegotiable
As United States Airmen, we to defending their way of life— in • Advising on constitutional, All of our Airmen, whether officer, enlisted, or ci- several U.S. autonomous unmanned Tank campaign were selected to com- that are portable across platforms and when standing up a forward operating
must reject that selfish mentality. other words – we do not use our Congressional, and regulatory au- vilian, have skills we often take for granted because aerial vehicles or drones that can pro- pete as finalists. provide real test, training, and tactical location. But it’s not easy to get fuel and
We embrace the Air Force’s core public office for private gain. thorities as our leaders guide our they are almost second nature but really are unique vide a solution. benefits. water on location. What if we could
value of “service before self.” We • Guiding Commanders, Super- community through important and sought after by industry. Recently I’ve seen “What this means to me is that I Spark Tank 2022 Finalists: generate from thin air? Project Arcwater
are propelled by love for our coun- visors, First Sergeants, and other but sensitive topics such as inclu- those same skills pop up on social media under lists can provide 5-15 members with much DAGGER: Developing Airmen and is an agile combat employment system
try, our communities, our families leaders to enforce standards in a sion and diversity, racial equality, like “Business Skills That Take Zero Talent.” These needed blood and save lives” she said. Blood Delivery by UAV Guardians with Games for Enhanced that aims to significantly decrease the
and each other. We recognize that manner that is fair and trustworthy. and COVID-19 health protection lists suggest skills like go to the meeting prepared, This capability is already being used Maj. Giselle Rieschick Readiness logistics of transporting water and
our teammates are strong where We advise on disciplinary issues measures. wear appropriate clothes to the event, be respectful, on a smaller scale in the U.S. healthcare 99th Medical Support Squadron Matthew Correia energy needs at off-the-grid locations
we may be weak, and we cultivate ranging from administrative coun- • And many more engagements arrive on time, work hard, improve yourself, be a sector. Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Eaker Center through solar panels, a water harvester,
hearts that understand and en- seling to law enforcement inves- across the installation. productive team member and do extra — to name a As the Department’s flagship inno- Air Combat Command Maxwell AFB, Ala. and AC/heating tool, creating 26 gallons
courage what each of us can con- tigations, and prosecute criminal Our national security depends few. Every time I see one of those lists I think, yeah vation event, Spark Tank plays a central Time is a critical aspect in combat Air Education and Training Command of potable water out of thin air.
tribute to our common purpose. offenses — drug abuse, larceny, on a disciplined and ready force. those are good life skills and the Air Force teaches role in establishing the Department’s casualty care. The sooner a combat casu- DAGGER: Developing Airmen and Spark Tank 2022 will be hosted on
As our Chief of Staff General C.Q. domestic violence, and rape–in At JA, our primary purpose is to them to each Airman who walks through the door. strategic mindset for delivering future alty receives definitive care, particularly Guardians with Games for Enhanced March 4, 2022, by the Air Force Associa-
Brown, Jr. so powerfully showed courts-martial. advise commanders and help Air- I recently saw another social media headline capabilities. In his 2020 whitepaper within the “golden hour” after injury, the Readiness is the application of sound, tion at the 2022 Air Warfare Symposium
us: “When I’m flying, I put my • Validating contracts and men. Period. We strive to see the saying those lists are actually a myth and the skills titled “Accelerate Change or Lose,” Air better the chance of survival. The timely proven educational practices with game- in Orlando, Fla.
helmet on, my visor down, my spending, to ensure funds pro- whole picture and give advice that listed really do take talent. It made me reconsider Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, availability of blood products within the
mask up. You don’t know who I am vided by American taxpayers are will help us all reach a common my previous thoughts. Those really are pretty easy Jr. said, “The United States needs an “golden hour” is essential to saving lives.
— whether I’m African American, spent appropriately and ethically goal — a Wing postured to execute things to do, I’m not sure they take much talent, and Air Force that can fly, fight, and win Recent advancements in the medical use
Asian American, Hispanic, White, to advance American air and space global rapid mobility as we fly, fight, it seems like anyone could do them if they wanted. in the air domain as a member of the of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), — NOTICE —
male or female. You just know I’m power. and win in our common purpose to Then I realized a few things. First, not every Air- joint team. In recent years, faced with commonly known as drones, highlight
an American Airman, kicking • Empowering operators to ex- defend the United States’ national _________________ See SkillS, on Page 4 lesser adversaries, we have taken air the increased efficiency and reduced
your butt.” ecute missions pursuant to inter- security. superiority for granted, and it is easy to costs across a number of uses including
forget that the joint force loses without blood delivery. Combat Arms Firing Range
access to the air and the ability to deny
that access to our enemies.” Aerial Tow Rehookup — Novel Range
Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and For all submissions, a name and phone number
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