Page 8 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis AFB - Creech AFB Edition, February 18, 2022
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8 February 18, 2022 news Desert lightning news s. nevaDa
Space Fence Program receives cybersecurity assessment from 14th Test Squadron
by Staff Sgt. Paige Yenke tional tests of Space Systems, including assessment yet. Space Fence reached ‘An innovative team of Reserve Citizen
Nellis AFB, Nev. cybersecurity assessments. out for the inspection in August 2020, Airmen creating solutions for all OT&E
The 14th TS cybersecurity assessment and were provided a report by the end challenges.’”
The 926th Wing’s 14th Test Squadron repertoire consists of Cybersecurity of October. By completing the test remotely, it al-
based at Schriever Space Force Base, Management Assessments and Cyber- “This was a great opportunity to lowed 14th TS to overcome the challenges
Colo., has performed a cybersecurity security Vulnerability Risk Assessments showcase our capabilities, as we were presented by a world-wide pandemic,
assessment to validate the cybersecurity during Operational Test and Evaluation able to develop a test plan based on the while providing a solution to other hur-
posture of the Space Fence program prior of Space systems. During the assess- system architecture, generate scripts to dles and variables that normally cause
to an inspection. ments, everything from daily operations capture the data, analyze the data and test schedules to slip.
Space Fence System is an advanced and processes, to the system’s hardware deliver a report in less than 90 days,” “These slips create a moving target
radar based out of the Republic of Mar- and software configurations are ana- said Quinton. for our Traditional Reservists, which
shall Islands that helps provide uncued lyzed. Due to the success of the cybersecurity leads to missed opportunities for USSF
detection, tracking and accurate mea- “After we assess all of the technical assessment, and the evolving nature of to leverage their expertise, and the op-
surement of space objects, including and non-technical data and findings, the workforce, 14th TS continues to uti- portunity for TRs to contribute,” Harris
satellites and orbital debris, primarily in we determine and assign a risk rating to lize remote cyber testing when it makes said. “This type of test eliminates travel
low-earth orbit. each finding,” said Lt Col Richard Quin- sense to do so. to test locations and budgets that are
Their capabilities address shortfalls ton, 14th TS director of operations. “We Lt Col Heather Harris, 14th TS com- constantly at risk.”
in Space Situational Awareness support then provide the customer with a report mander, stated that 14th TS strives to be “Overall, this effort validated the 14th
to the Department of Defense, civil and including actionable results that they the best choice for United States Space TS claim as the best choice for OT&E of
commercial agencies, along with United can use to prioritize and address security Force when it comes to OT&E of cyber cyber elements on USSF space systems,
States allies. risks we identified in their systems.” components of space programs, and the allows more traditional reserve partici-
The program’s goal is to provide the This cybersecurity assessment proved successful execution of this test set pre- pation, and produces a better result for
space surveillance capability necessary to be a test of their abilities to remotely cedence in two areas. all stakeholders,” said Harris.
to achieve enhanced SSA. perform their assessments for the first “Successfully executing this complex Dennis Robichaud, Space Fence Sys-
In August 2020, Space Fence began time, due to COVID challenges and test with an entire Reserve force supports tems Engineering, Integration and Test
looking for an unbiased, third party to travel restrictions. our claim as the preeminent cyber test lead, expressed gratitude towards the
look into and analyze where their system Although these assessments normally unit for United States Space Force,” she 14th TS for their report.
stood in regards to processes and secu- take five months from initial planning said. “Second, the successful execution of “If it weren’t for the AFRC’s efforts,
rity. 14th TS answered the call. to reporting, performing them remotely this test through entirely virtual means Space Fence wouldn’t be where we are
14th TS regularly performs opera- allowed 14th TS to conduct their fastest highlights the 14th TS’ vision statement, today for Cyber hygiene,” he said.
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