Page 3 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition
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2  February 2021  Desert Lightning News  Desert Lightning News        February 2021                                                                     3                                        
 fINALISTS   (from Page 1)  provides a truly three-dimensional representa-  Military tax services available through Military OneSource
 Reflecting on achievements of   ued efforts to empower intrepreneurs, celebrate   and flight parameters. Ultimately, this exercise
 tion of events, while also displaying key data
 their problem-solving skills and give them a
 improves identification and internalization
 Dr. King  members and the world.  events. The information gathered can be shared   TeRRi MooN CRoNK
 stage to share their projects with fellow service
 lessons learned when analyzing complex flight
 “Spark Tank is a fantastic opportunity to
 across multiple locations.
 showcase and celebrate Airmen and Guardian
 (Video at DVIDS:  https://www.dvidshub.
                            DoD News
 risk-takers, idea makers and intrepreneurs
 who refuse to accept the status quo, develop
            Filing taxes can be a daunting task every year, but
 solutions that improve how our jobs are done,”
 • Col. Thomas K. Swoveland, 2nd. Lt.
 said Brou Gautier, Spark Tank director.  tank-2021)  the Defense Department has helpful resources for
 Mark Seay, Tech. Sgt. Ananias Ross,
          active-duty service members and their families, and
 Board members reviewed 15 submissions
 by Staff Sgt.    a pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist   competing for the stage. The selection process   Mr. Anthony Apodaca, Ms. Crystal   it’s all free through Military OneSource.
 ANDRew whiTe  Church of Montgomery. He completed   looked at the need for specific capabilities as   Kelley, Mr. Bryan Gilbrech  Tax services for the military — also known as
 his Ph.D. in 1955 at the age of 25.  United States Air Force Academy  MilTax — is DoD’s approved tax-filing and tax-support
 355th Wing Security Forces Squadron   well as concerns of safety, policy, Air Force and   Colorado Springs, Colorado
 Martin Luther King Jr. began his civ-  Space Force-wide implementation, technical   Improving Commander’s Support Staff   service — including tax preparation and e-filing soft-
 The life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.   il rights campaign in December of 1955   feasibility and scalability.  Workflow with Office 365  ware and personalized support to deal with issues
 was filled with sacrifice, commitment,   with the Montgomery Improvement   Spark Tank offers the opportunity to get   A team from the United States Air Force   such as deployments, combat and training pay, hous-
 and perseverance. King was more than   Association (MIA). MIA had elected   ideas in front of key enabling agencies that can   Academy developed a ticketing system to man-  ing and rentals, multistate filings, and living overseas.
 a man, he was also a movement.   Dr. King as its president, because of   share expertise and resources such as funding   age submissions, track status updates, monitor   “They can connect with a (tax) consultant during
 He came from humble  beginnings   his constant pursuance of equality in   or personnel for the projects being presented   communication and ensure resolution. Office   the tax season, and even past (it), through October,
 in Atlanta, Georgia, by the name of   the American South. Whether through   and demonstrate pathways for intrepreneurs   365 provided the tools to design and deploy   but in addition to having that live support walking
 Michael Luther King Jr. He would   organizing peaceful protests or making   to make their initiatives successful.  the system on computers, tablets and mobile   through the filing process and asking questions that
 later follow in his father’s footsteps   speeches, Dr. King paved a way for the   Although only five ideas will be pitched on   devices. One Power Apps app allows users to   are specific to the military around taxes, they’re able
 to change his name to Martin Luther   future. He also wrote six books on his   the virtual stage at this year’s Spark Tank,   submit requests and track status, while an-  to access the MilTax software,” said Kelly Smith,
 more than 300 Airmen and Guardians took
 in honor of the German Protestant   journey as a civil rights leader and   the plunge and submitted ideas during the   other allows CSS members to assign, add notes/  program analyst with the DoD’s Military Community
 religious leader, who was credited with   activist. His most revered writing was   campaign on the Airmen Powered by Innova-  attachments, and mark actions as complete.   and Family Policy. MilTax consultants are available
 SharePoint stores the data while Power BI
 starting the Protestant Reformation   “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” To this   tion ideation management platform, which   produces live dashboards for status and flagging   virtually.
 in the 16th-century. Young Martin at-  day, his accomplishments are taught to   spurred multiple mini-events at the major and   overdue actions.  An advantage to the MilTax software, Smith noted,
 tended Morehouse College and received   American children and his teachings   field command level connecting Airmen and   (Video at:  is it’s designed and tailored for the military com-
 a sociology degree before attending the   are studied by scholars worldwide.  Guardians with local resources such as public   video/2010/DOD_108013618/DOD_108013618.  munity.
 Liberal Crozer Theological Seminary   Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was well   affairs, finance, contracting and legal.  mp4)  E-filing allows service members to file their federal   Courtesy graphic
 in Chester, Pennsylvania. Afterwards,   known for his selfless acts and volun-  “Key themes included process and policy   • Maj. David Steward, Col. John Tran,   returns along with up to three state returns at no cost.
 Martin pursued his doctorate at Bos-  teerism as a civil-rights activist, a fa-  change recommendations in addition to devel-  Master Sgt. Chris Pettingill, Master   “That’s huge in the military community, because   “Our staff and our consultants are positioned to   big thing at this time,” she noted. “We are referring
 ton University, where he later met his   ther, and as a minister. He traveled up to   opment of new products or applying existing   Sgt. Anthony Taylor, Master. Sgt.   our families are (going through permanent changes   fill in the gaps where there may be additional need   and connecting filers with (the Defense Finance
 future wife Coretta Scott. Before fin-  six million miles across the nation, and   products in new ways across the board in   Charles Morrison, Tech. Sgt. Chris   of station) and moving multiple times,” Smith noted.  for that support online and over the phone,” she said.  Accounting Service) and with the IRS regarding
 information technology, healthcare, and main-
 ishing his program, King had become   spoke over 2,500 times on civil rights   tenance,” Gautier said. “Seeing the results of   Anderson  Overall, the MilTax services are designed to be   MilTax availability runs until mid-October for   questions and concerns they have outside of the
 issues and injustices. Dr.   previous competitions, we noticed a spike in   100th Air Refueling Wing  stress-free, Smith said.  service members who need extensions.  tax deferral.”
 King gave us a shining   ideas about distributed computing, automation,   RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom, United   “(People) can rest assured that they are working   “That’s simply because we know that the tax   Also, MilTax can guide its military filers who
 States Air Forces Europe/Air Forces Africa
 example of servant lead-  unmanned systems, additive manufacturing,   Inner Ear Bone Conduction   with tax professionals who know and are familiar with   season usually ends in April, but for our military   have questions surrounding the economic stimulus
 ership. In 1995, Congress   and sustainability, as well as cultural, diversity   Communication  military tax situations,” she said, adding that many   community, sometimes people are overseas or they   package from 2020.
 declared that every third   and inclusion ideas.”  Bone conduction technology removes ambient   MilTax consultants return to offer their services every   are in a combat zone, and, so, they’re able to file   “I want to ensure that our service members and
 Monday in January would   In his 2020 strategic approach entitled Ac-  noise and voice constraint when operating in   year in high numbers, which provides continuity and   those extensions, and (we are) there to help them   families know they can turn to Military OneSource   SPOTLigHT
                                                       file their taxes at a later time,” Smith said.
                                                                                                     and the tax service as a trusted source, and (MilTax
 be Martin Luther King Jr.   celerate Change or Lose, Air Force Chief of   loud or Mission Oriented Protective Posture, or   knowledge of the armed forces’ needs.   Smith said she is not tracking any significant   services) understand taxes as it relates to the mili-
 Day; a day to remember,   Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr., asserts, “Our   MOPP, conditions by allowing augmented sound   At this point, this year’s tax deadline for filing 2020   changes in tax law for the 2020 filing year that   tary community,” Smith said.
 a day to reflect, and a day   Airmen need us to integrate and accelerate the   through external microphones to allow the   taxes is April 15, although last year it was extended to   would affect service members and their families.   Call Military One Source at 800-342-9647, or vis-
 changes necessary to explore new operational
 to celebrate our American   concepts and bring more rapidly the capabili-  wearer the ability to hear surrounding noise.   July 15 because of COVID-19. If there is an extension   “But the 2020 Social Security tax deferral is a   it:
 freedoms. It has been said   ties that will help them in the future fights.   This improves situational awareness while   this year, Smith said MilTax is prepared for it.
 that this Monday is “not   To do this, we must . . . place capability in   wearing noise cancelling hearing protection. In
 addition, using this device improves radio com-
 a  day off,” but rather a   warfighters’ hands faster — through innova-  munications while wearing respirators, masks,
 day to reinvigorate King’s   tion, experimentation and rapid prototyping,   and/ or other voice obstructing devices. Hearing   Chapel Services and Programs  Summary Courts
 spirit of peaceful activism   and a collaborative approach with our service   protection offers inner ear hearing protection
 and the pursuit of equality   and industry teammates.”  higher than current over-the-ear headsets.  Protestant Sunday Services
 for all.  Spark Tank 2021 finalists:  (Video at DVIDS:  https://www.dvidshub.  (Hope Chapel):  Staff  Officer Notification
 Each year the Depart-  • Master Sgt. Justin Bauer  net/video/763599/bone-conduction-spark-tank)    •Contemporary Service: 9 a.m.   Publisher ..............................................................Paul Kinison
 ment  of Defense, along   355th Fighter Wing  • Master Sgt. Jason Yunker, Master Sgt.     •Contingency Service (Annex): 10:30 a.m.  Business manager  ...............................................Lisa Kinison
 with many other govern-  Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona,   Timothy Peters    •Gospel Service: 11:30 a.m.  Editor .......................................................................Amy Lamb  On December 13, 2020, Davis-Monthan lost two
 Air Combat Command
 ment agencies and mil-  Innovative Approach to C-130 Wheel   52nd Fighter Wing  Advertising representative ................................Sandi Bueltel  amazing Airmen, Staff Sgt. Justin Ziegler and
 Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, United
 lions of Americans, honor   Repair  States Air Forces Europe/Air Forces Africa  Catholic Mass   Designer .................................................................Tinna Sellie  Staff Sgt. Jhonus Gonzalez, in a motor vehicle
 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.   To address the shortage of C-130 wheels,   Viper Hot Refuel Kit  (Dove Chapel):  Published by Aerotech News and Review, Inc.  accident. We ask that anyone who may have a
 by celebrating his birth-  Master Sgt. Justin Bauer designed a heating   The VIPER Hot Refuel Kit takes existing     •Daily Mass (Tuesday-Friday): 11:30 a.m.  877- 247-9288 •
 day through community   element that fits the wheel, heating only the   petroleum oil and lubricant components and     •Saturday Mass: 5 p.m.  Aerotech News and Review prepares all editorial content for Desert Light-  claim of indebtedness to their estates,  contacts
               •Sunday Contingency Mass: 8 a.m.
 service and involvement,   portion required by applicable technical data.   uniquely configures them into a small, hot pit     •Sunday: Dove Chapel 10 a.m.  ning News. The editor will edit or rewrite submitted material for clarity, brev-  their respective Summary Courts Officer (SCO)
 averaging roughly three   This heating element only requires 120 volts of   ready package, completely eliminating need to   ity or to conform to the Associated Press Style Guide, local policy and Air   listed below:
                                                         Force style as required by Air Force Instruction 35-101. Contributions for
 billion hours of commu-  electricity, making it accessible to every DOD   transport refueling trucks. A custom “sled” built   Livestream Services:  Desert Lightning News  can be emailed to the editor at  amy@aerotechnews.  Staff Sgt. Justin A. Ziegler
 nity service nationwide.   facility. It weighs just three to five pounds, and   to carry the components doubles as secondary     •Facebook: Davis-Monthan Chapel  com. Submission deadlines are the 15th day prior to the month of publica-  SCO - Capt. Edwin J. Cruz
 reduces the repair time.
 Look upon this day as a   (Video at DVIDS:  containment to eliminate environmental im-    •You Tube: Davis-Monthan AFB Chapel  tion. Submissions will be based on space available and priority. Desert Light-  Contact information -
 pact. This equipment will utilize host nation or
 challenge to yourself to   video/753668/dms-wheel-and-tire-shop)  civilian airport refueling equipment to support   Protestant and Catholic religious   ning News  uses information from Davis-Monthan Air Force Base website,   Staff Sgt. Jhonus e. Gonzalez
                                                         the Armed Forces Information Service, Air Force News Service, Air Combat
 get involved with an or-  • Maj. Kevin Hawkins, 1st Lt. Daniel   fifth generation fighters, as well as any USAF   Education:  Command, staff writers and other sources. All advertising is handled by Aero-  SCO - 1st Lt. William B. Duff
 ganization or a cause that   Treece, Mr. Dylan Kerr of Arizona   airframe, anywhere in the world. The VIPER     •Protestant Women of the Chapel (via Zoom)  tech News and Review. For business advertising, call 877-247-9288 or email   Contact information -
 you’re passionate  about   State University  kit eliminates a $6,000 per-truck, per-shipment     •Protestant Men of the Chapel (in person)  Sandi Bueltel at For classified advertising, email
 and practice the teach-  56th Fighter Wing  (one-way) cost by allowing the USAF fuels     •Protestant Youth of the Chapel (via Zoom)
                                                          Desert Lightning News is published by Aerotech News and Review, a pri-
 ings of Dr. Martin Luther   Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, Air   personnel to utilize host nation/installation     •AWANA (via Zoom)  vate firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under written agree-  On December 26, 2020, Davis-Monthan lost
 King Jr.  Education and Training Command  infrastructure.    •Catholic RE and Sacramental Preparation   ment with the 355th Fighter Wing. Contents of Desert Lightning News are   an incredible Airman.  We ask that anyone who
 “Our goal is to create a   Next Gen Debrief – Augmented Reality   (Video at DVIDS:  classes: Sunday 11 a.m. (in person)   not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government,   may have a claim of indebtedness to his estates,
 beloved community and   Debrief Environment  video/768818/viper-kit-project)    •Catholic Women of the Chapel: Tuesday   Department of Defense or the Department of the Air Force. The appearance   please contact the Summary Courts Officer (SCO)
                                                         of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not
 this will require a quali-  A team from Luke AFB, in partnership with   Spark Tank finalists will present during the   noon and Thursday 6 p.m. (in person)  listed below:
 Airman William Turnbull   Arizona State University’s Luminosity Lab,   2021 Air Force Association’s Virtual Aerospace     •Catholic Men of the Chapel: First/third   constitute endorsement of the products or services advertised by the DLN,
 Pictured above is a cloth poster of Dr. Martin Luther   tative change in our souls   developed the Next Gen Debrief, a concept   Warfare Symposium. Voting will be open on   Saturday 8 a.m. (in person)  DOD, Air Force or Aerotech News and Review. Everything advertised in this   Sr. Airman Alex e. hilsen
 King Jr. at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Jan. 15.   as well as a quantitative   that utilizes augmented reality systems to   February 12 at 12 p.m., and will close 60 seconds      publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without   SCO - 2nd Lt Tyrone J. Fields
                                                         regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physi-
 Dr. King is remembered by his unwavering dedica-  change in our lives.”   create a shared environment in which mission   after the last presentation is completed. To vote   For more information visit Davis-Monthan   cal handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the pur-  Contact Information -
 tion for equal rights and justice for all.   ― Martin Luther King Jr.  participants debrief in a virtual scene, projected   on finalists’ ideas, visit:  Chapel Facebook page or call 520-228-5411.  chase, user or patron.
 into their current environment. This projection   ing_polls/TfwLKPDbObfFIhAQt5QId/respond.
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