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4  February 2021  Desert Lightning News  Desert Lightning News        February 2021                                                                     5                                        
 309th Aerospace Maintenance,   TRAININg   (from Page 4)  experience levels in aircraft airframe, power-  mately 108,000 thousand man hours into   equipment manufacturer contributed to the
                                                 Employees, hand-selected based on their
                                                                                                                          success of the program.
                                                                                     this repair and maintenance program,”
          of the hail damage repair workload to the
                                                                                     said Col. Jennifer Barnard, 309th AMARG
                                               plant, electrics, avionics, and structural
                                                                                                                            “Without the efforts of AMARG, we’d
 Regeneration Group returns   309th AMARG.     repair, received six weeks of T-1A familiariza-  commander. “This was the heaviest main-  still be repairing aircraft,” said Brandon.
            “The benefit from a business perspective
                                               tion training at Laughlin AFB.
                                                                                     tenance these aircraft have undergone and
                                                                                                                          “A quarter of the fleet was taken down by
          was we would have two repair facilities get-
                                                                                     these professionals worked tirelessly to
                                                                                                                          a hail storm which significantly impacted
                                                 “At its peak, the T-1A repair and mainte-
 final T-1A to training operations  ting the work done quicker,” said Clay.  nance production line employed a total of 36   return a quality product to the Air Force’s   the ability to train students. Now that we
            There were additional benefits to divert-
                                               sheet metal, APG and avionics technicians,”
                                                                                     training command.”
                                                                                                                          have that fleet back on the front line, their
          ing 10 T-1 aircraft to 309th AMARG for hail
                                                                                       Early in the program, there were supply
          damage repair.                       said John Meske, the 576th Aerospace   chain challenges for the System Program   aircraft availability has increased by 15 to
                                               Maintenance and Regeneration Squadron’s
                                                                                                                          20 percent.”
            “Having AMARG really opened the door   Medium Aircraft flight chief.     Office, but nothing Brittney Barton, the   “It’s the quality of the product,” said Clay.
 by       for us to interact, to get into the process, work
 309th AeRoSPACe MAiNTeNANCe    through the issues, and visit the facility to   An audit in 2017 by the AFSC Flight Stan-  AFLCMC T-1 logistics manager couldn’t   “It’s one thing to have it back, but when the
 and ReGeNeRATioN GRoUP  give us a different angle,” Clay said. “We could   dards Management Office resulted in the   resolve.  aircraft stay in the air and stay available
                                               group’s qualification for the Military Repair
                                                                                                                          longer because AMARG has done their job so
                                                                                       “We applied lessons learned from the
          spend time with AMARG managers as well as   Station Program and associated Federal   other repair line to front-load AMARG   well, it only translates into good things. They
 A fleet of hail-damaged T-1A Jayhawk trainers   the mechanics. Certainly we began with a big-  Aviation Administration regulatory require-  with as many parts as we could anticipate   can fly more hours, pilots graduate quicker,
 are now back in the air, thanks to a unique repair   ger level of trust, we knew AMARG could do   ments, certifying 309th AMARG as AFSC’s   in order for this effort to be successful,”   etc. At the end of the day, (Air Mobility
 and maintenance mission performed by the 309th   the work and this boosted us from the get-go.”  first-ever FAA equivalent Military Repair   said Barton. “We figured out what our sup-  Command and Air Combat Command) have
 Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group at   The T-1A had never had any major repair   Station, which provided an avenue to create   ply contractor needed from us to get parts   pilots ready to go when they need them.”
 Davis-Monthan Air Force Base.  Photos by Terry Pittman   work performed by Air Force personnel. Her-  revenue and perform commercial-type work.  ordered and delivered relatively quickly.”  The T-1 SPO team looks forward to con-
 The group took on repair for 10 of the aircraft, after   T-1A, 93-0623, before an early morning   man Brandon, AFLCMC’s program manager   Repairing the hail-damaged aircraft was   Barton’s efforts paid off. The parts sup-  tinuing a relationship with AMARG.
 39 of them sustained severe hail damage when a storm   functional check flight Dec. 2, 2020, af-  materiel leader, was the first member from   labor intensive. Planning documents called   plier was eventually able to turn parts   “Having visited the facility, the underlying
 swept through Laughlin AFB, Texas, one of several   ter undergoing hail damage repair and   the T-1 SPO team to visit 309th AMARG.  for stripping the aircraft interior, removing   the next day depending on part size and   message is the AMARG workforce is very
 bases where the Jayhawk serves as the Air Force’s   maintenance at the 309th Aerospace   “Starting up something new is scary be-  engines, disassembling the nose and aft cargo   mechanics were able to achieve more than   competent in their abilities. They are the
 advanced trainer for airlift and tanker pilots. The   Maintenance and Regeneration Group at   cause of its uniqueness and being outside
 final T-1A to complete repairs returned to Laughlin   Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. The air-  the norm,” Brandon said. “But after hearing   bay area, shoring, symmetry checks, and re-  one functional check flight a week due to   masters of doing a hundred different things
 AFB Dec. 17.  craft is assigned to Laughlin AFB, Texas.  what the team had to offer and seeing first-  moving five critical pressurized skins. Once   parts availability.  one time versus masters of doing one thing a
                                                                                       “Something as simple as tracking each
 Derived from the Hawker/Beechcraft 400A corporate   hand what they do on a variety of platforms,   replacement skins were available for instal-  tail and the number of functional check   hundred times. We have a fleet of 177 aircraft
                                               lation, the work was reversed for reassembly.
 aircraft, the T-1A is essentially a civil aircraft modified   I knew this was a well-rounded organization   AMARG ingenuity spawned the creation of   flights it took to successfully pass showed   and we know problems are going to pop up.
                                                                                                                          What a resource to have in our hip pocket.
 to fit military training needs. As such, repair facilities
 approved to work on the aircraft require Federal Avia-  Chad Ellingson, 576th Aerospace Mainte-  that could handle the challenge of restoring   wooden drilling fixtures to hold engine cowls   how much pride this team put into this   To see a skill in place, a great team, facilities,
 tion Authority certifications beyond the usual.  nance and Regeneration Squadron, mar-  the T-1s.”  and replacement skins in place as sheet metal   effort. They cared. That resonated with us   everything you need,” Clay said.
 According to Shawn Clay, the product support man-  shals the last T-1A Jayhawk out of the   Using Art of the Possible methodology,   workers transferred and matched holes from   because the program team also cared. To   AMARG’s participation in the repair ef-
 ager at the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center   309th Aerospace Maintenance and Re-  309th AMARG established a production line   old panels to new.  connect with them in such a way makes   fort for the Air Force’s hail-damaged T-1A
 T-1 System Program Office, they had 39 damaged   generation Group at Davis-Monthan Dec.   several months in advance of the first aircraft   Besides replacing skins, mechanics also   me very proud of what we’ve done to work   Jayhawks is representative of the group’s
 trainers and only one commercial repair facility. Air   17, 2020. A fleet of hail-damaged T-1A   arrivals. According to Brandon, “The team   performed corrosion inspections and replace-  through this together,” Barton said.  ongoing contribution to the U.S. military,
 Force Materiel Command suggested shifting some   trainers are now back in the air, thanks   had existing mechanics who were sent to T-1   ment repairs to lavatory areas on six of the   The T-1 SPO team agrees that teamwork   the U.S. government, and the U.S. taxpayer,
 to a unique repair and maintenance mis-  training, had procured the tooling and equip-  10 aircraft.  and communication between the SPO, Sup-  yet another example of its title: America’s
 See TRAININg, Page 5  sion performed by the group.  ment needed and were ready to go.”  “The AMARG team invested approxi-  ply Chain, 309th AMARG and the original   National-level Air Power Reservoir.

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