Page 4 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 4-15-16
P. 4

4  Desert Wings                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       April 15, 2016
COST, from 2                                                     ever assigned you a hot task that impacted your ability to ac-
                                                                 complish another key project or task? Did you explain these                                                                                will be delayed. Had he/she understood this impact, perhaps
new facilities take years to construct.                          impacts to your supervisor? Did you just assume the hot task                                                                               they would have assigned the hot task to someone else or
  With that said, how do we accomplish all we’re asked to        was now your No. 1 priority and assume your supervisor ac-                                                                                 decided the hot task wasn’t so hot. Alternatively, they may
                                                                 cepted the impacts? Rarely do we take the time to ask these                                                                                simply thank you for informing them but decide to proceed
do? It starts with the commander’s intent (at every level)       questions or engage in this dialogue with our leadership, but                                                                              with the hot task anyway. Either way, it’s your responsibility
and leadership’s clear priorities, but it doesn’t end there. As  we should.                                                                                                                                 to help your chain of command make fully informed deci-
Airmen, we all have a responsibility to ensure our leadership                                                                                                                                               sions. If we embrace this mindset, we’ll more effectively
makes informed decisions. But to do to that, we must arm           Perhaps your supervisor isn’t aware that your key project                                                                                accomplish our mission, vision and priorities.
them with information.
                                                                  BRIEFS, from 3                                                                                                                            The Medical Group apologizes for the inconvenience and
  When we’re charged with a new priority and we tell the                                                                                                                                                    ORRNIRUZDUGWREHWWHUVHUYLQJRXUEHQH¿FLDULHVDIWHUWKLV
boss “no impact,” we’re failing to provide him/her with the        &DOOLQJDOOYROXQWHHUV                                                                                                                   upgrade. For more information, call 661-277-2052.
full site picture. There is always an impact, but it takes some
homework to uncover it. If we’re going to fund a new project,         The Edwards AFB “Run with History” Half Marathon,                                                                                     6XQGD\EUXQFK
what other project(s) will be delayed or canceled? If you take     10K and 5K needs your help. This second annual event
on a new task, what other duties are you not able to accom-        is May 14 and volunteers are needed to help make this                                                                                      The monthly Sunday brunch at Club Muroc is 10 a.m.-
plish (either at all or not as well as you’d like)?                another successful experience for all involved. Volunteers                                                                               2 p.m., April 17. The club will be serving an array of
                                                                   will help with registration, passing out water and encourag-                                                                             breakfast and lunch menu items along with a kids corner
  Years ago, my commander wanted to redesign and update            ing the runners. Volunteers will be needed to work from 5                                                                                with an ice cream bar. Cost is $21 for members, $23 for
WKHVTXDGURQ¶VIURQWRI¿FHZLWKQHZIXUQLWXUHFDUSHWSDLQW     a.m. until approximately 11 a.m. To signup, email kristen.                                                                               non-members, $9.50 for children 6-11, and free for chil-
etc. He tasked the squadron to make it happen. A few days          KDLGOH#XVDIPLO0RUHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGVSHFL¿FMREGH-                                                                                   GUHQ¿YHDQGXQGHU1RUHVHUYDWLRQVUHTXLUHG)RUPRUH
later, I found out other facility improvement projects, some       tails will be available at a volunteer meeting closer to the                                                                             information, call 661-275-2582.
mission critical, had come to a stand-still while our team         date of the run.
IRFXVHGRQWKHIURQWRI¿FHUHGHVLJQ,LQIRUPHGKLPRIWKHVH                                                                                                                                               '$17(6H[DPV
did not “out-prioritize” our mission critical projects.                                                                                                                                                       During April and May, Defense Activity for Non-Tra-
                                                                      The next Resilience class is 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., April                                                                               ditional Education Support (DANTES) is offering service
  What I found interesting and alarming, was several mem-          20 in Bldg. 2460, Room A. Those interested in attending                                                                                  members a free second shot at passing an exam. DANTES
bers of our squadron understood the mission critical project       should contact Nancy Koch-Castillo at 661-277-6711 or                                                                                    SD\VIRUWKH¿UVWH[DPVRVWDUWVWXG\LQJQRZ<RXKDYH
delays but did not inform him. Likewise, his expectation was       email                                                                                                    nothing to lose except free college credit. This does not
WKDWWKHIURQWRI¿FHUHGHVLJQZRXOGQRWLPSDFWRXUPLVVLRQ                                                                                                                                                 apply to College Level Exam Program as that is a different
critical projects and assumed squadron members would in-           ;UD\VHUYLFHVDYDLODELOLW\                                                                                                              exam program. For more information visit http://www.
form him if it did. We see this quite often; the boss asks us                                                                                                                                      on the DSST credit-by-exam program,
to do something and we do it without hesitation. After all,           Effective March 28, X-ray services at the 412th Medical                                                                               or contact the Edwards Education Center at 661-277-2713.
the boss sets the priorities. We’re all wired this way, we just    Group will be temporarily unavailable for approximately
¿JXUHRXWKRZWRJHWLWGRQH                                      eight weeks due to a scheduled equipment upgrade. Pa-
                                                                   tients requiring X-ray imaging will be referred off base.
  In our increasingly resource-constrained environment, that       Ultrasound services will remain available during this time.
Likewise, as subordinates, we have to inform our leadership
so they understand the true costs of the priorities they set.

  Think about your own experience. Has your supervisor

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