Page 9 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 4-15-16
P. 9
April 15, 2016 Desert Wings 9
by Lt. Col. Mick Szczukowski in the trash. mostats, mercury switches, mercury ther- and Universal Waste Facility in Bldg. 4904,
412th Test Wing Safety According to California’s Department of mometers, pressure or vacuum gauges, di- 446 N. Rosamond Blvd. Hours are Monday
lators and weighted tubing, mercury rubber through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. They
During Spring Cleanup Week, April 18- Toxic Substances Control, Universal Waste ÀRRULQJPHUFXU\JDVÀRZUHJXODWRUVGHQ- can be reached at -661-277-3681.
,H[SHFWPDQ\RI\RXZLOO¿QGLWHPV Fact Sheet, universal wastes are: tal amalgams, counterweights, dampers and
in your workspace or residence that you mercury added novelties such as jewelry, The Auto Hobby Shop collects used mo-
would like to dispose of. 1. Electronic devices: Includes any elec- ornaments and footwear. tor oil and antifreeze Tuesday through Sat-
tronic device that is a hazardous waste with urday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. They can be
Unfortunately, some of those items may or without a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT), in- 5. CRTs: The glass picture tubes removed reached at 661-275-2886.
be classified as hazardous or universal cluding televisions, computer monitors, from devices such as televisions and com-
waste and require special disposal, mean- cell phones, VCRs, computer CPUs and puter monitors. Off-base residents should contact the
ing that you can’t just put them in your portable DVD players. Universal Waste Regulatory Assistance Of-
garbage bin. 6. CRT glass: A cathode ray tube that has ¿FHUVDW72;,&WR¿QGWKHQHDUHVW
2. Batteries: Most household-type batter- been accidently broken or processed for re- disposal facilities. On-base facilities cannot
Fortunately, here at Edwards AFB we ies, including rechargeable nickel-cadmium cycling. accept waste generated off-base.
have the means to properly handle almost batteries, silver button batteries, mercury
anything you could encounter except for batteries, alkaline batteries and other bat- 7. Aerosol cans If you plan on keeping these items,
that science project you started last year in teries that exhibit a characteristic of a haz- knowing how to properly store them is
WKHRI¿FHUHIULJHUDWRU ardous waste Other household hazardous wastes in- important as well. Be mindful of using
clude cleaners, fertilizers, glue and adhe- proper containers, cabinets, appropriate
Knowing what items are considered haz- 3. Electric lamps: Fluorescent tubes and sives, painting supplies, pesticides, poi- and required labeling as well as ensuring
DUGRXVRUXQLYHUVDOZDVWHLVWKH¿UVWRE- bulbs, high intensity discharge lamps, so- sons, resins, solvents, and compressed gas climate, environment and access controls.
stacle many of us face. Here at Edwards dium vapor lamps and electric lamps that cylinders. Again, any questions may be directed to the
the California Universal Waste Rule applies contain added mercury, as well as any other HWSF/CRUW.
ties meaning that certain commonly pro- ardous waste. (e.g., lead). dispose of most hazardous and universal For more information, see DTSC’s
duced hazardous wastes may have relaxed waste items at the Hazardous Waste Stor- Universal Waste Web page at:
requirements, but cannot be simply thrown 4. Mercury-containing equipment: Ther- age Facility and Consolidated Recycling
WORSHIP Church of
WELCOME! Immaculate Heart of VICTORY Eph 4:4-6
Mary Catholic Church
Sunday Services: Baptist Church Sunday Morning Bible Study
BNtQN Mass - Sundays | 5:00 pm WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30 am 9:45 am
SPANISH SERVICE 12:30 pm 10173 South Loop
5IVSTEBZQN ʕǮȴ³ɁƋˁʊǜăǜƖƊõɁʊŘȧɁȭƞ California City Sunday Morning Service
Sunday School .....................................9:00 AM 10:45 am
HEIRS WITH CHRIST ɤƋɁʁȭƬʁɁnj<ǔŘȧɁȭƞū³ɁƋˁʊǜɦ Thursday Family Night ........................6:00 PM Ron Smith, Pastor
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