Page 10 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 4-15-16
P. 10
10 Desert Wings April 15, 2016
This week in Edwards Flight Test History
made its first test flight, flown by
company test pilot Lew Nelson.
engine supersonic trainer replicated
file photo was captured sometime
Air Force photograph
Find your ‘happy place’ in yoga
by Rebecca Amber only three years later. According to Hoffmann, yoga is VXDOL]HDSODFHWKDWWKH\¿QGUHOD[- go back to work.”
Staff writer “When I’m at home doing some- a good workout and everyone im- ing and forget about the things that Classes are offered noon-1 p.m.,
proves over time. At the end of each cause them stress.
0HOLVVD+RIIPDQQDFRQ¿JXUD- thing for a long time I get up and class, Hoffmann asks her students Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
tion manager at NASA Armstrong do yoga. It’s the only way I can go to find their “happy place.” For “It’s mentally relaxing and it’s and 4:30-5:30 p.m. All classes are
)OLJKW5HVHDUFK&HQWHU¿UVWVWDUWHG to sleep when I’m in a lot of pain,” some that might be on the beach, trying to sync up mind and body,” in the Chapel 1 Annex.
doing yoga after high school. said Goss. for others skiing or a light stroll. said Hoffmann. “You work out, you
The idea is for each student to vi- stretch everything, you clear your For more information, or for yoga
When her instructor needed a Goss has had 12 major surgeries mind and you’re happy when you class schedules, email Hoffmann at
substitute teacher, Hoffmann loved and 10 minor ones. She uses only
yoga so much she took the classes yoga and ice to manage the pain.
WREHFHUWL¿HGDVDQLQVWUXFWRUDQG Air Force photograph by Rebecca Amber
eventually took over the class. To- “That’s why I drive 45 minutes
week in the Chapel 1 Annex. lissa’s teachings,” she said. the classes to help her students relieve stress and build muscle.
The class is free to anyone who According to Hoffmann, yoga is
wishes to attend, ages 13 and up. also good for post-traumatic stress
disorder and pregnancy. She keeps
“It was always free when it was extra yoga mats in the class for
over at the aerobics center,” said newcomers who want to try it out
Hoffmann. “When they had to cut IRUWKH¿UVWWLPH
the classes over there because of
funding, I wanted to keep teaching “I think everyone should try it a
it and I didn’t want people to have couple of times. It’s different than
to pay.” other aerobics classes - it’s really
slow and I talk kind of monotone
Her class is geared towards be- and the music is really relaxing.”
ginner and intermediate level yoga,
but more advanced students are also Yoga also helps with running.
welcome. According to Hoffmann, Last year, Hoffmann arranged
yoga is a stress reliever and can four after school sessions for
help with physical ailments such as the Desert Jr.-Sr. High School
back problems. track team. With track season ap-
proaching, she is already being
One of her students, Cleo Goss, asked to arrange classes for this
a retired computer scientist at the year’s team.
412th Electronic Warfare Group,
has broken her back twice. Goss Hoffmann’s mother, Mary also
had already been doing yoga for takes her classes. Mary has never
several years before she broke her been a runner, but after taking yoga
back in 2007. The doctor said he classes, she has completed four
would allow her to continue taking half-marathons.
yoga classes and Goss believes it’s
the only thing that kept her going. “I absolutely love it. Because of
Her second back injury occurred yoga, I actually did my first half
marathon on Father’s Day 2013,”
said Mary. “Melissa can never stop
teaching yoga — we won’t let her.”