Page 13 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 4-15-16
P. 13
April 15, 2016 Desert Wings 13
ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 12 banana Flapjacks topped with caramelized Live Green: April 22, 5-7 p.m. Movie: 5RFN¿VKDQG/LQJFRG&DSWDLQVRIWKH&KDQ-
bananas and salted caramel, side of two eggs Paper and Glass; Recycling/Recycled Crafts QHO,VODQGV6SRUWV¿VKLQJYHVVHOVVSHFLDOL]H
Children’s Story Time: Wednesdays and cooked to order. in the Central California waters and their
Fridays, 10 a.m. Toddlers and pre-school Outdoor Recreation knowledge reliably puts anglers right on top
children are invited to join us for a wonder- Green Egg & Ham — $4.95, toasted muf- RIWKH¿VKIRUKLJKO\VXFFHVVIXO¿VKLQJWULSV
ful story time and create very unique craft ¿QWRSSHGZLWKKDPDQGWZRHJJVGUL]]OHG 1100 Kincheloe Ave., 661-275-CAMP Alcoholic beverages are not permitted.
projects. Volunteer readers are welcome! with pesto.
Climbing/Hiking at Joshua Tree: April Teen Center
Special Story Time: Earth Day, April 22 Breakfast is served 7-10:30 a.., Monday- 16, depart at 7 a.m., return at approximately
Friday, and 7 a.m.-noon, Saturday and Sun- 6 p.m. Register by April 14. Cost is $30 per 100 Kincheloe Ave., Bldg. 7211, 661-275-
0XURF/DNH*ROI&RXUVH day. person and includes transportation, guide 8336
and gear. Anyone under 18 years must be
111 Crest Dr., 661-275-PUTT Sandbagger Grill accompanied by a parent or adult guardian. Spaghetti Social: April 19, 3 p.m. at the
2SHQDP±SP Minimum of eight participants, maximum Teen Center.
New Breakfast Items at Sandbagger Grill We offer a wide variety of food selection for of 10. Must complete climbing training and
Tee Time — $3.99, two hotcakes with the FHUWL¿FDWLRQDW2DVLV$TXDWLF&OLPELQJ:DOO Keystone Elections: April 20, 2 p.m. at the
every palate from breakfast to lunch. Joshua Tree offers an extensive network of Teen Center. The Keystone Club will elect
choice of two eggs or bacon or sausage. Our lunch daily specials include choice of WUDLOVRIYDU\LQJOHQJWKDQGGLI¿FXOW\)URP a new president, vice president and other
Brioche Stuffed Sandwich — $5.25, short nature trails to long, strenuous hikes, board members.
French fries or small side salad and a 16-ounce you’re sure to find a trail to your liking.
grilled brioche bun stuffed with mashed po- soft drink. With more than 400 climbing formations <RXWK3URJUDPV
tatoes, cheddar cheese, caramelized onions, and 8,000 climbing routes, Joshua Tree
crispy bacon and egg on top. Monday: Pulled pork sandwich and chick- also offers challenging climbs for all levels 24 Lathrop Dr., 661-275-5437
en adobo of climbing ability. It is truly a world-class
Monte Cristo Sandwich — $5.25, Texas climbing destination. Alcoholic beverages Pre-Teen Skate Night: April 15, 6-9 p.m.
toast piled up with ham, cheese, Dijon mus- Tuesday: The ultimate roast beef sand- are not permitted. in the Youth Programs gym. Cost is $5 for
tard spread, topped with powder sugar and wich and homemade tuna salad on croissant members, $7 for non-members. Open to ages
jelly, grilled to perfection. Deep Sea Fishing Trip Channel Islands: 9-12. Join us for skating and just hanging
Wednesday: Build-your-own taco salad April 23, depart at 2 a.m., return at approxi- out.
Custard French Toast — $6, French (French fries are not included) mately 8 p.m. Register by April 20. Cost
toast stuffed with custard, topped with fresh is $130 and includes transportation, guide, Instructional Classes: Gymnastics and
strawberries, all drizzled with maple syrup Thursday: Tri-tip sandwich ¿VKLQJJHDUWDFNOHDQGEDLW0D[LPXPSDU- Dance: Classes are available for ages 3 to
and two eggs on the side cooked to order. Friday: Fish and chips, and shrimp basket ticipation of 10. Must be in possession of 18 years of age at the JZ (Jungle Zone) and
You can make reservation for Birthday D&DOLIRUQLD6WDWHVDOWZDWHU¿VKLQJOLFHQVH Main Youth Programs. The classes range
Nutella French Toast — $6, rench toast parties, promotion, or any kind of event. We or be able to purchase a daily license at the from beginner level to advanced level and
stuffed with creamy nutella, topped with can also accommodate Special Events after PDULQDRI¿FH$Q\RQHXQGHU\HDUVPXVW meet weekly. For more information, call
whip cream, all drizzled with extra nutella hours. For more information, call 661-275- be accompanied by a parent or adult guard- 661-275-KIDS.
and two eggs on the side cooked to order. SAND. LDQ(QMR\DJUHDWGD\RI¿VKLQJDURXQGWKH
Channel Islands with plenty of rail space and <RXWK6SRUWV
Blue Berry Flapjacks — $6.50, A full 2DVLV&RPPXQLW\&HQWHU adequate room to cast on our selected vessel.
stack of blueberry jacks topped with blue- The boat does not have a galley, so bring 24 Lathrop Dr., Bldg. 5210, 661-277-8961
berry syrup and two eggs on the side cooked 205 W. Popson Ave., 661-275-CNTR your own food and drinks; small coolers al-
to order. ORZHG,WLVDSHUIHFWFKRLFHIRU¿VKLQJ:H Smart Start Baseball: Calling 3-4 year
Spring Flea Market: April 22, noon-5 will be targeting White Sea Bass, Halibut, olds. Cost is $35 per children, the season
Apple Strudel Flapjacks — $6, a full p.m. Clean out those closets and garages and starts April 20 and you can sign up at the
VWDFNRIÀDSMDFNVWRSSHGZLWKIULHGFLQQD- sell your unwanted items. Anyone wishing to Youth Center.
mon apple and a twist of rum, side of two SDUWLFLSDWHPXVW¿OORXWDIRUPDQGUHWXUQLW
eggs cooked to order. by April 15 at the Oasis Community Center.
Banana Flapjacks — $6, a full stack of
I need a home ...
Echo is a hand 1$6$¶6$PHULFDQ(DWHU\ 0DU\¶V3ODFH0HQX
old sweet boy $SULO $SULO
who wants noth 0RQGD\ $OO6SHFLDOV
ing more than Chicken cordon bleu Drink not included.
to interact with Mashed potatoes and gravy
loves to give Vegetables DPSP
kisses and play.
the most won Three soft tacos Cabbage roll
derful personal 6SDQLVKULFHDQGUHIULHGEHDQV White rice and green beans
well in almost :HGQHVGD\ 7XHVGD\
any home. We Meat loaf %XIIDORFKLFNHQZLQJV
expect this guy
to make a fan Mashed potatoes and gravy French fries
tastic family Vegetables
addition. :HGQHVGD\
,I\RXDUHLQWHUHVWHGYLVLW$3(75HVFXHDW Fried rice and egg roll
Closed Mashed potatoes with gravy
Drink not included.
5RELQ+RRGDQG$QWKRQ\¶V3L]]DIRRG Macaroni and cheese
facilities available +XVKSXSSLHVRUYHJHWDEOHV
Menu subject to change Menu subject to change