Page 11 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 4-15-16
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April 15, 2016                                      $QQRXQFHPHQWV                                                                                                             Desert Wings  11

)RUFH6XSSRUW6TXDGURQ                              pointments. For an appointment or vouch-     and share your creative knowledge with a          prize is a $50 FSS gift card.
                                                    er information, call 1-866-327-3074 toll     diverse group of students looking for paint-        Mongolian Barbecue: April 25, 5-8 p.m.
  5 N. Seller’s Ave., Bldg. 3000                    free.                                        ing, drawing, photography, scrapbooking
Second Annual Run with History Half                                                              and other craft/art related instruction. No       in the Dining Room.
Marathon/10K/5K                                       Department of Labor Five-day Tran-         prior instructor experience necessary — if          Tipsee Artist: April 26, 6-8 p.m. in the Al-
                                                    sition Assistance Program: April 18-22,      you are knowledgeable then we are looking
   May 14, runs begin at 7 a.m. Early Registra-     7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. The Transition Assis-    for you! Contact the Arts & Crafts Center at      liance Room. The Tipsee Artist is coming to
tion: Half — $50, 10K — $35, 5K — $25, Reg-         tance Program workshop is required for       661-275-ARTS (2787) for more information.         Club Muroc! Come test your artistic talents
istration after April 1: Half — $60, 10K — $45,     all separating and retiring military mem-                                                      and enjoy a glass of wine. Reservations re-
5K — $35. Come out and run where history is         bers; spouses are welcome and encour-          Wood Safety Orientation Class: Every            quired. Cost is $25 for members and $27 for
made every day! All runs will take place on the     aged to attend.                              other Saturday, 1 p.m. Call 661-275-ARTS          non-members.
historic Edwards AFB Lake Bed and Flight-line.                                                   for dates. This free class teachers participants
Base gate will open for participants at 5 am. Reg-    Hearts Apart: April 21 and May 19,         the safety basics of common woodworking             2016 Air Force Club Scholarship Pro-
ister at!                            5-7 p.m. Our monthly event for families      equipment. Once you complete the class you        gram: Over the past 17 years, the Air Force
First Annual Exotic Car Show                        of service members who are deployed on       can use the full range of equipment in our        Club Scholarship Program has provided col-
                                                    an extended TDY or on a remote! Join us      Wood Hobby Shop for just $2 per hour.             lege tuition assistance to more than 440 Air
  May 14, 8 a.m.-noon. Come explore a variety       for fun activities and dinner.                                                                 Force club members and/or their eligible
of exotic cars near the Edwards AFB Flightline!                                                    Basic Vehicle Maintenance Class: Satur-         family members. This year the Air Force
Entrance is free. Enjoy food, music, vendors and      Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony:           days, 10 a.m. Cost is $15 per person. Partici-    Club Scholarship Program will again offer
cheer on the marathon runners!                      April 26, 9-11 a.m. The Volunteer Ap-        pants will learn the basics of good vehicle       this program to all Air Force club members.
                                                    preciation Ceremony is a yearly event to     maintenance. Learn how to operate a lift,         In past years, entrants were asked to sub-
$HUR&OXE                                           acknowledge and recognize volunteers for     change your oil, and check and balance your       mit an essay and although this option is still
                                                    WKHLUVHOÀHVVFRPPLWPHQWDQGHIIRUWVLQ     tires. Call the Auto Hobby Shop at 661-275-       available (essay must now be 1,000 words),
  320 Jones Road, South Base, Bldg. 320, 661-       making the EAFB community thrive.            AUTO (2887) for more information.                 this year we would like to highly encourage
275-AERO                                                                                                                                           HQWUDQWVWRVXEPLWD¿YHPLQXWHYLGHR(Q-
                                                      Pre-Separation Counseling: April 27,         Air Conditioning Special: It’s getting hot!     trants can complete their on-line entry form,
  Poppy Field Flyover: See the Antelope Val-        8:30-11 a.m. This is a prerequisite for the  Stop by Auto Hobby to get your car’s A/C          paste their essay or video link and upload the
OH\DWLWV¿QHVW)O\RYHUWKHSRSS\¿HOGV2UL-    ¿YHGD\7UDQVLWLRQ$VVLVWDQFH3URJUDP      summer ready and save $5 off the service          two letters of recommendation. The web is
HQWDWLRQÀLJKWSHUKRXURQHDGXOWDQGWZR    Spouses are highly encouraged to attend.     fee.                                              ¿OOHGZLWKYLGHRH[DPSOHV±IRULGHDVFKHFN
children, or two adults) by appointment only.                                                                                                      out BuzzFeed, Watchout, or CrashCourse.
7RVFKHGXOH\RXUÀLJKWFDOOWKH$HUR&OXEDW        Volunteer Registration: All volunteers     &OXE0XURF                                        For more details and entry, visit http://www.
661-275-AERO.                                       ZLWK(GZDUGV¶$)%RI¿FLDORUJDQL]DWLRQV                                             
                                                    units need to register with the A&FRC          275 Doolittle Parkway, 661-275-CLUB
  Flight Training: Private, Instrument, Com-        Volunteer Coordinator, Al Laxamana at          Pour into Spring Wine Tasting: April 15,          Friday DJ: Looking for something to do
mercial, ATP, CFI, CFII, and ATP — Aircraft         661-277-2972. Organizations or agencies      4-7 p.m. Pre-sale tickets are $10 for mem-        on Friday nights? Club Muroc is the place
rentals range from $131-$145 per hour, instruc-     that need volunteers and folks looking for   bers and $15 for non-members. Door price          to be! We have hired the best DJs around
tor $45 per hour by appointment. Multi-Engine,      volunteer opportunities may also contact     is $20. Tickets are available at the Exchange     who will be playing the Hottest Music every
Commercial, ATP, CFI, and CFII — Aircraft           Airmen & Family Readiness to be includ-      (661-258-1078) Express (661-258-0008)             Friday starting at 5 p.m.
$300 per hour, instructor $45 per hour by ap-       ed on a distribution list.                   and Club Muroc (661-275-2582). Gift bags
pointment.                                                                                       will be provided for each attendant. Hors           Breakfast is Served: Come out to Club
                                                    $UWVDQG&UDIWV&HQWHU$XWR                 d’oeuvres will be served. Must be 21 years        Muroc and start your day off right with a de-
$LUPDQDQG)DPLO\5HDGLQHVV                         +REE\                                        or older to attend.                               licious breakfast. Served weekdays 6:30-10
                                                                                                   Sunday Brunch: April 17, 10 a.m.-2              a.m., and all day (10 a.m.-8 p.m.) Saturday
  90 Farrell Drive, Bldg.5620, 661-277-0723           200 Methusa Rd., 661-275-ARTS/661-         p.m. Cost is $21 for members, $23 for non-        and Sunday. For more information, contact
  Women’s, Infants’ & Children’s Clinic:            275-AUTO                                     members, $9.50 for kids 6-12 and free for         Club Muroc at 661-275-CLUB.
April 18, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m., closed for lunch                                                     children under 5.
noon-1 p.m. Open for both walk-ins and ap-            Instructors Needed: Attention all art-       Are you a club member? Come enjoy our             2 for Tuesday: Tuesdays, $2 tamales, $2
                                                    ists and crafters! If you’re creative, we    free monthly buffet! Not a club member?           beer specials, $2 discount for club members
                                                    need you! The Arts & Crafts Center is        6LJQXSWRGD\DQGHQMR\EHQH¿WVOLNHWKLV        on a full priced meal item.
                                                    seeking out instructors of all types. Come   and much more.
                                                                                                   Kids Klub: April 19, 5-8 p.m. Family            Daily Specials
7HHQ0LVV(GZDUGVLVDOVR                                                                       Bingo with prizes. Free Kids Meal for Club          Includes sides, drink and ice cream. Substi-
7HHQ0LVV$QWHORSH9DOOH\                                                                        Member kids 10 and under. Cost is $5 for
                                                                                                 non-members. Parents must stay with chil-         tute salad bar in place of the side $2.
                                                      Ariana Medina, the reigning Teen           dren.                                               Monday: Chef special, $8.50
                                                    Miss Edwards for 2015-2016, is now             Trivia Night: April 21, 6 p.m. First place        Tuesday: Meatloaf with mashed potato
                                                    also Teen Miss Antelope Valley. She          price is $100 FSS gift card, and second place
                                                    was crowned in the pageant held Feb.                                                           and gravy, vegetable of the day, or chicken
                                                    13 at Westpark Elementary School in                                                            parmesan with linguine, vegetable of the
                                                    Rosamond. The Teen Miss Antelope                                                               day, $8.50
                                                    Valley Pageant had four contestants this
                                                    year from different AV cities. Medina                                                            Wednesday: Chicken fried steak with scal-
                                                    took part in a personal interview, intro-                                                                   See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 12
                                                    duction speech, speech on chosen topic,
                                                    and formal wear, all in front of a panel     2016 Military Retiree
                                                    of judges. She also won the photogenic       Appreciation Day
                                                    and the friendship award. She will rep-      scheduled for May 7
                                                    resent the title of Teen Miss Antelope
Courtesy photograph                                 Valley for a year, and at the end of her       Edwards AFB will hold its 2016 Military Retiree Appreciation Day May 7.
                                                    reign she will receive a scholarship.          The event will be 8 a.m.-noon at the Oasis Community Center in Bldg. 2500 at 205 West
                                                    6KHZDVWKH¿UVWWRZLQ7HHQ0LVV$Q-        Popson Ave.
                                                    telope Valley from Edwards AFB. She            All military retirees and their spouses are invited to attend.
                                                    is also a volunteer for Grace Resources        After the opening ceremony, attendees will have the opportunity to visit a variety of in-
                                                    and other homeless shelters in the An-       formational booths and attend breakout sessions to obtain information and some services
                                                    telope Valley. She has received a Cer-       of value to retirees.
                                                    Knight for her community service. Her        VHUYHWKHUHWLUHHVDORQJZLWKWKH(GZDUGV5HWLUHHV$FWLYLWLHV2I¿FHDQG75,&$5(UHSUH-
                                                    duties will include representing both        sentatives. I.D. services will also be available.
                                                    Edwards and the Antelope Valley at             Invitations will be mailed out to local retirees. Those who receive the invites are asked to
                                                    various events including visiting local      5693E\$SULOLQRUGHUWRHQVXUHVXI¿FLHQWDFFRPPRGDWLRQV
                                                    veteran’s homes. Her father is Master          Refreshments, gift bags and door prizes will also be provided to make Retiree Appreciation
                                                    Sgt. Juan Medina of the 412th Com-           Day 2016 both fun and informational.
                                                    munications Squadron.                          For more information or to R.S.V.P., call 661-277-4931 or email
                                                                                                   Information is also available at
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