Page 14 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 4-15-16
P. 14


Homes for Rent                     Education

           ROSAMOND                        Join Us!                   '$$ $
$#)%"&"#                                                 86 million
 Spacious 3-Bedroom, 2-Bath         Toastmasters Club                      $" 
  2-Car Garage, Landscaped                                                                !$$&$#                                                                   Americans
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                                            3UHVHQWDWLRQ	            661-256-8356                                                Mon – Fri  9 AM - 6PM                     have prediabetes.
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      Month+Sec. Deposit                  /HDGHUVKLS6NLOOV"                                                                                person-ABOUT-TO-
     Not section 8 Approved                                                                                                        Gate Access Hours
           661-947-7718              Tuesdays, 11:30-12:30                                                                                                                   FACT-CHECK-THIS-FACT.
                                       Test Wing Bldg 1400                                                                       Mon – Fri 6 AM - 8 PM
       Rooms for Rent                 Conference Room 414                                                                Sat. 6 AM - 8 PM  Sun. 6 AM - 8 PM

    SEEKING ROOMMATE               Meeting Agendas Include:           APARTMENT FOR RENT IN ROSAMOND
        only $300/Month!               Prepared Speeches                   2 bed, 1 bath, newly refurbished
           California City             Speech Evaluations
           Edwards AFB                   For Information,             Private garage, quiet area. $700/month
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