Page 1 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-14-15
P. 1
Vol. 15, No. 30
Add to fitness arsenal, 3
Drowning awareness, 5
Become a paralegal, 6
Sun safety, 7
Summer tooth health, 11
Senior Airman Grace Lee An F-16 Fighting Falcon does a near-vertical takeoff at Luke Air Force Base. More than 25 nations across the globe use the F-16 in
their defense in a collaborative effort with the United States to ensure all countries can defend themselves against any enemy.
See Page 12 F-16 alive, well at Luke
INDEX 6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\ to keep the jets flying day and night. we’ve flown them,” Crawford said. “The
Senior Airman “These jets don’t fly without our blood, avionics and system upgrades through
Action line ............................. 2 RXW WKH OLIHVSDQ RI WKH ) FRQWLQXH
Briefs..................................... 3 0$5&<&23(/$1' sweat and tears,” said Senior Airman to make this jet an essential player in
Spotlight ................................ 4 Peter Rowe, 310th AMU aircraft arma combat and training.”
Diversions ........................... 20 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs ment weapons specialist. “We all have
Sports.................................. 23 our fair share of scars from working on 7KH)LVDOVRXVHGE\WKH7KXQGHU
)RU \HDUV /XNH KDV WUDLQHG SLORWV these aircraft. There are a lot of main birds for aerial performances in airshows
QUOTE OF THE WEEK WR IO\ WKH ) )LJKWLQJ )DOFRQ ZKLOH tainers working on these jets to keep around the world. The United States has
graduating more than 17,000 pilots and them flying.” recently delivered four of 30 aircraft to
“As we get older, many of us get set in )FUHZFKLHIV/XNHFRQWLQXHV The Iraqi Ministry of Defense at Balad Air
our ways and live by the phrase, ‘This that legacy with four fighter squadrons 7KH )LJKWLQJ )DOFRQ LV D FRPSDFW Base. It is currently in use in combined
is who I am.’ That mindset can easily and aircraft maintenance units. highly maneuverable multirole aircraft. training with the Polish air force.
stagnate our growth, because what we It is capable of flying more than 500
DUH VHOÀVKO\ WHOOLQJ RWKHUV LV ¶)LJXUH )VWXGHQWSLORWVFRQWLQXHWRWUDLQLQ miles, delivering its weapons with ac More than 25 nations across the globe
out what I am trying to say.’ What we WKHVWWKWKDQGWKÀJKWHU curacy, defending against attack and IO\WKH)LQGHIHQVHRIWKHLUQDWLRQV
should do instead is ask ourselves, ‘Am squadrons as the jets are maintained by returning to its starting point with the 7R GDWH PRUH WKDQ )V KDYH
I clearly articulating my message?’” the respective aircraft maintenance units. DELOLW\ WR GHWHFW ORZIO\LQJ DLUFUDIW LQ been built with over 2,200 produced for
radar clutter in all types of weather. WKH 86 $LU )RUFH :LWK SODQV WR NHHS
56th Logistics Readiness Squadron doing an amazing job,” said Capt. Brian 7KHÀUVW)$VLQJOHVHDWPRGHOÁHZ UHPDLQVDQ$LU)RUFHZRUNKRUVH
WEATHER flight commander. “It is only due to their DO LQ -DQXDU\ $OO )V GHOLYHUHG “Its mission supports combat forces
tireless effort and vital skills that these VLQFH1RYHPEHUKDYHEXLOWLQVWUXF and protects the borders, land, sea, and
Today jets are able to fly the missions required tural and wiring provisions and systems air from all enemies,” Crawford said.
to get our students ready to enter the architecture that permit expansion of the
111°/85° combat air force.” PXOWLUROHÁH[LELOLW\WRSHUIRUPSUHFLVLRQ With 27,000 pounds of thrust, a wing
VWULNH QLJKW DWWDFN DQG EH\RQGYLVXDO span of 32 feet, eight inches, a ceiling
Sunny Surface temperatures on the flightline range interception missions. above 50,000 feet and a speed of 1,500
DW /XNH FDQ UHDFK EHWZHHQ WR miles per hour (Mach 2 at altitude), the
degrees with air temperatures reach ´7KH )V DUH SHUIRUPLQJ H[WUHPHO\ ) SURGXFHV D VRXQG WKDW PDQ\ KDYH
ing 110 to 115 degrees. The pilots and well considering the amount of hours come to call the sound of freedom.
maintainers endure weather challenges
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