Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-14-15
P. 6

Aug. 14, 2015                              NEWS                                                                                                                  Thunderbolt

This is your Air Force                                                                                                Get involved in legal side of AF

   $LUSRZHU LV QRW D VROR HIIRUW 2QH OHDGHU  leadership that we create and strengthen                           &URVVWUDLQLQJLQWKH$LU)RUFHLVDQ  environmental and operations law to
does not win a war; one pilot does not bomb           partnerships to leverage increased wisdom                       opportunity made available to most         name a few. Within these divisions,
every target; one loadmaster does not supply          and perspective. It is you who we count on                      enlisted Airmen. There are many            paralegals conduct legal research,
WKH HQWLUH ÀJKW $LUSRZHU KDV DQG DOZD\V       WRHIIHFWLYHO\DQGHIÀFLHQWO\VWUHQJWKHQRXU                   fields available and many can be the       interview victims and witnesses, and
will be a team effort, and together we are            team and accomplish our mission. It is you                      start of lifetime careers as they eas     team with attorneys to draft opinions
the world’s greatest airpower team.                   who stands in the best position to discover                     ily cross over into the civilian world.    and other documents. They also sup
                                                      innovative ways to deliver our core com                        2QH VXFK LV VSHFLDOW\ FRGH -;     port investigations of serious events,
   The global vigilance, global reach and             petencies: Rapid global mobility, precision                     Paralegal.                                 such as aircraft, missile or rocket
global power we provide for our nation and            engagement, global attack, air and space                                                                   incidents.
partners around the world would not be pos           superiority, information superiority, and                          “If you’re interested in a career
sible if not for every single Airman in our           agile combat support.                                           change that is both challenging and           Those interested must be eligible to
$LU )RUFH :H VLPSO\ FDQQRW ZLQ WKH ÀJKW                                                                      rewarding, you should consider re         retrain into the paralegal career field
without you.                                             7KLV LV \RXU $LU )RUFH $V WKH HPHUJLQJ              training into the paralegal career         by meeting certain criteria, which in
                                                      global environment continues to evolve, and                     field,” said Master Sgt. Deanna            clude the ability to type a minimum of
   Perhaps nobody knew this better than our           as the pace of change continues to surge, it                    &RPPDFN WK )LJKWHU :LQJ /HJDO      25 words per minute, a minimum gen
WK&KLHI0DVWHU6HUJHDQWRIWKH$LU)RUFH          is you – our Airmen – who will shape our                        office superintendent. “This profes       eral AQE score of 51, have very little
James Binnicker. Chief Binnicker passed               future.                                                         sion provides a great environment for      to no derogatory information in their
away this March, leaving behind a legacy of                                                                           those looking for a career that offers a   records, and obtain recommendation
leadership that always encouraged and chal              Chief Binnicker was a powerful change                        sense of pride, independence, personal     letters from their leaders. In addition,
lenged Airmen to shape the future. He wasn’t          agent, challenging us to be better and aim                      growth and accomplishment at the           D WZRSDUW LQWHUYLHZ VHVVLRQ ZLOO EH
2.ZLWKQHJOHFWDSDWK\RUVLPSO\SDVVLQJ            higher until the day cancer took him from                       end of each work day.”                     completed with the staff judge advo
the buck. He demanded action, ownership,              XVIRUJRRG<RXKDYHWKHSRZHUWRFDUU\KLV                                                              cate and law office superintendent.
innovation … and a commitment to profes              legacy forward, the legacy of all those giants                     7KH$LU)RUFHHQOLVWHGOHJDOFDUHHU
sionalism in our chosen profession of arms.           whose shoulders we stand upon today.                            field was established on May 1, 1955,         )LVFDOUHWUDLQLQJTXRWDVZHUH
                                                                                                                      and continues to play a prominent          released July 16.
   This month he’ll be laid to rest in Arlington         <RXU FRPELQHG LQWHOOLJHQFH VSLULW RI LQ               role in The Judge Advocate General’s
National Cemetery, surrounded by family,              novation and dedication to the mission has                      Corps, according to Commack.                  “They typically fill up quickly,”
friends and Airmen he knew would carry                always been our greatest source of strength.                                                               Commack said. “To submit your
that commitment forward.                              I encourage you to take an active role in our                      “TJAGC’s primary mission is to          retraining application, contact the
                                                      future.                                                         provide legal counsel to commanders,       retraining section of the military per
   We must take on his challenge and commit                                                                           first sergeants and other key person      VRQQHOVHFWLRQRUVHHD/XNH$LU)RUFH
to do our best. We must, and will, continue              7KLVLV\RXU$LU)RUFH,W·VRXU$LU)RUFH              nel on a broad spectrum of legal and       Base career advisor.”
to hoist the torch.                                   and it’s up to us to do our best and continue                   TXDVLOHJDOPDWWHUVµVKHVDLG
                                                      forward.                                                                                                      )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW WKH
   Each and every Airman is critical to the                                                                              The paralegal has a direct impact       SDUDOHJDOFDUHHUILHOGRUWRVHWXSDQ
projection of airpower and owns a stake                                                  Courtesy of  on all facets of the legal field. This     informal interview, call Commack at
in our future success. It is through your                                                                             includes military justice, claims,         
                                                                                                                      civil law, legal assistance, contracts,
                                                                                                                                                                                             Courtesy of 56th FWJA
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