Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-14-15
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Thunderbolt                                        NEWS                                                                                                                     Aug. 14, 2015                     7                                                                                                                     

Sun safety now pays dividend later

           6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\                        ´<RXU ERG\ QRUPDOO\ PDNHV PHODQLQ                                      Kinsley Skel-      SURWHFW IURP 89 UD\V , XVXDOO\ UHFRP
              Senior Airman                        to protect the deeper layers of your skin                                      ton, Luke Air      PHQG 63)  ZKLFK EORFNV  SHUFHQW
                *5$&(/((                          from damage,” said Staff Sgt. Jason De                                         Force Base         RI 89% UD\V ZKHUHDV 63)  EORFNV 
                                                   -HVXVWK)LJKWHU:LQJ*URXQG6DIHW\                                        Silver Wings       SHUFHQW RI 89% UD\V DQG 63)  EORFNV
                 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  technician. “When your skin gets dam                                          Pool lifeguard,    98 percent.”
                                                   aged by the sun’s rays, it makes even more                                     keeps watch
   Having fun in the sun is great while at         melanin to try to protect your skin from                                       over swimmers         2WKHU WKDQ DSSO\LQJ VXQVFUHHQ WKH
the the beach, river, hiking and other out        further damage. This is what causes the                                        Tuesday at the     best protection is to stay out of the sun
door activities, but too much exposure and         VNLQWRFKDQJHFRORU'DUNVNLQQHGSHRSOH                                     pool. Applying     or wear protective clothing, Dejesus said.
not enough protection can lead to sunburn.         usually turn darker brown, or tan, when                                        sunscreen can
Sun damage can lead to skin cancer.                WKH\ JR LQ WKH VXQ DQG OLJKWVNLQQHG                                   help protect an       “Wearing dark colored clothing such as
                                                   people usually turn more red, or burn.”                                        individual from    deep blue and black or bright colors such
   “The sun can do a lot of damage to our                                                                                         getting sunburn    as orange and red offer more protection,”
skin, with most people thinking only of               “A sunburn is the skin’s response to ex                                    and shield the     Denelsbeck said. “If you can see through
putting on sunscreen when going to the                                                                                            skin from ultra-   LW WKH 89 UD\V ZLOO JHW WKURXJK LW WRR
beach or a ball game,” said Maj. Renae                                                                                            violet rays, some  :HDULQJ EURDGEULPPHG KDWV WR SURWHFW
'HQHOVEHFN WK 0HGLFDO 2SHUDWLRQV                                                                                           of the most dam-   the face, where some of the most damag
6TXDGURQ )DPLO\ +HDOWK )OLJKW FRP                                                                                            aging sun rays.    ing effects take place, is encouraged.”
mander and nurse practitioner. “What
many don’t realize is that even everyday                                                         treme ultraviolet exposure and indicates               To treat sunburn, Denelsbeck recom
sun exposure can lead to damage and ul                                                          severe damage,” Denelsbeck said. “In as             mends the following:
timately skin cancer.                                                                            OLWWOHDVPLQXWHVRILQWHQVH89H[SR            ‡'ULQNZDWHUWRK\GUDWHWKHERG\
                                                                                                 sure, damage can already be in motion.”             ‡7DNH0RWULQRULEXSURIHQIRUGLVFRP
   Whether or not an individual gets sun
burned depends on their skin type.                                                                  Wearing sunscreen can help protect                  fort.
                                                                                                 VNLQIURP89UD\V                                  ‡$SSO\DFRROGDPSFORWKRYHUWKHDUHD
   ´2XU JHQHWLF PDNHXS DQG FRORULQJ FDQ                                                                                                        ‡8VHDWRSLFDOORWLRQZKLFKFRQWDLQVDORH
also have an impact on the amount of                                                                “Sunscreen acts as a barrier and shields
damage and potential for skin cancer,”                                                           VRPHRIWKHPRVWGDPDJLQJVXQUD\V89                vera.
'HQHOVEHFN VDLG ´6R IRU IDLUVNLQQHG                                                      sun light, that can lead to melanoma with           ‡,IDEOLVWHUGHYHORSVGRQRWEUHDNRU
EORQGHRUUHGKDLUHGLQGLYLGXDOVLW·VHYHQ                                                     prolonged exposure,” Denelsbeck said.
more important.”                                                                                 “Sunscreens come in different levels of                remove it. Allow it to heal itself.
                                                                                                 VXQSURWHFWLRQIDFWRURU63)ZKLFKLVD             “I’m new to Arizona, so I feel guilty if
   Additionally, the level of melanin, which                                                     measure of how well the sunscreen will              I’m not enjoying the sunshine,” Denels
is the pigment that gives human skin, hair                                                                                                           beck said. “But I have found you can burn
and eyes color, can have an effect on the                                                                                                            quickly and easily. Remember, protection
skin’s reaction to the sun.                                                                                                                          does not have to be costly or complicated,
                                                                                                                                                     just consistent.”

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