Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-14-15
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Thunderbolt                                                             NEWS                                                                                                                              Aug. 14, 2015              9                                                                                                                                                   

 PEOPLE                                                able privilege it represents. He deserves this                      The SARCs and deputy SARCs across                       sergeant through senior master sergeant,
   FIRST                                               promotion, and more importantly, the Air                         WKH $LU )RUFH VHUYH DV WUXVWHG DJHQWV IRU          which was released July 31.
                                                       )RUFHGHVHUYHVKLVOHDGHUVKLSµ                                  Airmen in crisis at 113 bases around the
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is                                                                         ZRUOGVDLG0DM6FRWW&UXPWKH$LU)RUFH         
compiled from information from the Air Force              As the previous director of the Joint                         SAPR deputy operations chief.                                Article/612027/af-implements-restricted-endorse-
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup-             Staff at the Pentagon, Goldfein assisted                                                                                    PHQWVWUDWL¿FDWLRQIRUVHQLRUPDVWHUVHUJHDQWDVS[
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness             the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in             
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel       IXOÀOOLQJKLVUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVDVWKHSULQFL                            Article/613096/sarcs-hone-skills-at-annual-        ::,,$LUPDQ¶V
RIÀFH DQG DUPHG IRUFHV QHZV VHUYLFHV )RU WKH  pal military adviser to the president and                                                            refresher-course.aspx  UHPDLQVLGHQWL¿HG
complete story, go to the web address listed at        secretary of Defense.
the end of the story.                                                                                                   AF implements senior                                          The remains of an Airman missing since
                                                              rater endorsement limits                                   World War II have been identified and
AF welcomes new                                            Article/613091/af-welcomes-new-vice-chief-of-                                                                           are being returned to his family for burial
vice chief of staff                                                                                         staff.aspx     Restricted senior rater endorsement                     with full military honors, said the Defense
                                                                                                                        DQGVWUDWLÀFDWLRQIRUVHQLRU1&2HQOLVWHG                 32:0,$$FFRXQWLQJ$JHQF\LQD'HIHQVH
   7KH$LU)RUFHZHOFRPHGDQ$LUPDQWRWKH            SARCs hone skills                                                performance reports will be implemented in                 Department news release issued Aug. 6.
UDQNRIIRXUVWDUJHQHUDODQGDQQRXQFHGWKH           at annual refresher                                              conjunction with the July 31 senior master
DSSRLQWPHQWRIWKHQHZ$LU)RUFHYLFHFKLHI                                                                            sergeant EPR closeout date.                                   $UP\$LU)RUFHVQG/W6WHSKHQ%LH]LV
of staff during a ceremony Aug. 6 at Joint                7KH$LU)RUFH6H[XDO$VVDXOW3UHYHQWLRQ                                                                                 of Chicago will be buried today in Arlington
                                                       ILYHGD\ DQQXDO UHIUHVKHU FRXUVH $XJ                     WLRQV IRU VHQLRU 1&2V DUH SDUW RI RQJRLQJ          WR WKH UHOHDVH +LV FRSLORW VW /W -DPHV
III presided over the ceremony for Gen. Da            sault response coordinators at the National                      system changes underway since July 2014.                   -DQLQ%XVKQHOO)ORULGD
vid Goldfein in front of a crowd of more than          &RQIHUHQFH&HQWHULQ/HHVEXUJ9LUJLQLD
1,000 Airmen and distinguished visitors                                                                                    Announced in June, restrictions will limit                 2Q 'HF   %LH]LV DQG KLV FUHZ
that included Chairman of the Joint Chiefs                The SARCs participated in a variety of                        the number of endorsements a senior rater                  RI ÀYH ZHUH DVVLJQHG WR WKH WK %RP
of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey, several U.S.             lessons on prevention, policy, training and                      PD\JLYHWRWKHLUSURPRWLRQHOLJLEOHPDVWHU               bardment Squadron and were deployed to
ambassadors, current and former members                leadership interaction designed to reinforce                     sergeants and senior master sergeants.                     *HUPDQ\%LH]LVZDVWKHFRSLORWRID%&
RIWKHWK6SHFLDO7DFWLFV*URXSDQGÀUVW          their knowledge and skills.                                      Senior raters will be restricted to endors                Marauder that crashed after being struck
UHVSRQGHUV IURP WKH 1HZ <RUN &LW\ )LUH                                                                           ing only the top 20 percent of their senior                E\HQHP\ÀUHZKLOHRQDERPELQJPLVVLRQ
Department among others.                                  “SARCs are the backbone of the Air                            master sergeants eligible for promotion                    against enemy forces near Ahrweiler, Ger
                                                       )RUFH·V 6H[XDO $VVDXOW 3UHYHQWLRQ DQG                       to chief master sergeant and the top 10                    many. Biezis, Gatlin and three other crew
   “General Goldfein knows this isn’t a re            Response Program,” said Maj. Gen. Gina                           percent of their master sergeants eligible                 members were reported killed in action. His
ward, it’s a challenge,” Welsh said. “He re           *URVVRWKH$LU)RUFH6$35GLUHFWRU´7KLV                      for promotions to senior master sergeant.                  remains were not recovered during the war.
spects the opportunity; he is not intimidated          annual training is our opportunity not just
by it, and he also acknowledges the unbeliev          to ensure they have the latest information                          This percentage correlates with historical                 2QH RI WKH FUHZ PHPEHUV SDUDFKXWHG
                                                       on policies and procedures, but also to get                      promotion rates for each grade.                            from the aircraft but was captured and held
                                                       their feedback on what’s working, what                                                                                      as a prisoner of war by German forces, the
                                                       isn’t and how we can continue to improve.                           In addition to endorsements, senior raters              release stated.
                                                       Their enthusiasm for learning and dedica                        KDYHWKHRSWLRQWRLQFOXGHZULWWHQVWUDWLÀFD
                                                       tion to the Airmen they support is truly                         WLRQLQWKHLURSWLRQDOFRPPHQWRU´SXVKOLQHµ     
                                                       inspiring.”                                                      LQ WKH ÀQDO HYDOXDWRU·V FRPPHQWV VHFWLRQ                   Article/612548/world-war-ii-airmans-remains-
                                                                                                                        RQ$LU)RUFH)RUPWKH(35IRUPDVWHU                                                               LGHQWL¿HGDVS[

SOUND                                                  “‘Arrow.’I like                                                  “‘Big Bang                 “‘Scandel.’ It’s                          “‘Friends.’ I’ve
 OFF!                                                  the tone of the                                                  Theory.’It’s a             riveting.”                                been watching
                                                       show, and it’s                                                   good comedy                                                          it with my mom
                                                       fun to watch.”                                                   that makes me                                                        since I was a little
                                                                                                                        laugh.”                                                              girl.”

What is your favorite   Airman 1st Class                                Civilian                                                         Tech. Sgt.                                Civilian
   TV show? Why?        ZACHARY MILWARD                                 SHONDA GRIZZARD                                                  VIVIAN REYES                              BREANNA SOUTHERLAND
                        56th Contracting Squadron                       56th Comptroller Squadron                                        56th Comptroller Squadron                 56th Force Support Squadron

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