Page 16 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-14-15
P. 16
Aug. 14, 2015
)/<E 29(516
‘Mission: Impossible ‘Trainwreck’
- Rogue Nation’
1/2 by Senior Airman Grace Lee
by Staff Sgt. Nestor Cruz Being that it’s a biweekly tradition for me and my friend to
Your weekly guide watch a movie, I chose the movie “Trainwreck,” mostly because
Writer, producer and director Christopher McQuarrie to entertainment the movie poster caught my attention. “Trainwreck” is an Ameri
recently said in an interview that actor Tom Cruise wants FDQURPDQWLFFRPHG\ÀOPGLUHFWHGE\-XGG$SDWRZDQGZULWWHQ
people to come to the movies and have a good time. Welcome to the Fly Over, Luke’s source for by Amy Schumer.
It begins with Gordon Townsend (Colin Quinn) telling his two
With the recent release of “Mission: Impossible – Rogue movie, book, video game, music and all things young daughters that he and their mother are getting a divorce,
Nation” in theaters, McQuarrie and Cruise have certainly entertainment reviews. Using a four-point because monogamy isn’t realistic. He has them repeat the state
delivered. scale, the Thunderbolt staff provides in-depth ment over and over that monogamy isn’t realistic at which point
reviews allowing the viewer an opportunity to the movie transitions 23 years later to the present. Amy (Amy
“Rogue Nation” is the fifth film in the action spy franchise decide what new and classic entertainment op- Schumer), while dating gym addict Steven (John Cena), regularly
and with a $56 million domestic opening weekend, “Mission: tions are worth their time. The Know a Critic gets drunk, stoned, parties and sleeps with countless men. She’s
Impossible” isn’t showing signs of slowing down. section helps the reader choose critics who the kind of girl who never likes to cuddle or sleep over after the
have tastes similar to their own. fact, leaving the men she sleeps with confused.
Ethan Hunt (Cruise) is on the trail of an international or Amy works for S’nuff, a men’s magazine and is assigned
ganization of spies called The Syndicate when he learns the 1/4 - Save your money to write an article about a sports doctor, Aaron Conners (Bill
,PSRVVLEOH0LVVLRQ)RUFHKDVEHHQGLVVROYHGDQGDEVRUEHG Hader). Her father now is in an assisted living home and her
into the CIA during a senate oversight committee hearing. 2/4 - Wait for Netflix release VLVWHU .LP %ULH /DUVRQ LV PDUULHG WR 7RP 0LNH %LUELJOLD
Months later, Hunt is still unable to track down The 3/4 - Worthy of Dine-in Theater husband Tom and their stepson weird because of how they love
6\QGLFDWHVRKHHQOLVWVWKHDLGRIIRUPHU,0)DJHQW%HQML each other and get along together well.
'XQQ6LPRQ3HJJ7KHWZRILQGDQ0,DJHQW,OVD)DXVW 4/4 - Bombs on Target The same day Amy meets Aaron to schedule the interview,
Syndicate but not everything about her is what it seems. Is Know a critic 7KH\ÀJKWDWDPRYLHWKHDWUHDQGHQGZKDW6WHYHQWKRXJKWZDV
1HVWRU&UX]LVDVHOI The day of the interview, Amy interviews Aaron at his sports
ILQDOO\WR/RQGRQLQDQDFWLRQSDFNHGULGHDV+XQWDQGKLV joys comic book movies, suit. Amy plays around in the suit moving her body in hilarious
WHDPOHDUQVDERXW)DXVW·VDOOHJLDQFHDQGKHUFRQQHFWLRQWR spy movies, Star Wars, ways, while Aaron is more serious. They go to dinner together
LQJ 'HDG 79 VHULHV tells the cab driver to go to his address. They sleep together and
McQuarrie and Drew Pearce wrote a great story for Hunt’s and comics. Aside from after, Aaron convinces her to stay the night. Although reluctant
fifth mission. There’s a good balance between story develop movies, Nestor reads she stays but suggests ways for Aaron to not be near her while
ment and action scenes, making it very hard to duck out for actual books, listens she sleeps.
a quick bathroom break. The story is also written in a way to music from various The day after, Amy tries to break things off with Aaron, and
that’s enjoyable as both a sequel and a standalone movie. Cruz genres on a daily basis, instead he insists they should date and she agrees. They fall for
each other very quickly. Even though Amy isn’t perfect, Aaron
It also helps having McQuarrie as both writer and director, cooks “nomnoms” for family and friends and still likes her.
so very little is lost in translation as McQuarrie brings his Instagrams food photos. 7KH\ JR WR .LP·V EDE\ VKRZHU ZKHUH $DURQ ÀQGV RXW IURP
vision to the big screen. His storytelling style is vastly dif Tom that Amy used to sleep around a lot. Meanwhile, Amy can’t
ferent than previous Mission Impossible directors, but still *UDFH /HH LV D SXEOLF stand being at the shower and grosses out Kim’s friends with
very satisfying. Clearly McQuarrie understands what goes affairs journalist who her sex stories.
LQWR D VXPPHU PRYLH VR WKH SDFLQJ LV ZHOOGRQH DOORZLQJ loves watching documen The tipping point for Aaron is when he invites Amy to see him
the plot, mystery and action to move the story along. taries such as “Supersize receive a prestigious award for his work. During his speech, Amy
Me.” She enjoys watching steps out into the lobby since her boss calls her and insists she
A vital element of the Mission: Impossible movies is the food shows where people WDONWRKLPULJKWWKDWPLQXWHRUKHZLOOÀUHKHU
action and this includes stunts. Cruise has been known as try strange, exotic or $DURQÀQGVKHUVPRNLQJSRWLQWKHOREE\DQGFRQIURQWVKHU
sort of a daredevil when it comes to movie stunts. Cruise’s oversized meals. Her fa They argue until they arrive at her apartment. Aaron says his
style may seem to be merely reckless stunts, but it is actually vorite types of movies are parents never went to bed angry and insists on resolving the
calculated realism. McQuarrie stated Cruise is an enter romance and comedy. In SUREOHP 7KLV WXUQV LQWR DQ DOOQLJKW UDQW E\ $P\ DQG $DURQ
tainer at heart and wants audiences to enjoy the ride. This /HH her spare time, she loves dozing as she speaks.
is evident in all his stunts, from the opening scene featuring Due to his lack of sleep, Aaron is unable to perform an impor
Cruise clinging to the side of an Airbus A400 cargo airplane singing, playing guitar, writing songs or reading tant surgery and has to reschedule it. He comes home to Amy
to the motorcycle chase scene rivalling a similar scene in VHOIKHOSERRNV and tells her they need to take a break. Amy instead insists they
Now, the question is, do they get back together or stay apart?
A friend of mine complained that the opening credits to <RX·OOKDYHWRZDWFKWKHPRYLHWRÀQGRXW
the Mission: Impossible movies, featuring brief glimpses Amy’s character is very funny and frank. She’s someone I can
of various moments in the movies, seem like spoilers since see out there in the real world who isn’t perfect. She looks like the
they show key plot points within the first few minutes. I average girl and is someone people can relate to, but has no com
disagree since the opening credits are a nod to the original mon sense when it comes to hurting people’s feelings. Although
79VHULHVDQGGRQ·WUHDOO\JLYHDQ\WKLQJDZD\,QIDFWWKH she’s insensitive to everyone else, the person she relates to most
opening credits for “Rogue Nation” may very well be the best is her father, even though he isn’t nice either.
RIWKHILYHPRYLHVIHDWXULQJDVROLGPRGHUQUHQGLWLRQRI/DOR Throughout the movie I found myself laughing out loud. I
6FKLIULQ·VWKHPHVRQJ(DJOHH\HGIDQVPD\DOVRVSRWDTXLFN recommend this movie to adults who like romantic comedies,
“Trainwreck” is rated R for strong sexual content, nudity, lan-
Speaking of Schifrin’s original theme song, music for guage and some drug use.
“Rogue Nation” was very well done and incorporated ele
soundtrack that captured the mood of each scene.
“Rogue Nation” is a fun thrill ride and a great reminder
that the summer movie season isn’t over yet.
Rated PG-13 for sequences of action, violence and brief
partial nudity.