Page 2 - Black History Month 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt — Davis Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
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2                                                       January 28, 2022                                                Aerotech News                          Aerotech News                                              January 28, 2022                                                                    3

        Black History month observed across the nation                                                                                                                   Honoring the life of Tuskegee Airman and

         February is Black History Month, and the theme of   the equation. The thought-process behind the week was   note that with only two exceptions, of cials with the
        the 2022 observance is “Black Health and Wellness.”   never recorded, but scholars acknowledge two reasons   State Departments of Education of “every state with   Air Force legend, Brig. Gen. Charles McGee
         The theme of the observance is set each year by the   for its birth: recognition and importance. Woodson   considerable Negro population” had made the event
        Association for the Study of African American Life   felt deeply that at least one week would allow for the   known to that state’s teachers and distributed of cial
        and History.                                  general movement to become something annually cel-  literature associated with the event. Churches also
         Black History Month is an annual observance that   ebrated. Also, after the 10-year-long haul to successfully   played a signi cant role in the distribution of literature   by Staff Sgt. Nick Z. Erwin  During this time, he and other Tuskegee
        originated in the United States, where it is sometimes   complete his “Journal of Negro History”, he realized the   in association with Negro History Week during this                                   Airmen distinguished themselves through
        known as African-American History Month. And while   subject deserved to resonate with a greater audience.   initial interval, with the mainstream and Black press     Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs  their combat proficiency and competence.
        the observance has received of cial recognition from the   From the event’s initial phase, primary emphasis   aiding in the publicity effort.                      Brig. Gen. Charles E. McGee, a Tuskegee   With over 6,800 flying hours, McGee’s
        U.S. and Canadian governments, Black History Month   was placed on encouraging the coordinated teaching of   Negro History Week was met with enthusiastic re-    Airman and Air Force legend, passed away   career spanned 30 years and three different
        is also observed in Ireland, the Netherlands and the   the history of American Blacks in the nation’s public   sponse; it prompted the creation of Black history clubs,   at his residence in Bethesda, Maryland, Jan.   wars: World War II, the Korean War and the
        United Kingdom.                               schools. The  rst Negro History Week was met with   an increase in interest among teachers, and interest           16, 2022. He was 102 years old.         Vietnam War. His decorations for outstand-
         In the United Kingdom, Black History Month is cel-  a lukewarm response, gaining the cooperation of the   from progressive whites. Negro History Week grew in     McGee was an airpower champion, noted   ing service included the Distinguished Fly-
        ebrated in October. The  rst celebration was in 1987,   Departments of Education of the states of North Caro-  popularity throughout the following decades, with may-  for his combat successes and impact on the   ing Cross, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Air
        which marked the 150th anniversary of the Caribbean   lina, Delaware and West Virginia as well as the city   ors across the United States endorsing it as a holiday.   cultural shift within the military.   Medal and the Presidential Unit Citation.
        emancipation. In Ireland, the  rst celebration took   school administrations of Baltimore and Washington,   Black History Month was  rst proposed by Black         “As a Tuskegee Airman and combat avia-  In 2007, the Tuskegee Airmen were pre-
        place in October 2010 in the city of Cork.  In the 19th   D.C. Despite this far from universal observance, the   educators and the Black United Students at Kent State   tor with 409 missions across three decades,   sented the Congressional Gold Medal by
        century, Cork was a leading center of the abolitionist   event was regarded by Woodson as “one of the most   University in February 1969. The  rst celebration of   his years in uniform were nothing shy of   former president George W. Bush, and in
        movement. Leading anti-slave societies welcome a   fortunate steps ever taken by the Association,” and   Black History Month took place at Kent State one year   heroic, and his example of integrity, service,   2011, McGee was enshrined in the National
        number of Black abolitionists to speak there, including   plans for a repeat of the event on an annual basis   later, from Jan. 2-Feb. 28, 1970.                 and excellence endures,” said Air Force Chief   Aviation Hall of Fame. Later in 2019, the
        Charles Lenox Remond and Frederick Douglass. The   continued apace.                            Six years later, Black History Month was being cel-               of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr. “His legacy is   Tuskegee Airmen were further recognized
        Netherlands has celebrated Black History Month, also   At the time of Negro History Week’s launch, Wood-  ebrated all across the country in educational institu-  foundational to our service, and a daily in-  in naming the T-7A training aircraft, the
        in October, since 2015.                       son contended that the teaching of Black history was   tions, centers of Black culture and community centers,      spiration for me personally, and to so many   “Red Hawk,” in honor of the airplane flown
         The precursor to Black History Month was created   essential to ensure the physical and intellectual sur-  both great and small. President Gerald Ford recognized   other Airmen.”                      during World War II. For his efforts during
        in 1926 in the United States, when historian Carter   vival of the race within broader society: “If a race has   Black History Month, during the celebration of the   McGee’s aviation career began on Oct. 26,   and after his military service, McGee was
        G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Ne-  no history, it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes   United States Bicentennial. He urged Americans to   1942, after he enlisted in the U.S. Army as   promoted to the rank of brigadier general
        gro Life and History (now known as the Association   a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it   “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected   a pilot. He would fly 108 combat missions   at the age of 100.
        for the Study of African American Life and History)   stands in danger of being exterminated,” Woodson said.   accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of   throughout Europe during World War II.   The Tuskegee Airman dedicated his time
        announced the second week of February to be “Negro   “The American Indian left no continuous record. He   endeavor throughout our history.”
        History Week.”                                did not appreciate the value of tradition; and where is   Now, Black History Month is observed in schools
         This week was chosen because it coincided with the   he today? The Hebrew keenly appreciated the value of   across the nation, by the U.S. government, and by the
        birthday of Abraham Lincoln on Feb. 12 and of Fred-  tradition, as is attested by the Bible itself. In spite of   Department of Defense.
        erick Douglass on Feb. 14, both of which dates Black   worldwide persecution, therefore, he is a great factor   For more on this year’s theme, visit the Association
        communities had celebrated together since the late   in our civilization.”                   for the Study of African American Life and History
        19th century. Negro History Week was the center of   By 1929, The Journal of Negro History was able to   website at

     Sorting the Mail, Blazing a Trail:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Courtesy photo

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to bettering the lives of all Airmen. Often sporting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      his red Tuskegee Airmen jacket, McGee advocated for
     African-American Women in World War II                                                                                                                                                                                                                           of their backgrounds. After his retirement, McGee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      aviation and equal treatment of Airmen, regardless
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      continued to mentor young people, current and for-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      mer Airmen and all others interested in aviation and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
                                           “Over my dead body, sir,” replied WAC   The push to include African-Americans   endeavor that was experimental and had                                                                                                       “Just last month, to celebrate his 102nd birthday,
          by Elizabeth M. Collins         Maj. Charity Adams, not sure if she was   in the WAAC had faced challenges, but the   a lot riding on it.”                                                                                                                  he spent time with Airmen, continuing to influence
                                          most insulted by “white,” “ rst lieutenant”   efforts of African-American newspapers   “There’s no doubt that in that first                                                                                                 and teach long after retirement,” Brown said. “One
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of my favorite lessons, in his own words, was ‘Don’t
                                          or “white  rst lieutenant,” she explained   and activists, including Mary McLeod Bet-  class, both African-American as well as
       “I’m going to send a white  rst lieuten-  in her memoirs,  One Woman’s Army: A   hune, a member of President Franklin D.   white women, they did really select the                                                                                             let circumstances be an excuse to not achieve…that’s
     ant down here to show you how to run   Black Of cer Remembers the WAC.   Roosevelt’s “Black Cabinet,” and her good   best that they could to give the Women’s                                                                                                    not the American way’.”
     this unit.”                           She knew she might be court-martialed,   friend First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, had   Army Corps the best possible chances,”                                                                                                   Through McGee’s actions, the Air Force has contin-
       The general’s yell hung in the air, shock-  so she planned to charge the general,   ultimately prevailed. A quota was set for   said Francoise Bonnell, director of the U.S.                                                                                   ued to break barriers and create a military branch
     ing the soldiers lined up at attention. As   whom she never names, with violating the   10 percent of the total WAAC.  Army Women’s Museum, noting that the                                                                                                      that accelerates change at every possible instant. His
     chew-outs go, telling a major — a battalion   Supreme Headquarters Allied Expedition-  There was space for 40 African-Amer-  women were all professionals, some with                                                                                             legacy showcases the unending resolve and courage
     commander, no less — that a lieutenant   ary Command’s rules against explicitly   ican women in the  rst of cer training   masters’ and law degrees.                                                                          S   i   o c  p oto    Sta  Sgt   ason  udd  ston   needed to secure and protect the nation at any time.
     would be taking over was particularly   stressing segregation.           class, and it was clear they would have to   Segregation                                   Brig. Gen. Charles E. McGee, a Tuskegee Airman and Air Force legend, passed away at his residence in   “Getting to know and spend time with him was an
     degrading.                                                               be the best of the best.                                                                   Bethesda, Md., Jan. 16, 2022. He was 102 years old.                                          honor and a true joy, and my heart is with his family
       But the general didn’t plan to send   Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps       “I was sure I would never pass,” recalled   While the WAAC and WAC were segre-                                                                                                        and all those affected by passing,” Brown said.
     just any lieutenant. He planned to send   Adams, the  rst African-American wom-  Capt. Violet Hill, Company D commander.   gated with separate “Negro” companies
     a white lieutenant — the implication, of   an to be commissioned into the Women’s   “At that time, I had completed two years   and barracks — Adams writes of her
     course, was that the lieutenant would not   Army Auxiliary Corps, graduated from the   of college. … Their goal was 40 Negro   shock at being told to step aside with all
     just be white, but male. And the general    rst WAAC of cer candidate class at Fort   women who would then form the of cer   the other “colored” girls — it was less so                                                       Published by Aerotech News and Review, Inc. • 877- 247-9288 •
     was dressing down one of the highest-  Des Moines, Iowa, in the summer of 1942.   corps that would train the subsequent   than the rest of the Army, according to                                     Aerotech News and Review prepares all editorial content for Desert   Information Service, Air Force News Service, Air Combat Command,   tents of Desert Lightning News and the  underbolt are not necessarily
     ranking African-American women in the   The WAAC was created in May 1942 as   enlisted women. … Their standards, their   Bonnell. The WAC was so small that all      JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE, DEFENSE INDUSTRY AND VETERANS NEWS  Lightning News and the   underbolt.  e editor will edit or rewrite   Air Education and Training Command, sta  writers and other sources.  the o cial views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                All advertising is handled by Aerotech News and Review. For busi-
     Army, the commander of 6888th Central   an auxiliary to the Army with no military   expectations and their hopes were high. …   of the soldiers usually trained together,                            submitted material for clarity, brevity or to conform to the Associated   ness advertising, call 877-247-9288 or email Sandi Bueltel at sbueltel@  of Defense or the Department of the Air Force.  e appearance of ad-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Press Style Guide, local policy and Air Force style as required by Air
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    vertising in these publications, including inserts or supplements, does
     Postal Directory Battalion. The battalion   status, but in July 1943 it was replaced   They preferred women who had not only   for example, and an attempt to designate   Publisher .............................................. Paul Kinison  Force Instruction 35-101. Contributions for Desert Lightning News and For classi ed advertising, email classi eds@aero-  not constitute endorsement of the products or services advertised by
     was the only all-Black Women’s Army   by the WAC. The women in the auxiliary   the education background but also some   colored tables in the cafeteria lasted only   Business manager ...............................Lisa Kinison  the  underbolt can be emailed to the editor at jenna@aerotechnews.  the DLN,  underbolt, DOD, Air Force or Aerotech News and Review.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 e  Desert Lightning News and the   underbolt are published by
     Corps unit deployed to Europe in World   were incorporated into the WAC and given   maturity and work experience, which   __________                             Editor...................................................Jenna Bigham  com. Submission deadlines are the 15th day prior to the month of   Aerotech News and Review, a private  rm in no way connected with the   Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for
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     War II.                             military ranks.                      would be an asset in embarking on an             See MAIL, on Page 6                    Advertising representative................Sandi Bueltel  Desert Lightning News and the  underbolt use information from Davis-  U.S. Air Force, under written agreement with the 355th Fighter Wing   national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political a liation
                                                                                                                                                                      Designer ................................................. Tinna Sellie
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                                                                                                                                                                                                          Monthan Air Force Base website, Luke AFB website, the Armed Forces
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               at Davis-Monthan AFB and the 56th FW at Luke Air Force Base. Con-
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