Page 4 - Black History Month 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt — Davis Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
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4                                                       January 28, 2022                                                Aerotech News                          Aerotech News                                              January 28, 2022                                                                    5

        A life well-lived positively in uenced many lives                                                                                                                Tuskegee Airmen compete, win 1st ever weapons meet, receive recognition 46 years later

                                                                                                                                                                                   By Staff Sgt.                                                                  Retired Lt. Col.   end of the day, and Capt. Temple was still
                                                                                                                                                                              William P. Coleman and                                                              James Harvey,   the high individual.”
                   by Stephen Delgado                   His historic and providential journey to the Tuskegee                                                             Airman 1st Class Zachary Rufus                                                          an original       The team moved on and got the highest
                                                      Institute began Sept. 1, 1939, when he was 15, under                                                                                                                                                        Tuskegee Air-   score in skip bombing. Skip bombing was
         There are individuals who come into other peoples’   horrifying conditions.                                                                                                Nellis AFB, Nev.                                                              man, admires    performed by releasing a bomb so low to
        lives as if they were designed by God to be there. Often   Germany invaded Poland with more than 2,700                                                             Lt. Col. James Harvey and his team of                                                  an F-35 Light-  the ground that it didn’t have a chance to
        there are circumstances that lead them to be at a cer-  tanks, 1,400 airplanes and more than 1.5 million                                                         Tuskegee Airmen came to Las Vegas in                                                     ing II at Nellis   nose over. Instead, the bomb would land  at
        tain place and to come into someone’s life at a time of   troops. The German military broke through the Polish                                                   1949 and won the  rst Air Force Weapons’                                                 Air Force Base,   and skip on the ground until it hit a target.
        profound need and, in some cases, desperation.  defenses in a rapid fashion and advanced on the capital                                                          Meet (Top Gun), but their victory was hid-                                               Nev., Jan. 10,   Each pilot got six bombs for skip bombing.
         One such person was the late, Dr. Zhigniew ‘Paul’   city of Warsaw in a massive encirclement and defeated                                                       den for years and the trophy was nowhere                                                 2022. Harvey      “Captain Temple scored six for six, Stew-
        Dybczak, a native of Poland, who would be recruited   the Polish Army within weeks. Tens of thousands of                                                         to be found.                                                                             was honored     art scored six for six, and I scored six for
        to resurrect the failing School of Engineering at the   Poles who had  ed to eastern Poland were trapped by                                                        In May of 1949, the then Chief of Staff                                                with the unveil-  six,” Harvey said. “The next day was rocket
        Tuskegee Institute, Alabama, in 1960. The Engineering   the Soviet Union’s invasion Sept. 17. Adolf Hitler and                                                   of the Air Force sent a directive to all the                                             ing of a plaque    ring; Temple had six for six, Stewart had
        department had fallen on hard times, having only six   Joseph Stalin divided Poland.                                                                              ghter groups in the United States, stating                                              commissioned     ve for six, and I had  ve for six.”
        faculty members and only one with a master’s degree.   More than 1.5 million refugees were deported to                                                           there would be a competition between the                                                 to reaffirm the   The 332nd Fighter Group was winning
        The school was hampered by a tiny budget of less than   forced labor camps in Gulags. Zhigniew and his brother                                                   three highest scoring  ghter groups. This                                                accomplish-     the contest and had best individual score.
        $60,000, inadequate facilities and a student body ill-  were part of these refugees who worked in the Russian                                                    was the  rst Top Gun Weapons Meet the                                                    ments of the    With only one mission left, they were sure
        prepared to graduate as engineers.            forests as lumberjacks.                                                                                            Air Force ever held.                                                                     332nd Fighter   to win.
         George L. Washington, assistant to the president of   However, everything changed when Hitler invaded                                                             The 332nd Fighter Group, formed by                                                     Groups’ his-      “This is my thinking, not the Air Forces,”
        the university, accomplished a miracle in getting Dr.   the Soviet Union, June 22, 1941, leading Stalin to                                                       Tuskegee Airmen, had impressive scores,                                                  toric 1949 Top   Harvey said. “We’ve got a lock on this
        Dybczak to accept this challenge in building a viable   become aligned with the British. As a result of his                                                      and despite the racial tension at that time,      Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Zachary Rufus Gun victory.  weapons meet; we’ve won it. Captain
        School of Engineering. However, thanks to the power-  newfound connection with the British, Prime Minister                                                       was invited to the competition. The primary                                                              Temple is winning it as high individual,
        ful legacy of Dr. Booker T. Washington and Dr. George   Winston Churchill required Stalin to create an amnesty                                                   competitors were: Capt. Alva Temple, 301st   individual, and Col. Benjamin Davis, 332nd   feet, dive bombing, skip bombing, rocket   and they couldn’t stand to see the 332nd
        Washington Carver, Dr. Dybczak was inspired to take   program which would allow many Polish refugees to                                                          Fighter Squadron; 1st Lt. Harry Stewart,   Group commander, told his four pilots, “If    ring and panel stra ng.  win everything.”
        on this profoundly dif cult task, which was made even   be inducted in the British armed forces to  ght the                                                      100th Fighter Squadron; and 1st Lt. James   you don’t win, don’t come back.”  After both aerial gunnery events, the   During the panel stra ng mission, one
        more dif cult by the prevalent bigotry and racism of   Germans. Zhigniew and his brother joined the Polish                                                       Harvey, 99th Fighter Squadron. The alter-  The 332nd Group’s competitors were   332nd was leading, and Temple was the   of their competitor pilots had to abort and
        the white community in Tuskegee.              arm of the British Royal Air Force, where they served                                                              nate was 1st Lt. Halbert Alexander also    ying P-51 Mustangs and F-82 Twin Mus-  high scorer.           restart the panel stra ng portion of the
                                                                                                                                       Courtesy photo
         Dr. Dybczak’s road to Tuskegee University was  lled   until the end of the war.                      Dr. Zbigniew “Paul” W. Dybczak                             from the 99th FS.                  tangs. The Tuskegee Airmen were  ying   “The next day was dive bombing, we   mission and get a new plane. After getting a
        with danger and obstacles that would have defeated   ___________________                                                                                           There were only two trophies to be pre-  obsolete P-47 Thunderbolt. The missions   didn’t do too good that day; no one did,” said
        a lesser person.                                                      See LIFE, on Page 12          June 27, 1924 – November 22, 2020                            sented, one for best team and one for best   were aerial gunnery at 12,000 and 20,000   James Harvey. “We were still leading at the   ____ See TUSKEGEE, on Page 12

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