Page 9 - Black History Month 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt — Davis Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
P. 9
January 28, 2022 9
The most storied Black combat unit of World War I
The 369th returned to a huge
victory parade in New York in
Thousands gathered along 5th
Avenue and 42nd Street, outside
coming home the brave soldiers.
The division was even featured
prominently on the cover of the
But despite this celebration, little
to nothing changed in their day-to-
day lives. It would take another
world war, and decades of civil
rights activism before the hopes of
these African American doughboys
rienced by these brave men are
National Archives photo originally captured by Western Newspapers Union
Members of the all-Blac 69th Division, or arlem ellfighters, pose on the boat home from World War I after fighting valiantly, Feb. 1 , 1919.
still being remedied today. Legislation Infantry Regiment, 93rd Division, of the 93rd Division, 371st Infantry
passed by Congress in 2014 paved the buried or memorialized at ABMC cem- Regiment, and the first African Ameri-
way for Pvt. Henry Johnson, a Harlem eteries. The majority are at Meuse- can to receive the Medal of Honor from
Hellfighter with the 369th, to receive Argonne, but also at Aisne-Marne, WWI.
the Medal of Honor. And in 2020, the Oise-Aisne, St. Mihiel and Suresnes As at all ABMC sites, the cemeteries
Army Center of Military History ap- American cemeteries. are integrated. Race, rank, gender or
proved the official special designation Among the more than 14,000 total creed had no determination on burial
National Archives photo originally captured by Western Newspapers Union
or City for a victory parade after of the Harlem Hellfighters. American soldiers buried at Meuse- location and every day the fallen are
There are 169 members of the 369th Argonne is Freddie Stowers, a member remembered for their selfless sacrifice.