Page 8 - Black History Month 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt — Davis Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
P. 8
8 January 28, 2022
The most storied Black combat unit of World War I
From the American Battle overseas managed by the American the Champagne-Marne Defensive The 369th returned to a huge
Monuments Commission Battle Monuments Commission and the Aisne-Marne Offensive. victory parade in New York in
(ABMC). It would be then that the Har- February of 1919.
On the Western Front of World More than 350,000 African Ameri- lem Hellfighters would see grisly Thousands gathered along 5th
War I, death did not discriminate. cans served in the Great War. The combat during the Meuse-Argonne Avenue and 42nd Street, outside
Artillery screaming towards the majority were assigned to labor Offensive, which began on Sept. the New York Public Library, wel-
trenches treated men of all races the and stevedore battalions—digging 26, 1918. coming home the brave soldiers.
same. But the soldiers of the 92nd ditches, building roads and supply- As the 369th advanced, capturing The division was even featured
and 93rd divisions lived segregated ing the front lines. towns and a key railroad junction, prominently on the cover of the
lives, both in and out of war. Throughout the course of WWI, the losses mounted. In a matter Sunday New York Times.
These all-Black units, which only about one in 10 African Ameri- of days, these advances cost the But despite this celebration, little
served under mostly white officers, cans in the U.S. military served in regiment 851 men, and shortly to nothing changed in their day-to-
readily took up arms with their fel- a combat role based on leadership after they were relieved from the day lives. It would take another
low Americans, hopeful that their decisions at the time. front lines. world war, and decades of civil
patriotism and service would lead The 369th Infantry Regiment of In recognition of their bravery rights activism before the hopes of
to better treatment at home. the 93rd Division, formerly the 15th during the offensive, 171 officers these African American doughboys
In the end, the Harlem Hellfight- New York National Guard Regi- and men received medals and the would start to be realized.
ers, as they were likely first dubbed ment, was unique. entire regiment received the Croix In fact, the inequalities expe-
by their German adversaries, spent The 369th landed at Brest, de Guerre from France. rienced by these brave men are
more time in continuous combat France, in December of 1917.
than any other American unit of its In March of 1918, the regiment
size, with 191 days in the front-line began training under French com-
trenches, according to the National mand due to their need for replace-
Museum of African American His- ments.
tory and Culture. Despite the expectation that this
The unit also suffered 1,400 total arrangement would be temporary,
casualties, more than any other members of the 369th never served
American regiment. Many of those under American command during
soldiers are buried or memorialized the war.
at American military cemeteries By summer, they were fighting in
AB M C courtesy photo
The tars and tripes in the bac ground of the Meuse-Argonne American Cem- National Archives photo originally captured by Western Newspapers Union
etery in France, the final resting place for more than 14, Americans ho gave The all-Blac 69th Division, or arlem ellfighters, return home to Ne or City for a victory parade after
their lives in World War I, une 16, 15. fighting valiantly in World War I, Feb. 18, 1919.