Page 1 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 6-5-15
P. 1

Vol. 62, No. 22
                                                                                                                                                          June 5, 2015

Published in the interest of Fort Huachuca personnel and their Families. Online @ or via smartphone.

Aircraft assist with                        NETCOM’s sharpest                                                                   Calling all artists – FH
UDGLRGLUHFWLRQÀQGLQJ                     Soldiers vie for top                                                                youth camp, Army
mission during                              honors during major                                                                 competition offer chance
Vietnam War ...                             competition ...                                                                     to showcase skills ...
(6A)                                        (10A, 11A)                                                                          (1B)


U.S. Army News Release                      uniform, belt, boots, and T-shirts as you                                                                                                                       U.S. ARMY GRAPHIC
                                            receive your clothing allowance over the        7KH2SHUDWLRQDO&DPRXÀDJH3DWWHUQZLOOEHDYDLODEOHIRUSXUFKDVHLQVHOHFWPLOLWDU\FORWKLQJVDOHV
   WASHINGTON — The Army an-                next two to three years.”                       VWRUHVEHJLQQLQJ-XO\
nounced Monday the release of the Op-
erational Camouflage Pattern in Soldier         The cost of the uniform in the Opera-        important to Soldiers. But, we will not       will incorporate minor design changes.
uniforms. The Operational Camouflage         tional Camouflage Pattern will be similar        inconvenience or burden our troops. We        These include redesigned shoulder sleeve
Pattern will be available for purchase in   to the cost of the uniform in the Universal     will still be the most lethal fighting force   pockets with a zipper opening, no trou-
select military clothing sales stores be-   Camouflage Pattern. Enlisted Soldiers            the world has even known even if our belts    ser drawstring, a button on the lower calf
ginning, July 1.                            will continue to receive a clothing allow-      don’t match for the next few years.”          pocket, two pen pockets on the sleeve in-
                                            ance to replace their worn uniforms.                                                          stead of three, and the elimination of the
   Stores will receive the uniforms over                                                       In addition to the camouflage change,       elbow and knee patch hook and loop.
a period of six months from July to No-        Uniforms and equipment in the Oper-          the Operational Camouflage PatternACUs
vember, and new Soldiers will receive       ational Camouflage Pattern will be avail-
Operational Camouflage Pattern Army          able for U.S. Army National Guard, U.S.
Combat Uniforms, or ACUs, beginning         Army Reserve, and Senior Reserve Offi-
in January 2016. The Operational Cam-       cer Training Corps during summer 2016.
ouflage Pattern was selected following
the most comprehensive uniform cam-            Soldiers are authorized to mix and
ouflage testing effort ever undertaken       match T-shirts, belts, and boots with ei-
by the Army, reflecting the Army’s para-     ther the Operation Enduring Freedom
mount commitment to force protection.       Camouflage Pattern or the Operational
                                            Camouflage Pattern during the transition
   Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel Dailey      period – expected to run through Oct. 1,
encouraged enlisted Soldiers to purchase    2019. To further ease the change, Sol-
new uniforms with their annual cloth-       diers, who already have Flame Resistant
ing allowance. “All enlisted Soldiers re-   ACUs in the Operational Enduring Free-
ceive an annual stipend for the purchase    dom Camouflage Pattern, will be autho-
of uniforms and accessories. I myself       rized to wear them during the transition.
will wait until I am issued my clothing
allowance before purchasing a uniform          “I have asked noncommissioned of-
with the Operational Camouflage Pat-         ficers to ensure their Soldiers understand
tern. I encourage all Soldiers and leaders  that during this transition period, several
to do the same by budgeting for a new       uniforms and variations will be authorized
                                            in our formations,” Dailey said. “Present-
                                            ing a professional appearance is very

Language lab dedicated in honor of former NCOA commandant

                                                                                            Story and photo by Natalie Lakosil            found out Jackie … was really sick and we got
                                                                                            Staff Writer                                  word there wasn’t going to be longevity there.
                                                                                                                                          We started thinking she was a big part of the
)ULHQGVDQG)DPLO\DSSODXGDIWHU5HWLUHG&RPPDQG6JW0DM-DFNLH0RRUH¶VSODTXHLV           A former Non-commissioned Officers          Army and the [Military Intelligence] Corps and
XQYHLOHGGXULQJDODQJXDJHODEGHGLFDWLRQFHUHPRQ\0D\7KHODE5RRPLQ,FH+DOO  Academy commandant will be remembered         the NCO Corps, and it immediately clicked that
ZDVGHGLFDWHGWR0RRUHZKRVSHQWPRUHWKDQ\HDUVLQWKH86$UP\DQGFRQWLQXHGWR      through dedication of a language lab in her   we have to recognize her and dedicate some-
                                                                                            honor at the NCOA during a ceremony May 29.   thing to her in some form or fashion. The first
serve Soldiers well into retirement.                                                                                                      thing that came to mind since she’s a linguist
                                                                                               More than 50 people gathered to remem-     and she contributed a lot to the Defense Lan-
                                                                                            ber and honor the late Retired Command Sgt.   guage Institute. … We have our own language
                                                                                            Maj. Jackie Moore during the dedication.      lab now, so it kind of just seemed like the per-
                                                                                            Moore spent more than 30 years in the U.S.    fect match.
                                                                                            Army and continued to serve Soldiers well
                                                                                            into retirement. She passed away in March        “I feel very very privileged and honored to
                                                                                            from health complications.                    be a part of it and very privileged for my NCOs
                                                                                                                                          to be a part of this, because growing up you
                                                                                               Sgt. Maj. Robyn Collier, NCOA, said, “We
                                                                                            actually started thinking about this when we                          See HONOR, page 5A
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