Page 4 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 6-5-15
P. 4
4A The Scout FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015
Fort Huachuca Fire Prevention/ the result of human carelessness. visibility of your home in heavy smoke. Ranger District) and Fort Huachuca
6DIHW\2I¿FH Common causes for wildfires include If advised to evacuate, do so immedi- have set the fire index to “high” (yel-
low). Fires are limited to established pits
In just seconds, a spark or even the arson, campfires, discarding lit cigarettes, ately and safely. Wear protective cloth- or barbecues only.
sun’s heat alone sets off an inferno. improperly burning debris, playing with ing – sturdy shoes, cotton or woolen
matches or fireworks, or prescribed fires. clothing, long pants, long sleeved shirt, In accordance with Garrison Com-
The wildfire quickly spreads, con- gloves and a handkerchief to protect mand Policy 14-019, all lit cigarettes or
suming the thick, dried-out vegetation The Fort Huachuca Office of Fire your face. cigars will be properly extinguished and
and almost everything else in its path. Prevention shares information on how discarded in an enclosed receptacle. Do
What was once a forest becomes a vir- to protect your home inside and out dur- For more information, visit the not park vehicles in grassy areas due to
tual powder keg of untapped fuel. In a ing a wildfire. Fort Huachuca Fire Prevention/Safe- possible sparks from catalytic convert-
seemingly instantaneous burst, the wild- ty Office, Building 22404, or call ers.
fire overtakes thousands of acres of sur- If you’re sure you have time, take 520.533.7009/1870.
rounding land, threatening the homes these steps to protect your home. Using, selling or possessing fireworks
and lives of many in the vicinity. )LUHGDQJHUUHVWULFWLRQVLPSRVHG on the installation is strictly prohibited.
Outside, seal attic and ground vents Based on current conditions, the
An average of five million acres burn with pre-cut plywood or commercial Garden Canyon remains closed until
every year in the United States, caus- seals. Remove gas grills from decks Coronado National Forest (Sierra Vista further notice.
ing millions of dollars in damage. Once and patios, and place propane tanks in
a fire begins, it can spread at a rate of the garage. Place combustible patio fur- FILE PHOTO
up to 14.29 miles per hour consuming niture inside. Connect garden hoses to %\ SUHSDULQJ DKHDG RI D ZLOGODQG ¿UH )DPLOLHV FDQ PLQLPL]H WKH VWUHVV OHYHOV WKDW D VXGGHQ
almost everything in its path. As a fire outside taps Place a non-combustible
spreads over brush and trees, it may take ladder on the house for access to roof evacuation could induce. Now is the time to take precautions to protect your home.
on a life of its own finding ways to keep for firefighters. Remove firewood or
itself alive, even spawning smaller fires any other stored combustibles near your
by throwing embers miles away. home. Remove all shrubs and debris
within 15 feet of your home.
On a hot summer day, when drought
conditions peak, something as small as Inside, close windows, vents, doors,
a spark from a campfire or barbecue venetian blinds or non-combustible
grill can ignite a raging wildfire. Some- window coverings and heavy drapes.
times, fires occur naturally, ignited by Shut off all gas or propane and turn off
heat from the sun or a lightning strike. pilot lights. Move flammable furniture
However, the majority of wildfires are into the center of the home away from
windows and sliding-glass doors. Turn
on a light in each room to increase the
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