Page 8 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 6-5-15
P. 8
8A The Scout FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015
Story and photo by Air Force “I made instant friends with my en- $LUPHQ IURP WKH WK $LU %DVH :LQJ DW *UDQG )RUNV $LU )RUFH %DVH 1' SOD\ DQ LQWHUDFWLYH
Airman 1st Class Ryan Sparks tire shop,” he said. “Sometimes, meet- YLGHRJDPHLQWKHLUGRUPLWRU\GD\URRP0D\*DPLQJKDVEHFRPHDSRSXODUZD\IRU*UDQG
319th Air Base Wing gaming makes it easy to talk.” UHTXLUHJRRGZHDWKHU
GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE But an important aspect of any hobby can access it anywhere, as long as you that gaming is similar to sports that have
BASE, N.D. — Intramural sports have is knowing how to balance time. Airman have Internet access. It could be raining leagues and tournaments. “It’s just a dif-
been a staple of life on Air Force bases Brandon Wade, 319th Communications and you can just go inside and play.” ferent type of sport,” he added.
for a long time as a way for Airmen to Squadron information assurance ap-
connect with each other and become prentice, said balancing his time isn’t Wade and Greenberg both said they All the mental cooperation and team-
more involved on base. very hard. He just makes sure to take hope to see more organized tournaments work required in sports also apply to
care of anything he needs to do for work to bring Airmen together. Wade noted gaming, Wade said.
The new generation of Airmen has first.
found another way to achieve that same
goal. A “gaming” Airman here has fos- Greenberg also said balancing his
tered a new way to connect with his fel- time is easy.
low airmen. Finding ways for airmen to
connect is a vital part of the Air Force’s “From 7:30 in the morning to 4:30
“wingmanship” teamwork concept. in the afternoon, all my time is devoted
to work,” he said, adding that he has a
Air Force Airman John Greenberg, simple view of his priorities.
a 319th Logistics Readiness Squadron
vehicle operator apprentice, said inter- “The mission comes first,” Greenberg
active video games helped him with his said. “You have your positives and nega-
transition when he arrived here for his tives with everything. It’s just something
first Air Force duty assignment. you have to control.”
“The day I got here, the first question Wade and Greenberg said accessibil-
was, ‘Do you play games?’” Greenberg ity is one reason why so many Airmen
said. “It’s an instant conversation starter.” are becoming gamers. “It’s not just con-
soles,” Greenberg explained. “It’s every-
Greenberg said the other Airmen in thing from your phone to your comput-
his shop play games as well, and this ers and consoles.”
helped him feel like part of the team
right away. “Almost everyone has a computer,”
Wade said. “If you have a laptop, you
DOD: Secretary of Defense joins Facebook
DOD News Malacca — one of the most important ward to using Facebook to highlight book, which is higher than in the Civil-
Defense Media Activity waterways in the world, officials said the outstanding work of Defense De- ian population. 89 percent of responding
— as part of an around-the-world trip partment personnel around the world military Families use it daily. Facebook
WASHINGTON — Defense Secre- to visit with allies, partners and Service every single day and to exchange ideas also is cited as the most frequently used
tary Ash Carter became the first secre- members. and hear directly about pressing chal- method of communication for Families
tary of defense to join Facebook May lenges facing the department and the separated by deployments.
29, Pentagon officials announced. “One of Secretary Carter’s highest nation.
priorities is to build the force of the fu- Carter visited Facebook headquar-
In a statement released after Carter ture — a military that is open and at- “While no secretary of defense is ters in Menlo Park, California, in April
joined, officials said the secretary of de- tractive to the best people, ideas and able to meet with every Service member to meet with Facebook Chief Operating
fense will be able to personally commu- technology,” the statement said. “Join- personally, Facebook will help Secre- Officer Sheryl Sandberg and Facebook
nicate with nearly three million Service ing Facebook is just one more way as tary Carter reach Service members and employees who are also veterans of the
members and Civilians on the social secretary of defense he can better com- their Families in a way that hasn’t been wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
media platform. municate with Service members and possible before,” the statement said.
their Families and help the Pentagon “This visit drove home for Secretary
The defense secretary’s first post was think ‘outside the five sided box’ to Pentagon officials said a recent Mili- Carter the impact social media can have
a photo of him shaking hands with a drive change.” tary Family Lifestyle Survey by Blue on connecting our troops to the Ameri-
young Marine on a U.S. Marine Corps Star Families found that 93 percent of can people and improving connections
MV-22 Osprey flying over the Strait of The statement said Carter looks for- responding military Families use Face- among the force,” the statement said.
From 352&/$0$7,213DJH$ and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon the people of the United States to
eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists, and to celebrate the great diversity of
ebrate the proud legacy LGBT individuals have woven into the fabric of our Na- the American people.
tion, we honor those who have fought to perfect our Union, and we continue our
work to build a society where every child grows up knowing that their country IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day
supports them, is proud of them, and has a place for them exactly as they are. of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand fifteen, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-ninth.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws BARACK OBAMA
of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2015 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,