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FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015                                                                                                                 The Scout 7A

Fort Huachuca training now underway


6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\'DYLG9HUJXQ          lections & Promotions Division, Eval-            Standard; Met Standard; and Did Not        rating chain directs a relief for cause.
                                         uations Branch.                                  Meet Standard.                                Doctrinally, the new NCOER is
Army News Service
                                            In 2010, the chief of staff of the Army,         The strategic-level form is for com-    expected to benefit the Army by bet-
   WASHINGTON — On Aug. 1, the           or CSA, directed a review of the current         mand sergeant major/sergeant major. It     ter identifying talent within the Army,
secretary of the Army approved the       NCOER, which has been in place since             contains an in-depth narrative on his or   moving that talent to the best location
new Non-Commissioned Officer Eval-        1987, McDermid said. The CSA had                 her effectiveness to the organization.     and billet, and providing the Army with
uation Report that will be implemented   concerns that it did not reflect current                                                     a better means of identifying which
this September.                          leadership doctrine and was over-inflat-             Because a narrative style of writing    Soldiers should be put in key assign-
                                         ed. He also wondered whether or not              is much different than bulleted lists,     ments. The new NCOER will also iden-
   Training on how to use and fill out    there needed to be more than one type            training focuses on effective writing      tify top-notch performers and provide
the new NCOER is currently underway      of NCOER, instead of just one, which is          and how to write clear, accurate, de-      them with educational and professional
on Fort Huachuca in four-hour blocks     currently used for all ranks.                    scriptive and thorough assessments.        development opportunities. The NCO-
from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 – 5 p.m. at                                                                                                ER will also be a useful tool in mov-
Cochise Theater on the following dates:     Under the new system, there are                  There will be “a delineation of rating  ing Soldiers around in the Army as they
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 17      three different NCOERs.                          roles and responsibilities for the raters  change assignments, McDermid said.
and 18, July 15, Aug. 5 and 26. Those                                                     and senior raters,” McDermid said. The
who require the training need only at-      The direct level form is for ser-             current NCOER has both rater and se-          One of the key advantages of the
tend one four-hour session.              geants. It has only two categories: “Met         nior rater assessing performance and       new NCOER, is that it is designed to
                                         Standard” or “Did Not Meet Standard.”            potential. In the new NCOER, the rater     ensure depth and experience are met
   The new NCOER requires insight-       Whichever category is selected for this          will focus only on “performance” and       before an individual is promoted. Once
ful narratives instead of what are of-   NCOER will require a bullet comment,             the senior rater only on “potential.”      a leader is selected for the next grade,
ten nondescript, bulleted lists in the   also called a “task statement,” to sup-                                                     that person will be developed and men-
current NCOER and the evaluations        port the checked category.                          A supplementary reviewer will be        tored to assume that next highest grade.
themselves will be different for junior                                                   used in two situations, he added. The
and senior NCOs, explained Sgt. Maj.        The organizational level form is for          first is when there are no uniformed           For more information about NCO-
Stephen McDermid, with the Human         staff sergeant through first sergeant/            Army advisors or rating officials with-     ER training on Fort Huachuca, call
Resources Command Evaluations Se-        master sergeant and it has four catego-          in the rating chain and second is when     520.533.1053.
                                         ries: Far Exceeded Standard; Exceeded            the senior rater or someone outside the

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