Page 5 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 6-5-15
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FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015                                              Her daughter, Spc. Chelsea Persons, 116th Military                                                                                        The Scout 5A
                                                               Intelligence Brigade, was already overwhelmed with all
From HONOR3DJH$                                            of the support she was receiving before the dedication                                  they dedicated the lab in memory of her; she really was
read history books and all these things have happened          even began.                                                                             an asset to the academy,” said Pamela Miller.
but you weren’t part of it. So I can think now that my kids
and my NCOs’ kids are one day going to read a historical          “It’s amazing the support that people are showing and                                   According to dedication information provided by the
document and this will be in there and think ‘Wow, she         only good things are being said about my mom. It makes                                  NCOA, Moore, “ … retired from the U.S. Army after
contributed so much and she’s sharing that with every-         me feel really great,” Persons said. “I’m just really glad                              30 years of service. She then spent the rest of her Civil-
body that comes through here,’” Collier added.                 that she’s being recognized as far as the language lab                                  ian career supporting Fort Huachuca’s primary mission
                                                               goes, and I know that if even one Soldier gets to use it and                            of training the Soldiers, non-commissioned officers and
   Command Sgt. Maj. Glenn Louk, commandant of the             it helps them with their language skills and their career,                              leaders to prepare them for the complex operational en-
NCOA, said, “This is a great event for us because Jackie       then she’ll be happy. And that’s what she wanted — to                                   vironment. She served as a technical specialist, project
Moore was a commandant here at the NCOA. She was               help other Soldiers.”                                                                   manager, program manager and site director in various
inspirational in all of the language training — inspira-                                                                                               positions including New Systems Training and Inte-
tional as a role model for females in the Army to make it         A former instructor at the academy remembered                                        gration Division and Defense Language Institute For-
to the senior NCO ranks. To have her permanently repre-        Moore as being a very kindhearted person. “She just re-                                 eign Language Center Language Detachment, United
sented here is going to be awesome for the academy and         ally cared about everybody. I think it is so awesome that                               States Army Intelligence Center of Excellence. Moore
the Army as a whole.”                                                                                                                                  was appointed to the Chief of Staff of the Army’s Re-
                                                                                                                                      NATALIE LAKOSIL  tiree Council from 2009 to 2013. She was also an ac-
   Louk acknowledged how many of Moore’s friends               )URP OHIW 7LP 0RRUH VSRXVH DORQJ ZLWK &RPPDQG 6JW 0DM                    tive supporter of the Fort Huachuca Sergeants Major
were in attendance from all over the country. Moore’s          *OHQQ /RXN FRPPDQGDQW RI WKH 1RQFRPPLVVLRQHG 2I¿FHUV                           Association, the Sierra Vista Arizona United Veterans
husband Tim and daughter Chelsea were also present.            $FDGHP\ FXW WKH ULEERQ RQ WKH QHZ ODQJXDJH ODE LQ ,FH +DOO                 Council, Fort Huachuca Retiree Council, the Military
Both Family members were able to honor Moore by cut-           0D\7KHODE5RRPLQ,FH+DOOZDVGHGLFDWHGLQKRQRU                          Intelligence Corps Association and the Association of
ting the ribbon on the language lab and unveiling the          RI0RRUH¶VODWHZLIH5HWLUHG&RPPDQG6JW0DM-DFNLH0RRUH                           the U.S. Army.
plaque that now hangs outside of it.
                                                                                                                                                          “Moore is an example for all non-commissioned of-
   Tim Moore, spouse, was very excited and said the                                                                                                    ficers to follow. As our Army and Military Intelligence
event was quite the honor. “It shows the respect and dedi-                                                                                             Corps adapts to meet the challenges of an evolving global
cation that people had for her and the memories and what                                                                                               threat, only the toughest, agile and resilient leaders will
she did in the Army,” Moore said. “So this is all about her                                                                                            succeed. Today’s non-commissioned officers are expect-
and her career and contribution while on active duty and                                                                                               ed to be technical experts, standard bearers and fearless
after she retired as well, so it’s a very important event and                                                                                          leaders. Our Army and Nation relies on them to coach,
something that will carry on her memory forever.”                                                                                                      teach, and mentor the next generation of Soldiers to en-
                                                                                                                                                       sure the safety and security of our nation. Dedicating
   Moore stated that what he remembers most about his                                                                                                  Room 162 (Language Lab) to CSM Jackie Moore will
late wife is her service and dedication to everyone else.                                                                                              serve an inspiration of her selfless service and dedication
“She served Soldiers, Airmen, Marines, Sailors and who-                                                                                                to training the Non-commissioned Officer Corps.”
ever she was with. She served everyone and she made
sure Soldiers were taken care of and that was her greatest
love — the Army and her Family,” he said.

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