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NETCOM Best Warriors s10A TheScout FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015
By Eric Hortin Maj. Stephon Watson and Maj. Gen. competitors in the Soldier category — Sgt. Bryan Thomas, representing the 5th Signal Co
NETCOM Public Affairs Office John Morrison Jr., NETCOM’s com- running a squad PT formation in the the tower at the Fort Huachuca obstacle course durin
mand sergeant major and commanding hallways of Greely Hall, and marching Technology Command’s Best Warrior Competition.
From around the globe, Soldiers general. From there, they immediately the squad to locations in the building.
assigned to theater signal commands began the written exam and essay. For those in the NCO competition, they Spc. Maria Perez, representing the 311th Signal Com-
under the Network Enterprise Technol- were tested on running a firing range at mand (T), slides down a rope line after climbing the
ogy Command arrived to compete in Participants were tested on their a separate location. tower at the Fort Huachuca obstacle course during
NETCOM’s Best Warrior Competition. knowledge of military history, regula- the first day of Network Enterprise Technology Com-
Ten Soldiers representing the best of tions and a variety of other subjects. Monday morning, the Soldiers were mand’s Best Warrior Competition.
the commands and headquarters were The essay subject — fostering aware- out early to conduct a timed 12-mile
physically and mentally tested as soon ness, understanding and tolerance of ruck march with 35-pound ruck sacks Sgt. Eric Black, representing the 311th Signal Com-
as they arrived. same-sex marriages in the service — and full gear. At the finish line, they mand (Theater), pushes through the early morning
gave the competitors a relevant and were immediately ushered to the range ruck march during the third day of Network Enterprise
In the end, Spc. Samuel Cameron, tough subject to write about. for M-16 rifle qualification. Without a Technology Command’s Best Warrior Competition.
an information technology specialist break, the competitors were taken to
representing the 160th Signal Brigade, That evening, the Soldiers were out Barnes Field House and thrown into
was named Soldier of the Year, and Sgt. in the Arizona desert finding points the pool for combat water testing.
Bryan Thomas, a video teleconference in the dark during night orienteering.
technician representing the 5th Signal It was a tough evening for Perez who After a short break, it was into the
Command, was named Noncommis- dislocated her shoulder when she fell ring for combatives.
sioned Officer of the Year. down a short hill. After getting her
shoulder re-set, she stuck it out for the “It was a very physically demand-
Arriving the afternoon and evening rest of the competition. ing day,” said Spc. Donald Mayville,
of May 29, the Soldiers were given representing the 7th Signal Command
only enough time to settle into their “The courage to keep going, and (Theater) and who was selected as the
rooms and start preparing for the next the encouragement from my peers and runner-up in the Soldier category. “I
day. Saturday morning, they hit the ob- sponsors kept me going,” Perez said. liked it and didn’t like it. It forced us to
stacle course for their first event. push ourselves further than we thought
Very little rest followed the end of we could. When we got to the combat-
“The obstacle course was pretty fun the nighttime event, as the physical fit- ives, we were just pushing ourselves
and challenging, except for the rope ness test in modified uniform followed even farther.”
climb at the end after we did every- at 5 a.m. Sunday. It would be a tough
thing,” said Spc. Justin Fleming, rep- event for some, unaccustomed to the “Combatives was fun because it’s
resenting NETCOM Headquarters. elevation, lack of humidity and warm one of my favorite events,” said Sgt.
“That last part was pretty tough.” temperatures — even at that early hour. Jeramy LaBoy, representing the 160th
After the weigh-in, it was onto the next Signal Brigade and who was selected
“It was an exciting event to start the task. as the runner-up in the NCO category.
day and the competition,” said Spc. “It was a little more difficult after ev-
Maria Perez, representing the 311th With little time to rest, the Soldiers erything else that day.”
Signal Command (Theater). “The parts were back out on the post’s training ar-
where we low- and high-crawl are eas conducting land navigation, map The final day of the competition was
things we trained for. Others were re- reading and Global Positioning System the “easy” day for the competitors.
ally challenging and required a lot of operations. Add the blazing sun and All faced the Command Sergeant Ma-
upper body strength.” warm temperatures, the Soldiers’ en- jor Board in their Army Service Uni-
durance and fitness was pushed to their forms; and after facing movements and
After finishing their first event, they limits. a close-up inspection of their uniforms,
were greeted briefly by Command Sgt. the competitors were grilled in their
The Mystery Task surprised the knowledge of all things Army, current
events and asked to defend their points
U.S. Army photos of view from their essay.
Spc. Justin Fleming (red belt), representing the Network Enterprise Technology Command At the ceremony that afternoon,
Headquarters, takes down Pfc. Samuel Cameron, representing the 160th Signal Brigade, during Cameron and Thomas were recognized
the combatives portion of NETCOM’s Best Warrior Competition. as the top competitors.
“I’m exhausted but very excited,”
Thomas said. “I’m ready to hit the
ground running. The next level of com-
petition is going to be high, and I have
to be prepared.”
“This has definitely been a reward-
ing experience,” Cameron said. “In-
teracting with all the competitors has
helped me improve both my social and
professional skills. I am very happy.”
Both Thomas and Cameron will
represent NETCOM at the U.S. Army
Forces Command Best Warrior Com-
petition at Fort Bragg later this year.