Page 12 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 6-5-15
P. 12

12A The Scout                                                                                                                                                  FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015


)UHHÀDJVIRU09&UHVLGHQWV                                            6DIHW\2I¿FHLVVXHVSURGXFWVDIHW\UHFDOOV                                              %HSDUWRI$UP\)DPLO\7HDP%XLOGLQJ
   In honor of Flag Day, June 14, Mountain Vista                          Fort Huachuca Safety Office personnel are notifying                                      The Army Family Team Building Program needs in-

Communities is giving residents a flag to display in                    the post community of the following product safety re-                                  structors to begin teaching courses this summer. If you
their front yard that day. Pick one up at the MVC hous-                calls issued by the Consumer Product Safety Commis-                                     are already certified or are interested in becoming cer-
ing office.                                                             sion at This week the following recalls                                   tified, come to an informational meeting from 9 to 11
                                                                       went into effect: Gerber recalls Cohort Knives due to                                   a.m. Tuesday at 135 Grierson. Parking available at the
*UDVVVHHGDYDLODEOHWR09&UHVLGHQWV                                  laceration hazard; BRP recalls youth model Can-Am                                       old Grierson Pool located on the service road behind
   Grass seed is available to on-post residents at the                 All-Terrain Vehicles due to violation of the Federal                                    the historical homes adjacent to Brown Parade Field.
                                                                       ATV Standard; Viking Range recalls gas ranges due
Mountain Vista Communities maintenance office until                     to burn hazard; OXO recalls Nest Booster Seats due                                         Coffee and doughnuts will be provided.
June 30. There is no cost.                                             to fall hazard.                                                                            For more information or to register, call Army Com-
                                                                                                                                                               munity Service at 520.533.2330.
5DQJHFORVXUHVDQQRXQFHG                                                  Report a safety hazard at 520.538.SAFE.
   Today: E, F, M, P, Q, U, U1, W, V, Z, T1, T2, T3                                                                                                            ACS to hold resume class Tuesday
   Saturday: E, F, L, P, Q, U, U1, W, V, Z, T1, T2, T3                 Commissary seafood sale underway now                                                       Register for the Army Community Service Federal
   Sunday: B, C, D, E, F, L, P, Q, U, U1, W, V, Z, T1,                    The commissary is having a seafood sale through
                                                                                                                                                               Resume Class taking place from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.
T2, T3                                                                 tomorrow. Items are available for sale at reduced prices                                Tuesday at the ACS Conference Room, Building 50010.
   Monday: E, F, P, Q, U, U1, W, V, Z, T1, T2, T3                      inside the commissary during regular operating hours.
   Tuesday: A, B, C, D, E, F, L, P, Q, U, U1, W, V, Z,                                                                                                            All materials will be provided. Bring your own bev-
                                                                       1HZ+RO\&RPPXQLRQOLWXUJLFDOVHUYLFH                                                   erage.
T1, T2, T3                                                                Beginning at 11 a.m. Sunday, a new weekly chapel
   Wednesday: B, C, D, E, F, K, L, P, Q, R, U, U1, W,                                                                                                             To register, call 520.538.5768/533.2330
                                                                       service will be held at the Prosser Chapel Annex, Build-
V, Z, T1, T2, T3                                                       ing 81502, and will offer a traditional Protestant worship                              ASBP to hold blood drive here
   Thursday: B, C, D, E, F, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, U, U1,                experience with Holy Communion shared each week. A                                         Personnel from the Armed Services Blood Program
                                                                       fellowship meal will follow this Sunday’s service only.
W, V, Z, V1, T1, T2, T3                                                                                                                                        will hold a blood drive from 3 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at Fort
   Range closures are subject to daily change. For in-                    For more information, call the Garrison Chaplain’s                                   Huachuca’s Eifler Fitness Center. Make an appoint-
                                                                       Office at 520.533.1668/4778.                                                             ment to donate blood for Service members at www.
formation, call Range Operations, 520.533.1014, or                                                                                                   
the Military Police Desk, 520.533.3000.

Dance!Come ExperienceNOW BEONTRHOLKLIIDNSG&NAEWDUSLTTUSD!ENTS,                                             JO ANNE NEAL                                             MONTYGOLF

Jazz, Modern, Ballet, Tap, Lyrical,                                                                               REALTOR, GRI, SSC                            Thomas “Monty” Montgomery
Flamenco, Folklorico, Gymnastics,
Clogging, Irish, Polynesian, Ballroom, Salsa and Bellydance                                                                                            MILRES  2014 Golf Academy of America Graduate
  Alma Dolores International Dance Centre                                                                                    Direct: 703-986-5862              Golf Club Tech
                                                                                                                                Cell: 703-216-1020
               ZZZDOPDGRORUHVGDQFHFRP                                                                                                                        Golf Instruction with indoor Video Analysis,
                                                                                                                              Office: 703-986-5700             Club Fitting, Club Adjustments,
6+LJKZD\‡6LHUUD9LVWD‡                                                                                 Fax: 703-583-7655             Regripping and Repairs

                                                                                                                        Sierra Vista, Arizona
                                                                                                                                                               520-226-6990 (By Appointment Only)
                                                                        Serving Military families transferring to the Washington D.C. area                     Email:

                                                                       Woodbridge/Prince William Pkwy Office
                                                                       13875 Hedgewood Drive,
                                                                       Woodbridge, VA, 22193

                                                                       We are hiring Engineers and Logisticians
                                                                             at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.

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                                                                             HX5 has recently been awarded                                                             Ù8EPFEÙ<ÙCFI<JÙ*K<Ù
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