Page 17 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 6-5-15
P. 17
FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015 The Scout 2B
)LUVWVTXDUHGDQFHLVIUHH For more information about parade participation or crafts shop, museum and café. Free guided tours are
Join the Thunder Mountain Twirlers Square the event, call 520.266.5266 or 520.678.4570. now available. The 45-minute tours are led by specially
trained, volunteer docents, who explain the Mission’s
Dance Club from 6 to 7:30 p.m. today at the Sierra /HFWXUHWRIRFXVRQHDUWKTXDNHV history and its lavishly decorated interior. For a current
Vista United Methodist Church Activities Center, The Cochise College Center for Lifelong Learn- tour schedule, go to their Website, www.sanxaviermis-
3225 St. Andrews Dr. No experience is necessary,, and click on “Docent Tours Info.”
no partner is needed. The first time is free, and after- ing will sponsor an evening lecture focusing on earth-
ward $5 per member, $6 per non-member and free quakes, “Whose Fault is it?” from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Locomotive Saturdays offered in Tucson
for those who want to watch and socialize. Snacks June 18 at the Sierra Vista Campus, 901 N. Colombo Explore regional transportation history, and see
are provided. Ave. This presentation examines the infamous 1887
Sonoran Earthquake that widely effected the south- freight trains passing by, or ring the locomotive bell
For more information, contact 520.378.6719 or svt- western U.S. and Mexico. at the Southern Arizona Transportation Museum every Saturday, year round. Locomotive Saturdays are held
For fee information or to register, call 520.515.5492. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the historic Train Depot, 414 N.
Teen dance set for today Toole Ave., Tucson. Admission is free.
Teens, start your summer off with the free, Sum- $+6ODXQFKHV3URMHFW$FWLYH'XW\
Project Active Duty was launched as a way for For more information, call 520.623.2223.
mer Kickoff Teen Dance in Veterans’ Memorial Park
on Fry Boulevard from 7 to 10 p.m. today. the Arizona Humane Society to give back to Service Fort Huachuca
members, realizing that many of them are pet-owners. Reel Time Theaters
While DJs Haji and DJ Jon will be laying down This program is for military who have no one avail-
the beats in front of the Centennial Pavilion, the event able to help care for their pets, and who are leaving
offers youth 13 to 18 information on ways they can the state for training or heading oversees for a tour of
spend their time during summer vacation. Local clubs, duty. They can entrust their pets with AHS while away,
businesses and organizations will share what they have and pets are placed in foster homes. There is no cost
to offer teens looking for something to do. to participate.
Earn prizes during dance and hula hoop competi- To learn more, contact AHS’ Alternative Placement
tions, and enjoy free snacks and refreshments will be Department, 602.997.7585 Ext. 2156 or alternative-
provided. The dance will be chaperoned by adult staff.
For more information, call 520.452.7500, ext. 788.
The Huachuca Astronomy Club will hold their next The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9972 holds bingo
The Age of Adaline (PG-13) 113 min., 6 p.m.
meeting at 7 p.m. today in the community room of the at 12:30 p.m. Saturday and 5:30 p.m. Monday at 549 Avengers: Age of Ultron (PG-13) 141 min., 9 p.m.
Student Union Building, Cochise College, 901 Co- Veterans Dr., Sierra Vista. Bingo is open to the public.
lombo Ave., Sierra Vista. Dr. Megan Reiter will speak SATURDAY
on “Growing Pains: the tumultuous youth of stars.” For more information, call 520.458.9972.
She uses images from the Hubble Space Telescope and Tomorrowland (PG) 130 min., Noon – First Run
spectroscopy from the Magellan Telescope in Chile to Assist with theater productions The Age of Adaline (PG-13) 94 min., 3 p.m.
study how massive stars form. The meeting is free and The Illegitimate Theater Company is seeking peo- Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (PG) 94 min., 6 p.m.
open to the public.
ple who are interested in any or all aspects of little the- SUNDAY
(QMR\VWRU\WLPHZLWK\RXUEDE\ ater productions. They include acting, directing, stage
Baby and Toddler Time takes place at 10:20 a.m. management, makeup, lighting, sound, ushering, tak- The Longest Ride (PG-13) 139 min. 11:30 a.m.
ing tickets at the door and more. Little Boy (PG-13) 105 min., 3 p.m.
every Tuesday for children up to 2 and parents. It lasts Avengers: Age of Ultron (PG-13) 141 min., 6 p.m.
about 30 minutes at the Mona Bishop Room, Sierra If interested, call 520.249.0296 or 520.515.3721.
Vista Public Library, 2600 E. Tacoma St. The event MONDAY: Closed
includes stories, songs, rhymes and bouncing games. Volunteer to work with animals
No registration is required. Preschoolers 2 to 5 can en- The Nancy J. Brua Animal Care and Control Center TUESDAY:
joy story time with parents beginning at 11 a.m. each
Tuesday. has volunteer opportunities for people who like ani- Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (PG) 94 min.,
mals and can help with cleaning, walking and more. 2 p.m. – FREE Matinee
For more information, call 520.458.4225. Primarily they need help on Saturdays, Sundays and Avengers: Age of Ultron (PG-13) 141 min., 6 p.m.
most holidays.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness Connec- All volunteers must be 18 or older, able to pass a
background check and will earn time towards the Vol- THURSDAY
tions Group – Sierra Vista meets from 3:30 – 5 p.m. unteer Service Medal.
Wednesday afternoons and 5:30 – 7 p.m. Thursday The Smurfs 2 (PG) 104 min., 2 p.m. – FREE Matinee
evenings at 4755 Campus Drive, Sierra Vista. For more information, call 520.458.4151 or stop by Furious 7 (PG-13) 137 min., 6 p.m. 2 for 1
6799 E. SR 90, Sierra Vista.
For more information, call 520.459.3228.
Tombstone to salute Buffalo Soldiers The 390th Memorial Museum is a collection of
On June 13 and 14 the City of Tombstone will sa-
World War II images, memorabilia and personal his-
lute the Buffalo Soldiers, who helped tame the “Old tories of the achievements of the 390th Bombardment
Wild West” during the Territorial Period. Group (H), an Eighth Air Force unit based in England
from 1943 to 1945.
This event is sponsored by the Wild West Detach-
ment Marine Corps League and Tombstone merchants. The museum is located at 6000 E. Valencia Rd.,
Tucson, and is open 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
There will be ongoing street entertainment from 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. June 13 and noon to 4 p.m. June 14. For more information, contact 520.574.0286 or
The 7th Annual Salute to the Buffalo Soldiers Pa-
rade will take place at 11 a.m. June 14 on Allen Street 0LVVLRQ6DQ;DYLHUGHO%DF
starting at Sixth Street and concluding at Second & Acclaimed as the finest example of mission archi-
Allen Streets.
tecture in the United States, southwest of Tucson on
the Tohono O’odham Reservation, Mission San Xavier
del Bac is still an active parish with a gift shop, arts,