Page 16 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 6-5-15
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1B The Scout                                                                                                                                        FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015

Art camps for youth offer creative summer alternative

Story and photos by Natalie Lakosil          over the summer. The camp is for chil-                   four paintings they create using acrylic         “When children do art it stimulates
Staff Writer                                 dren going into first grade through                       paint on canvas. The camp is held from        brain cells that are helpful in math and
                                             eighth grade. Parents are welcome to                     1 to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday.           other subjects, so we just feel like art is
   The Arts and Crafts Center on Fort        stay and help.                                                                                         so important. So many of the schools
Huachuca completed its first summer                                                                       The last camp for the summer will be       have removed it from their curriculum
camp this week.                                 The next camp is offered June 16 –                    held July 7 – 10, and its theme is “Art       and so we try to offer as much as we
                                             19, and its theme is “Creative Canvas.”                  Around the World.” Students will work         can especially for this age group so that
   The center will host two more camps       Students will be able to take home                       on various projects such as Argentina         they get the experience of art. It helps
                                                                                                      inspired leather work, glass art similar      stimulate their learning and their brain
7DWLDQD+DUSHUZRUNVRQKHUVWDFNLQJWXUWOHSURMHFWGXULQJWKH¿UVWGD\RIDUWFDPSDWWKH$UWV  to that done in Italy, Chinese pattern        cells in the summer,” Dean added.
and Crafts Center on Fort Huachuca.                                                                   ceramic work, fish kites from Japan
                                                                                                      and piñatas from Mexico. The students            The camp can hold up to 16 students
                                                                                                      will also receive imitation passports to      and a two-week preregistration is pre-
                                                                                                      show the various “destinations” they          ferred. The next two camps still have
                                                                                                      covered.                                      spaces available.

                                                                                                         “I love it – it’s really fun,” said camp-     “It keeps them busy and it’s just
                                                                                                      er Katie Scofield, 8. Another camper,          something fun that they can go do away
                                                                                                      Gabriella Hohman, 11, said she likes          from the TV,” said Christen Scofield,
                                                                                                      the camp so far. “It is good to have be-      instructor at the Arts and Crafts Cen-
                                                                                                      cause it brings out people’s creativity,”     ter. “I give them instructions on what
                                                                                                      she said. “And I think it’s fun making        we are doing and let them do their own
                                                                                                      turtles.”                                     thing. They get to use their imagina-
                                                                                                                                                    tion, get their hands dirty and leave the
                                                                                                         Donna Dean, business manager of            mess here.”
                                                                                                      the Arts and Crafts Center says the
                                                                                                      center offers the camp to give youth             Classes are $80 for the four days, three
                                                                                                      something to do during the summer. “It        hours a day. If multiple children from
                                                                                                      stimulates their creative side and it’s a     one Family attend, the price is $70 for
                                                                                                      social experience with the other kids,”       the second child. Call 520.533.5550 or
                                                                                                      she said.                                     520.533.2015 for questions or to register.

Army Arts & Crafts Contest open to artisans, craftspeople

By Tim Hipps                                 have received awards in professional                        Glass art: Non-crystalline solid mate-        Wood art: Wood used in forms of
                                             competitions or Army art contests.                       rial used to create glass art which may       sculpture, craft, construction and deco-
U.S. Army Installation                                                                                include vases, sculpture, glass tile mo-      ration, for example: furniture, carvings,
                                                The artworks must be entered in one                   saics, ornaments, stained glass, fused        marquetry, musical instruments, toys, etc.
Management Command                           of the following categories:                             glass, jewelry, etc.
                                                                                                                                                       All submissions must be an MWR
   SAN ANTONIO — The 2015 Army                  Ceramic art: Inorganic and nonmetal-                     Metal art: The process of working          authorized patron’s original work com-
Arts & Crafts Contest is open through        lic materials that include items such as                 predominantly with metal to create a          pleted since July 1, 2014. Previous con-
July 31 for Morale, Welfare and Recre-       tiles, plates, vases, sculptures, etc., and              wide range of work from sculptures, fig-       test entries are not eligible. Works done
ation, also known as MWR, artisans and       often covered in decorative stains and                   urines, kinetic works or metal jewelry.       on official duty, illustrations, training
craftspeople to submit their handiwork.      glazes.                                                                                                aids or similar assignments are ineligi-
                                                                                                         Mixed media 2D: More than one me-          ble, but contestants should feel free to
   Submissions to the region and De-            Digital art: Artistic work or practice                dium employed and combines various            allow their military experiences to influ-
partment of Army levels will be digital      that uses digital technology as an es-                   traditionally distinct types of art media,    ence their work.
.jpg images of the work submitted via        sential part of the creative/presentation                i.e., a work on canvas that combines
the web at      process (digitally-altered photographs                   paint, ink and collage.                          For this year’s contest, https://apps.
apptracmain.                                 should be entered in the 2015 Army Dig-                                                       must be
                                             ital Photography contest in October).                       Mixed media 3D: More than one              used for all entries and will be open un-
   The contest entries will be judged in                                                              medium, anything that can be handled,         til July 31. On Fort Huachuca, judging
two classes. Group I, or novice, is for in-     Drawings: Instruments may include:                    touched or perceived to be three dimen-       will not be done at the installation level.
dividuals whose art skills have not been     graphite pencils, pen and ink, markers,                  sional — think about using recycled/re-       Department of the Army-level judging
gained in formal education leading to        wax color pencils, crayons, charcoal,                    purposed objects.                             will take place in August and the results
college credit or a college degree. Group    chalk and pastels.                                                                                     should be available in September, when
II, or accomplished, is for individuals                                                                  Paintings: Applying paint, pigment,        a gallery of winners are scheduled to be
who have gained skills and knowledge            Fiber art: Refers to art whose material               color or other medium (acrylic, oil, ink,     posted online.
through formal courses leading to credit     consists of fiber and other components,                   gouache, fresco) to a surface using air-
in college or art schools, and those who     such as fabric or yarn, focusing on the                  brush, brushes, knives, sponges, etc.
                                             materials and on the manual labor.
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