Page 13 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 6-5-15
P. 13

FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015                                                                                                    The Scout 13A


$SSOLHG6XLFLGH,QWHUYHQWLRQ6NLOOV7UDLQLQJ               tors and speakers to introduce Soldiers and attendees       ASP to close for inventory
   Army Substance Abuse Program personnel will              to Fort Huachuca resources available to them. Guest            The Ammunition Supply Point, Building 13524,
                                                            speakers will present at 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
hold Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training this                                                                  will be closed for inventory June 24 – 26. For emer-
Wednesday and Thursday, July 8 – 9, Aug. 5 – 6 and             Active duty Soldiers are invited to enjoy free break-    gency requirements, call 520.533.2512.
Sept. 16 – 17 at the ASAP office, Building 22414, 434        fast treats at 7 a.m. all next week and a free picnic
Christy Ave.                                                lunch at 11 a.m. on each of the same days.                  <DUGRI0RQWKSURJUDPXQGHUZD\
                                                                                                                           Mountain Vista Communities is judging for Yard of
   ASIST is for everyone in the Fort Huachuca Com-             For more information, call the MI Library at
munity 18 or older — regardless of prior experience         520.533.4100.                                               the Month through September.
— who wants to be able to provide suicide first aid.                                                                        Win a $300 rent credit. Front yards must be free
ASIST is a two-day (15 hour) Interactive Suicide Pre-       '(17$&FRPPDQGHUVWRFKDQJH
vention workshop. There are no prerequisites for the           The U.S. Army Dental Clinic Command, Fort Hua-           of weeds, debris and trash. In order to qualify, the
training. Uniform is appropriate Civilian attire.                                                                       backyard must also be well maintained and free of pet
                                                            chuca, will conduct a change of command ceremony            waste and other unsightly material.
   Registration is required. Attendance by Soldiers and     between Col. Julio Gonzales III (outgoing) and Maj.
Department of the Army Civilians will satisfy their an-     Eric Danko (incoming) from 8 to 9 a.m. June 16 on           0(''$&FKDQJHRIFRPPDQGFHUHPRQ\
nual suicide prevention training requirement.               Brown Parade Field. This event is open to the public.          The US Army Medical Department Activity will

   For more information or to register, call                   Motorists can expect disruptions in the flow of traf-     conduct a change of command ceremony between
520.533.2071.                                               fic around the parade field during rehearsals and on the      Col. Lance Raney (outbound) and Lt. Col. Edgar Ar-
                                                            day of the ceremony.                                        royo-Ortiz (inbound) at 7:30 a.m. June 29 on Brown
WK(6%WRJDLQQHZOHDGHU                                                                                             Parade Field. This event is open to the public.
   The 40th Expeditionary Signal Battalion will con-           For more information, call 520.533.3146.
                                                                                                                           Motorists can expect disruptions in the flow of
duct a change of command ceremony between the               +7-&R(FRPPDQGHUVWRFKDQJH                                traffic around the parade field during rehearsals and
outgoing Commander, Lt. Col. David Thomas and the              The Human Intelligence Training – Joint Center of        on the day of the ceremony.
incoming Commander, Lt. Col. Cora Henry at 10 a.m.
Wednesday on Brown Parade Field. This event is open         Excellence change of command will be held at 8 a.m.         5:%$+&WRDGMXVW-XQHKRXUV
to the general public.                                      June 19 on Brown Parade Field. Col. John Boucher               The Raymond W. Bliss Army Health Center will open
                                                            will relinquish control of HT-JCoE to Col. Travis Phil-
   Motorists can expect disruptions in the flow of traf-     lips, incoming commander.                                   with adjusted hours June 29 at 9 a.m. Due to the change
fic around the parade field during rehearsals and on the                                                                  of command ceremony that morning, no appointments
day of the ceremony.                                           This event is open to the general public.                or services will be available until after 9 a.m.
                                                               Motorists can expect disruptions in the flow of traf-
+RQRU*XDUGSODQVRSHQKRXVH                                fic around the parade field during rehearsals and on the         Plan your visit to the health center that day accordingly.
   The Fort Huachuca Honor Guard will hold an open          day of the ceremony.
house from noon to 3 p.m. Thursday at the Honor             &HOHEUDWH'DGZLWK09&                                         At 7:30 a.m. July 1, the U.S. Army Electronic Prov-
Guard facility, Building 70109. The public is invited          Celebrate your Dad for Father’s Day with a Daddy
to learn about the roles Honor Guard members play.                                                                      ing Ground will host a change of command ceremony
                                                            & Me Date Night! All Mountain Vista Communities             between Col. Raymond Compton (outgoing) and Col.
Soldier Appreciation Expo next week                         residents are invited to join us for dinner at 5 p.m. June  Donald Wilhide (incoming) on Brown Parade Field.
   The public is invited to attend a Soldier Apprecia-      19 followed by the movie, “Big Hero 6.” Movie snacks        This ceremony is open to the public.
                                                            and drinks will be provided.
tion Expo from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through June                                                                       Motorists can expect disruptions in the flow of traffic
12 at the CW2 Christopher G. Nason Military Intel-             Reservations are required by Thursday. For more in-      around the parade field during rehearsals and on the day
ligence Library, Building 62723, featuring exhibi-          formation, call 520.515.9000.                               of the ceremony.

                                                                                                                           For more information, call 520.533.8063.

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