Page 15 - Ft. Huachuca Scout 6-5-15
P. 15
FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015 The Scout 15A
FMWR briefs
0&7SHUIRUPDQFHVHQWIRU6DWXUGD\ For more information about the classes, call &RDFKHV¶PHHWLQJVHWIRU&&9ROOH\EDOO
The Missoula Children’s Theatre production of 520.533.4823. The coaches’ meeting for the 2015 Intramural Vol-
“Aladdin” will be presented at 7 p.m. Saturday at Col- (QMR\DWUDLOULGHZLWK%XIIDOR&RUUDO leyball Program is scheduled for 10 a.m. June 17 at
onel Johnston Elementary School. Buffalo Corral Horseback Riding Stables staff have Barnes Field House.
More than 50 local students are set to perform in the scheduled two-hour, guided sunset trail rides from 5 to Letters of intent are due at that time. Team rosters
production, which is free and open to the public. 7 p.m. Fridays, on June 12, 19 and 26. Cost is $40 for are due June 24 and the program begins at 6 p.m. June
Active Duty military or $50 for Civilians. 29 at Barnes Field House.
For more information, call 520.533.4823.
Corral personnel have also scheduled two-hour guid- For more information, call 520.533.0041.
Release your creative side ed trail rides, with a steak meal to follow, from 4 to 6
The FMWR Arts & Crafts Center is accepting reg- p.m. Saturdays, on June 13, 20 and 27. The cost is $75 Outdoor pool now open
per person for military or $85 for Civilians, and includes Irwin Outdoor Pool is open for the season.
istrations for three evenings of painting with supplies a 12 oz. T-bone steak, potato and salad. The Saturday
and beverages included. trail rides are also available without dinner at the cost of Hours are: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sun-
$40 for Active Duty and $50 for other FMWR patrons. day; and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on federal and training
Adults can sign up for “Sip & Create” which takes place holidays. The pool is open to all authorized FMWR
from 7 to 9 p.m. Fridays on June 26, July 24 and Aug. 28, Reservations are required for these trail rides. For res- patrons.
at the 19th Hole Lounge at Mountain View Golf Course. ervations or more information, call Buffalo Corral at
520.533.5220 or visit their Facebook page at www.face- For more information, call 520.533.3858.
Cost for Sip & Create is $35 per week, per person, and send a message.
and includes the canvas, paint, aprons and two bever- 70$&RIIHUV*HUPDQIRRGRQ7XHVGD\VWRR
ages (wine, beer, soda or water), plus instructions from )UHHPRYLHQLJKWRQ-XQH Thunder Mountain Activity Centre’s lunch buffet is
the artist-in-residence, to create an original piece of art. FMWR will present a free Moonlight Movie, “Di-
served Tuesdays through Fridays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Register by calling 520.533.5550 or stop at the Arts & nosaur Island” June 13 at Warrior/Sentinel Field. This During June, TMAC offers “Taste of the Rhine” on
Crafts Center noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Family friendly movie is not rated and will start at
dusk. Bring blankets or lawn chairs. both Tuesdays and Thursdays; “Classic Americana”
5HJLVWHUIRUVXPPHUFODVVHVIRU\RXWK buffet on Wednesdays and “Southern Fried Friday”
Registration for Child, Youth and School Services Free popcorn, hot dogs, water and soft drinks will buffet on Fridays.
be provided, while supplies last.
SKIESUnlimited Summer Programs is underway now at Cost of the lunch buffet is $9.95 for adults or $4.75
Parent Central Services, Building 52111, 520.533.0738. For more information, call 520.533.3354 or for children 5 – 11. All buffets include salad bar, des-
520.266.0254. serts, rolls and a non-alcoholic beverage.
The summer program includes Spanish classes, science
classes, arts and crafts, swim lessons, tennis lessons, baby- For more information, including specific buffet
sitter’s training, cooking class, budgeting, sewing classes items each day, call 520.533.3802 or 520.533.7322.
and more. Participants must be registered with CYSS.