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SOFIA now accepting observing proposals
   The Science Center for the Stratospheric Ob-
servatory for Infrared Astronomy, SOFIA, is now
accepting proposals for observing flights from
February 2017 to January 2018.

   The observatory’s position, above more than 99
percent of the water vapor in Earth’s atmosphere,
and its suite of seven highly-specialized instru-
ments, make it ideally suited for use in studying
a variety of astronomical objects and phenomena

   • The life cycle of stars
   • Formation of new solar systems
   • Black holes at the center of galaxies
   • Planets, comets and asteroids in our solar
   • Complex molecules in space identification
   • Nebulae and interstellar dust

As a partnership between NASA and the Ger-

man Aerospace Center, DLR, there are approxi-

mately 476 hours of observing time available

through the SOFIA Science Center and approxi-

mately 84 hours available through the DLR. U.S.

and German review panels made of experts from

the scientific community will evaluate the scien-

tific merits of submitted proposals.

Details and proposal guidelines are available


SOFIA is a Boeing 747SP jetliner modified to

carry a 100-inch diameter telescope. It is a joint

project of NASA and the German Aerospace

Center. NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mof-

fett Field, Calif., manages the SOFIA program,

science and mission operations in cooperation

with the Universities Space Research Association

headquartered in Columbia, Md., and the German

SOFIA Institute at the University of Stuttgart. The                                                                                                                     NASA photograph by Carla Thomas

aircraft is based at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Re-

Marine Osprey flies in to fuel upsearch Center’s hangar 703, in Palmdale, Calif.
                                                     SOFIA lifts off from Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, Calif., at sunset.

                                         the Marine Air Ground Task Force,”                                                   F-35B                                     The MV-22B Osprey is
                                         said Marine Corps Maj. Adam Geit-                                                                                              a tiltrotor vertical and/or
by Kenji Thuloweit                       ner, pilot and VMX-22 F-35 Detach-                                                   Air Force photograph by Christian Turner  short take-off and landing
Edwards AFB, Calif.                      ment Aircraft Maintenance officer.                                                                                             aircraft that serves as
                                                                                                                                                                        the medium-lift assault
   A U.S. Marine Corps MV-22B               The Marine Air-Ground Task Force                                                                                            support aircraft for the
Osprey descended on Edwards Air          is the organizational foundation for                                                                                           Marines. The Osprey can
Force Base, Calif., to link up with a    all missions across the range of U.S.                                                                                          operate as a helicopter
Marine F-35B Lightning II April 28.      Marine Corps’ military operations.                                                                                             or a turboprop aircraft.
                                         MAGTFs are a balanced air-ground,                                                                                              It can transport troops,
   Both aircraft are assigned to Ma-     combined arms task organization of                                                                                             equipment and supplies
rine Operational Test & Evaluation       Marine Corps forces under a single                                                                                             from ships and land bases
Squadron 22 (VMX-22) out of Ma-          commander that is structured to ac-                                                                                            for combat assault and
rine Corps Air Station Yuma,. Ariz.      complish a specific mission.                                                                                                   support. Edwards AFB
                                                                                                                                                                        hasn’t seen an Osprey
   VMX-22 has a detachment at Ed-           “This was the first time an MV-22                                                                                           in the skies regularly
wards where Marines are testing and      has refueled an F-35. Both ground                                                                                              since 2007. That’s the
evaluating their version of the JSF,     refueling and air-to-air refueling are                                                                                         year the 418th Flight Test
which is the short take-off and verti-   important pieces to the Marine Corps’                                                                                          Squadron said goodbye to
cal landing variant.                     MAGTF operational construct. From                                                                                              the CV-22 Integrated Test
                                         a tactical point of view, the MV-22 to                                                                                         Team after completing
   The Osprey dropped by for a quick                                                                                                                                    developmental test of the
but important test.                                      See OSPREY, Page 3                                                                                             aircraft.

   “The test was to validate ground re-
fueling from an MV-22 to an F-35B,
which is integral to the construct of

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