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Boeing publicly discloses 2015 savings from state tax breaks
                                                      “The public can now open the books and de-        Union District 751 in Seattle, cited the move of   tax dollars,” Holden said in a written statement.
by Rachel La Corte                                 cide for themselves whether a tax break has a        more than 1,000 high-skilled engineering jobs         Numbers released earlier this week showed
Associated Press                                   return on investment,” he said.                      in the state to other regions as “a really bad
                                                                                                        return on our state’s investment of tax dollars.   the company had lower quarterly earnings com-
   Boeing announced April 29 that it saved            Carlyle said the $305 million in tax breaks com-                                                     pared to last year because of higher costs for
$305 million through state tax breaks last year,   pared to the $13 billion spent by the company is a      “We’ve given Boeing the largest corporate tax   Boeing’s products and labor.
marking the first time the company has been        “compelling return on investment and solidifies our  incentives in U.S. history, but without any job
required by law to publicly disclose such in-      state as the global center of innovation.”           requirements, all we’ve done is create incentives     Boeing is currently in the process of reducing
formation.                                                                                              for Boeing to take away both our jobs and our      its 160,000-person workforce by about 4,500 to
                                                      Jon Holden, the president of Machinists                                                              help keep its costs under control.
   In a statement, the aerospace giant also said
it invested more than $13 billion in the state in  Sikorsky conducts Combat Rescue Helicopter
2015 — citing tens of millions in community              air vehicle preliminary design review
contributions as well as tuition for employees
seeking continuing education. Company offi-           Lockheed Martin announced May 2 the successful execution of the            schedule, but the preliminary design that we have achieved here has
cials also noted the 777X composite wing cen-      Combat Rescue Helicopter Program Air Vehicle Preliminary Design               well prepared us for detailed aircraft design and subsequent produc-
ter in Everett that’s opening next month.          Review.                                                                       tion. Our Training team is also executing extremely well and will be
                                                                                                                                 conducting the PDR for the Training System three months earlier than
   “Boeing’s investments demonstrate that             This important review signals that the CRH program is proceeding           originally scheduled. This will further reduce our risk to achieving the
when a state creates competitive policies, its     with detailed design activities for the HH-60W Air Vehicle and Logistics      U.S. Air Force accelerated schedule for CRH and delivering this critical
citizens reap tremendous benefits from the ac-     system. In addition, the team will continue toward the CRH Training           capability to the Air Force rescue crews faster. We are keenly aware
tivity that follows,” said Bill McSherry, Boe-     Systems Preliminary Design Review in August, three months ahead of            that they are in combat every day, and that every day we can accelerate
ing’s vice president of government operations      schedule.                                                                     getting the HH-60W into their hands reduces the risks that they face on
and global corporate citizenship. “These incen-                                                                                  our nation’s behalf.”
tives work.”                                          Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin Company, and the U.S. Air Force hosted
                                                   a five-day meeting in April to gather stakeholders and key collaborators         The U.S. Air Force awarded Sikorsky the Combat Rescue Helicopter
   The disclosure — to be filed with the state     from government and industry for an in-depth review that demonstrated         contract in June 2014.
Department of Revenue by May 2 — is a new          that the overall design meets the systems requirements setting the stage
requirement under a tax-incentive transparency     for the next phase of the program. Review participants included mem-             The $1.2 billion Engineering Manufacturing & Development contract
law passed in 2013 that affects Boeing and hun-    bers of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, both the USAF acquisi-        includes development and integration of the next generation combat res-
dreds of other aerospace firms in the state.       tion team and representatives of the USAF operational combat rescue           cue helicopter and mission systems, including delivery of four HH-60W
                                                   community, as well as the Sikorsky and Lockheed Martin industry team          helicopters, as well as six aircrew and maintenance training systems.
   Later that year, the Legislature approved a     and several other key suppliers.                                              The training suite includes devices that span full motion simulators and
suite of tax incentives aimed at Boeing and the                                                                                  discrete aircraft systems used for training, such as hoist and landing gear.
aerospace sector meant to ensure that the 777X        “The successful Air Vehicle PDR confirms the program is on the right
was produced in Everett. Most of the tax breaks    track and marks a significant step for the CRH program,” said Tim Healy,         The program of Record calls for 112 helicopters to replace the Air
were first approved in 2003 and set to expire in   Sikorsky, CRH Program Director. “Sikorsky and the USAF are well               Force’s rapidly aging HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters, which perform
2024, but the new legislation extended them        aligned in this collaboration effort and this successful PDR moves us         critical combat search and rescue and personnel recovery operations for
until 2040.                                        closer to bringing this vital aircraft to the warfighter. Specifically, I am  all U.S. military services.
                                                   very proud of our team. They are not only operating to an accelerated
   State Sen. Reuven Carlyle, a Democrat from
Seattle who had pushed for transparency of the
tax exemptions, said April 29 that the informa-
tion is “incredibly valuable for the public.”

May 6, 2016                                                  Aerotech News and Review                                                                      5

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