Page 10 - Aerotech News and Review 5-6-16
P. 10

High Desert Hangar Stories with Bob Alvis
Special to Aerotech News                 airline pilot, sat down with me and              dreams of flight, he was off to the
                                         shared the story of how he became                U.S. Air Force where, in the 1950s,
   Making my way around the Planes       the owner of a Spitfire.                         he found himself working on different
of Fame Air Show last weekend I was                                                       aircraft but enjoying the time wrench-
in search of a story that would be up-      Bob shared that his first encounter           ing on F-86s.
lifting and a bit out of the ordinary.   with flight and warbirds when at the
                                         age of three in Bakersfield when three              When his four years was up it
   I met up with my friend Joe Yanncy    P-38s flew over his house as he played           was back to doing anything that was
of Allison V-12 aircraft engines fame    in the backyard. And with that, the fire         around airplanes and, with some men-
and the story fell right smack dab in    was lit.                                         toring, lucky breaks and his growing
my lap. As I walked into his hanger a                                                     self-taught skill with the aid of Uncle
big beautiful Spitfire, looking as sexy     Bob struggled in his early life and           Sam not to mention crop dusting, he
as an airplane ever could, called to my  was not a very good student. But his             ended up flying right seat for some
soul to ask questions.                   love for all things that flew had him at         small airlines. His career took off,
                                         local airports doing whatever it took to         literally, and in 1997 he retired from
   Bob Deford was the key that un-       get dirty and work in some flying time.          Northwest Airlines as a left seater on
locked the box that held the story                                                        DC-10s!
of this beautiful bird. Bob, a retired      After realizing school was not
                                         going to be the answer to fulfill his               A successful airline career was
                                                                                          great but there was an itch that needed
                                                                                          to be scratched. That same itch that                                                   planes took off from grass covered air-                                         Photographs by Bob Alvis
                                                                                          struck a little boy in a back yard many                                                strips in England — bouncing along
                                                                                          years ago.                                                                             as they taxied and took off; that’s the      carried those dreams his whole life,
                                                                                                                                                                                 plane he wanted.                             built a full scale Mk IX Spitfire —
                                                                                             Retirement was great, and the mon-                                                                                               with the help of some very talented
                                                                                          ey was there to help scratch that itch                                                    But financially it was just out of        friends!
                                                                                          until he found out and realized that                                                   reach until he came across a French-
                                                                                          war birds don’t come cheap!                                                            man named Marcel Jurca.                         What went into the engineering and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the building of this beautiful plane is a
                                                                                             So, spending time with the Com-                                                        It seems this ‘dream maker’ was           testimony to the skill of fine American
                                                                                          memorative Air Force in Texas and                                                      selling full size plans that fit right into  craftsmen and just what can be accom-
                                                                                          around the southwest, he took every                                                    Bobs dreams of always making things          plished when dreams cross paths with
                                                                                          opportunity to fly P-51s and P-40s.                                                    happen!                                      desire and a ‘never say quit’ attitude!
                                                                                          But still, in the back of his mind, he
                                                                                          wanted his own.                                                                           Not wanting to tell all the details for      Looking at the plane up close and in
                                                                                                                                                                                 I don’t think I can get Aerotech to run      flight no words are needed.
                                                                                             I wish you could have seen and                                                      a “Bob Deford Spitfire special issue,”
                                                                                          heard Bob tell this part of the story for                                              I will just say the young dreamer, who          The same goes for Bob for when
                                                                                          his greatest love is the British Spitfire                                                                                           you look at him around his plane, no
                                                                                          of World War II.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           See SPITFIRE, Page 11
                                                                                             In later years he would watch the
                                                                                          Battle of Britain movie hundreds of
                                                                                          times, and watched as those beautiful


                                                                                          NEVER GIVE UP
                                                                                          UNTIL THEY BUCKLE UP.

                                                                                          T:21”                                                                                                            Edwards Air Force Base
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Protestant and Catholic Parish
                                                                                                    SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS
                                                                                                                                                                                               We are a community of dedicated believers who are
                                                                                          Open NOW                                                                                  committed to Christ-centered worship. We welcome you to join us!
                                                                                           thru MAY 22
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Protestant Worship Schedule:
                                                                                          Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area • Irwindale, CA                                                        Sunday 8 a.m. - Protestant Gospel Service, Chapel 1

                                                                                                     626-969-4750 • 10AM to 7PM                                                                  10 a.m. - Protestant Traditional Service, Chapel 1
                                                                                                                                                                                              11 a.m. - Protestant Contemporary Service, Chapel 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Catholic Mass Schedule:
                                                                                                                                                                                 Sunday : 9 a.m.; 4:00 p.m. - Chapel 2; Monday-Thursday: 11:30 a.m. - Chapel 2
                                                                                                                                                                                 Confession: Sunday 3:30 p.m to 4:00 p.m  (Chapel 2) Or by appointment

                                                                                                                                                                                               *Memorial Chapel 1, Bldg 2700, 15 W. Popson Ave
                                                                                                                                                                                              *Community Chapel 2, Bldg 6447, 10 Chamberlin Lp
                                                                                                                                                                                   661.277.2110 Or visit us on Facebook: Edwards Air Force Base Chapel


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    The Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area is a United States Army Corps of Engineers Facility
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10                                                                                                  Aerotech News and Review                                                                                                  May 6, 2016

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