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BIKES, from 6                                     branch of the military wore a photo of    I’m talking.                              You never know what kind of battle       your life,” he said. “Just get out here
                                                  a service member who had taken his           “One day,” he continued, “I had a      somebody come out of, civilian or        and get around other people who un-
their church group at one of the stops            or her life.                                                                        military. But finding teams at Face of   derstand what you’re going through.
in Pennsylvania.                                                                            plan to go on that lonely walk, but my    America like Warriors4Life will hold     You meet so many people who are go-
                                                     He said they also didn’t leave any-    neighbor out of nowhere gave me a         you until eventually, you’re able to     ing through some of the similar things
   “I think it’s really cool that they can        one behind on the ride.                   hug and said, ‘Hey, how are you do-       hold someone else.”                      [in] that day-to-day mental battle. Get
still ride bikes,” Schaffer said.                                                           ing?’ I looked at him and said, ‘Why                                               out there and start doing some stuff.
                                                     “When we start pedaling, if we see     did you do that?’ He said, ‘You looked       Morgan echoed Padgett’s sentiment.    It’s great.”
   “We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t             someone struggling on a hill, we help     like you needed a hug.’ I said, ‘I did.’     “Get out and try it; it could change
for them fighting for our country and             push,” Roman said. “It’s amazing be-
serving our country,” Wantz said.                 ing able to come on a weekend like                                                                                  Retired Army
“We’re out here to salute them and                this from all parts of the U.S. and peo-                                                                            Sgt. Albert
tell them we appreciate their service.”           ple from Puerto Rico and just being                                                                                 Gonzalez sets
                                                  one. It’s not about being Army, Navy,                                                                               pace for the
   Jose Santiago, A former Army cor-              Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard.                                                                                  Rescue 22
poral combat medic who has PTSD                   It’s about the armed forces — broth-                                                                                team during the
from his time in Iraq from 2003 to                ers and sisters pushing each other just                                                                             Face of America
2004 and a traumatic brain injury,                to cross that finish line to get the job                                                                            bike ride in
leads a team of about 50 cyclists —               done.”                                                                                                              Gettysburg,
25 percent of them are from Puerto                                                                                                                                    Penn., April 24,
Rico. He said Face of America is like                Medically retired Navy Petty Offi-                                                                               2016. More than
a family reunion, and that he has seen            cer 1st Class Jerry Padgett II, a search                                                                            150 disabled
the impact rides like Face of America             and rescue emergency medical tech-                                                                                  veteran cyclists
has had on some of his riders.                    nician, has a spinal injury and TBI                                                                                 were paired
                                                  from an improvised explosive device                                                                                 amongst 600
   “Last year, we had a veteran here,             blast in Afghanistan. He encourages                                                                                 able-bodied
he had so much rage, and ever since               any veterans who may be consider-                                                                                   cyclists to ride
he’s been riding, his whole attitude has          ing participating in Face of America                                                                                110 miles from
been changing,” Santiago said. “His               to give it a try.                                                                                                   Arlington, Va.,
wife said, ‘When he doesn’t ride, I can                                                                                                                               to Gettysburg
see the attitude. I tell him, ‘You need              “If not FOA, go out to your local                                                                                over two
to go ride.’ That’s pretty neat.’”                park and recs and find out if they have                                                                             days in honor
                                                  any adaptive sports,” he said. “You                                                                                 of veterans
   Medically retired Army Sgt. Nor-               just have to make the effort and know                                                                               and military
berto Roman, a cargo specialist with              that you’re not alone and to connect.                                                                               members.
PTSD and chronic bronchitis from de-              The only one true disability in life is
ployments to Iraq from 2003 to 2004               the lack of communication. I was told                                               DOD photograph by EJ Hersom
and from 2004 to 2005 had a special               I wouldn’t walk and talk again, but
mission this year. He led a Rescue 22
team on a memorial ride. Each of his
riders who were veterans from each

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May 6, 2016                                                 Aerotech News and Review                                                                                           7

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