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BRIEFS, from 2                                                      veyed by Zacks Investment Research expected.                           hampered by problems with their targeting sensors, the crew
                                                                       Revenue rose slightly to $13.36 billion from $13.32 billion.        relied on a physical description that led them to begin firing
Francis, nicknamed “Fat Leonard” because of his wide girth, used                                                                           at the hospital even though they saw no hostile activity there.
the schedules and inside information to beat out competitors and    Zacks’ analysts were looking for $13.03 billion in revenue.
overbill the Navy by submitting fake tariffs and port fees, ac-        Otis new equipment orders edged up 1 percent, but climbed              Officials have said the accident was caused by human er-
cording to prosecutors.                                                                                                                    ror, and that many chances to avert the incident were missed.
                                                                    6 percent when excluding China. Equipment orders at UTC Cli-
   Misiewicz and Francis moved Navy vessels like chess pieces,      mate, Controls & Security fell 8 percent, mostly driven by a              A separate U.S. report on the incident, obtained last fall by
diverting aircraft carriers, destroyers and other ships to Asian    difficult comparison in the refrigeration business.                    The Associated Press, said the AC-130 aircraft fired 211 shells
ports with lax oversight where Francis could inflate costs, the                                                                            at the hospital compound over 29 minutes before command-
criminal complaint alleges.                                            United Technologies said April 27 that it still foresees full-year  ers realized the mistake and ordered a halt. Doctors Without
                                                                    earnings in a range of $6.30 to $6.60 per share, with revenue be-      Borders officials contacted coalition military personnel during
   Misiewicz is among 10 people charged in the case, including      tween $56 billion and $58 billion. Analysts polled by FactSet ex-      the attack to say the hospital was “being `bombed’ from the
numerous Naval officials. AP                                        pect earnings of $6.50 per share on revenue of $57.01 billion. AP      air,” and the word finally was relayed to the AC-130 crew,
                                                                                                                                           the report said.
Senate confirms first female officer for warfighting com-           Military disciplines about 16 in Afghanistan hospital
mand                                                                attack                                                                    The attack came as U.S. military advisers were helping Af-
                                                                                                                                           ghan forces retake Kunduz, which had fallen to the Taliban
   The Senate has confirmed an Air Force general to be the first       About 16 U.S. military personnel, including one general of-         on Sept. 28. It was the first major city to fall since the Taliban
female officer to lead one of the military’s warfighting commands.  ficer, have been disciplined for mistakes that led to the bomb-        were expelled from Kabul in 2001.
                                                                    ing of a civilian hospital in Afghanistan last year that killed
   By voice vote late April 28, the Senate approved Gen. Lori       42 people, a senior U.S. official said April 28.                          Afghan officials claimed the hospital had been overrun by
Robinson to be commander of U.S. Northern Command. The                                                                                     the Taliban, but no evidence of that has surfaced. The hospital
command is responsible for preventing attacks against the United       According to officials, no criminal charges were filed and          was destroyed and Doctors Without Borders, also known by
States.                                                             the service members received administrative punishments in             its French acronym, MSF, ceased operations in Kunduz. AP
                                                                    connection with the U.S. airstrike in the northern city of Kun-
   She has been serving as commander of Pacific Air Forces in       duz. A number of those punished are U.S. special operations            SpaceX aims to send ‘Red Dragon’ capsule to Mars in
Hawaii. She joined the Air Force in 1982 after graduating from      forces.                                                                2018
the University of New Hampshire.
                                                                       And while none was sent to court martial, in many cases                SpaceX is shooting for Mars.
   Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire says          a nonjudicial punishment, such as a letter of reprimand or                The company’s billionaire founder and chief executive Elon
Robinson is a trailblazer with the dedication and experience to     suspension, can effectively end a military career. The officials       Musk says he plans to send a Dragon capsule to the red planet
succeed at Northern Command.                                        were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly, so spoke           as early as 2018. He announced the news via Twitter.
                                                                    on condition of anonymity.                                                Musk is dubbing his Mars spacecraft Red Dragon.
   The Senate also confirmed Army Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti to be                                                                               No astronauts will accompany Red Dragon on this first test
the top American commander in Europe and Army Gen. Vincent             The Pentagon was expected to release the full report on the         flight. Musk says he wouldn’t recommend transporting crews
Brooks to lead U.S. forces in Korea. AP                             investigation April 29.                                                in Dragons beyond the moon. He says the internal volume is
                                                                                                                                           only about the size of an SUV.
United Technologies first quarter results beat analysts’               The hospital, run by the medical charity Doctors Without               The California-based SpaceX already is using Dragons for
expectations                                                        Borders in Kunduz, was attacked by a U.S. Air Force special            space station supply runs. NASA astronauts are next; the com-
                                                                    operations AC-130 gunship, one of the most lethal in the U.S.          pany could start transporting Americans to the space station
   United Technologies’ first-quarter results topped Wall Street’s  arsenal. Doctors Without Borders has called the attack “relent-        by the end of next year.
view, and the company maintained its full-year guidance.            less and brutal.”                                                         Musk notes that the upgraded Dragon for humans is de-
                                                                                                                                           signed to land anywhere in the solar system. AP
   For the period ended March 31, the maker of elevators, jet          Last November, the U.S. military said the crew of the AC-
engines and other products earned $1.19 billion, or $1.42 per       130, which is armed with side-firing cannons and guns, had
share. A year ago the Farmington, Conn.,-based company earned       been dispatched to hit a Taliban command center in a dif-
$1.43 billion, or $1.51 per share.                                  ferent building, 450 yards away from the hospital. However,

   Stripping out restructuring charges, earnings were $1.47 per
share. This easily topped the $1.38 per share that analysts sur-

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