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Hometown Heroes

PCU Gerald R. Ford holds change of command
                                                              “Having a commanding officer be appointed an
by PO3 Matthew R. Fairchild                                honorary chief petty officer by the master chief                                                                               Navy photograph by PO3 Matthew R. Fairchild
Newport News, Va.                                          petty officer of the Navy is extremely rare,” said
                                                           Novak. “Captain Meier’s dedication to excellence       Capt. Richard McCormack signs a program for a distinguished guest before Pre-Commissioning
   Pre-commissioning Unit Gerald R. Ford (CVN              and fair treatment to our sailors is why he is con-    Unit Gerald  R.  Ford’s (CVN 78) change                                                                              bIMnagya.aFlylsor6Nd,eiws2pt0hoe1rtf6Nirsetwosf
78) held a change of command in the ship’s han-            sidered part of the chief family.”                     a new class  of  aircraft carriers currently  oufncAdoeEmr cRmoanOnsdtTruiEncttCiohneHbshyNipHE’sunWhtainnSggt:eorn
gar bay, April 8.
                                                              McCormack addressed the crew for the first          Shipbuilding.
   Capt. Richard McCormack, a native of Can-               time as their commanding officer, and said it is
yon Country, Calif., relieved Capt. John F. Meier,         a great honor to be chosen to lead them through
a native of Export, Penn., as the ship’s command-          several notable milestones, including turn ship,
ing officer.                                               sea trials, delivery and commissioning.

   “I will forever be a Gerald R. Ford sailor,”               “Our countrymen are in good hands and it
said Meier. “What a great opportunity it has been,         truly is an honor to command you all,” said Mc-
commanding you all for the past 33 months. Ford            Cormack. “Sailors are the heart and soul of the
sailors are leading the way.”                              ship. I am truly fortunate to follow a leader who
                                                           exemplifies integrity at the helm.”
   Meier, who became the ship’s first command-
ing officer in 2013, said he considered building              McCormack is a 1990 graduate of the U.S. Na-
the crew his top priority.                                 val Academy, and a graduate of the U.S. Navy
                                                           Test Pilot School, the NATO Defense College,
   “When you build a crew from scratch, it does            and the Joint Forces Staff College. His operation-
not come with a blueprint,” said Meier as he               al tours include VFA-131 as a division officer and
thanked the crew for their resilience, initiative          landing signal officer, and VFA-146 as a depart-
and integrity. He added the thing he would miss            ment head. Most recently, he commanded VFA-
the most was “sitting down personally with every           86 and USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19), and served
sailor and getting to know them.”                          as executive officer of USS George H.W. Bush
                                                           (CVN 77).
   Rear Adm. John Haley, commander of Naval
Air Forces Atlantic, awarded Meier the Legion                 “Captain McCormack, I now place my dad’s
of Merit on behalf of the president for displaying         namesake in your hands,” said Susan Ford
exceptionally meritorious conduct in the perfor-           Bales, daughter of President Ford, ship sponsor
mance of outstanding service from July 2013 to             and guest speaker. “You are entrusted with the
April 2016.                                                greatest responsibilitPyAoIDf cAoDmmanding the United
                                                           States’ sons and daughters.”
   Command Master Chief Donnie Novak pre-
sented Meier with a charge book and anchors in
recognition of his appointment as an honorary
chief petty officer for his dedication to sailors
throughout his career.


                                                                                        Restoration AdvisoryEdwards Air Force Base Board

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May 6, 2016                                                          Aerotech News and Review                                                                                                                                                        9

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