Page 7 - March ARB Beacon 12-18-15
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb                              December 18, 2015                              7

Letter to the editor concerning cyber security article

   I received the below email on Friday,   When I came across this toolkit in my             Plagiarism                        
Dec. 11, 2015:                             daily duties I figured this would be good          The practice of taking someone else’s          Merry Christmas!
                                           information to share with the base as our      work or ideas and passing them off as             //SIGNED//
   “Ms. Welz,                              information has already been hacked            one’s own.                                        Brian G. McLean, GS-09, DAF
   The article you published in the Bea-   twice through OPM and several other               How about this:                                Cybersecurity Manager”
con on page 5, dated 11 December 2015      times with commercial vendors; Target,            Integrity first, Service before self,           Editor’s note: I take my credibil-
“Cyber Security tips for the holiday sea-  Home Depot, AMEX and so on. This               and Excellence in all we do.
son” appears to be taken form the e-mail   is why I sent the information. Chang-             Brian G. McLean, GS-09, DAF                 ity as a journalist very seriously and
that I sent out to everyone on 4 Decem-    ing the words, correcting my grammar              Cybersecurity Manager”                      would never intentionally take credit
ber 2015, this one I am forwarding to      doesn’t give you the right to take credit         Original Email: “Are you in the hol-        for another’s work. In writing the Bea-
you.                                       for something our office did, I did. Fur-       iday mode yet? All of the sales, Black         con article, I did some research by vis-
   You have taken credit for something     ther, asking our members to share “cy-         Friday, Cyber Monday? In all of your           iting the link attached in the original
that came out of our office, for some-      ber security stories” in a public format       rushing around you cannot let your Cy-         email, which provided me with the
thing we in the Wing Cybersecurity Of-     like Facebook could show vulnerabili-          ber Security guard down.                       content for the small article I wrote. I
fice do daily and without mentioning us     ties not just to our members, but the se-         Stay vigilant.                              apologize for not citing Mr. McLean’s
as a source.                               curity of our network and in all what we          The Dept. of Homeland Security has          original email in the article. In the
   Along with Air Force guidance our       strive to prevent.                             some helpful tips to share to keep you         end, he and I are both doing our best
office is governed by other agencies                                                       safe, not just during the holiday season,      to inform you that cyber security is
outside of the Air Force to include DoD,      I expect this to be corrected in your next  but all the time. Please have a look. http://  a serious issue, and we should all be
DISA, DHS, NSA just to name a few.         Beacon with an explanation and apology.                                                       vigilant in protecting our information.

March’s Back Street Grill to re-open January 2016

by Steve Rosales
452 FSS marketing director

   The Back Street Café closed in June 2015
to undergo a facelift in both the facility and
menu items in an effort to promote health and
wellness as part of the Healthy Base Initiative
(HBI) Program.

   The Healthy Base Initiative project
launched in 2013 at 14 Department of De-
fense installations to improve the health and
well-being of members of the defense com-
munity, including DOD employees and fam-
ily members.

   The newly renovated state-of-the-art facil-
ity will feature new lighting and furniture to
provide a more inviting atmosphere, an im-
proved serving line, digital menu boards, a
revamped menu, new stations such as a salad
bar and Starbucks coffee – espresso station,
and a lounge.

   The improved menu will include a variety
of healthier options ranging from specialty
sandwiches, burgers and weekly specials, to
soups and salads. “I really believe customers
will enjoy the new diverse menu,” said Chef
Dan, Hap Arnold Club chef. “Customers can
expect great tasting food at a reasonable cost.”

   Comment cards will be available in the fa-
cility to give customers a chance to provide
feedback regarding the renovated facility.
“Feedback from our customers, whether it be
good or bad, is critical to the success of our
mission to ensure we are providing the best
quality service to our base community,” said
Mike Gaines, club manager.

   The grand opening for the newly named
Back Street Grill is tentatively scheduled for
January 8, 2016. Stay informed at MarchFSS.
com and by following on Facebook @
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