Page 9 - March ARB Beacon 12-18-15
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb         December 18, 2015                                             9

From MUNCY page 6                  go through cyclical changes.                                                     NORAD graphic  and tablets. Tracking opportunities also are of-
                                   Sometimes there may be cer-                                                                     fered on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google
promotion, then you’re not go-     tain requirements to reach a         PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo., De-                        Plus. Santa followers simply need to type “@
ing to be doing your job as ef-    specific rank or job and some-     cember 1, 2015 - The North American Aerospace                 noradsanta” into each search engine to get started.
fectively as you should be, and I  times those requirements go       Defense Command is celebrating the 60th anni-
think you’re seeking the wrong     away.                             versary of tracking Santa’s Yuletide journey.                    This year, the website features the NORAD
motivations to do the job.”                                                                                                        headquarters in the North Pole Village and high-
                                      “If you’re betting on those       The NORAD Tracks Santa website, which                      lights of the program over the past 60 years.
   His Advice                      cycles hitting at just the right  launched today, features Santa’s North Pole Vil-
   The one thing Muncy wants       time, then you’re betting your    lage, which includes a holiday countdown, games,                 Tracking Santa’s Flight
his Airmen to know is to build     own career on what may or         activities, and more.                                            Starting at 12:01 a.m. MST (2:01 a.m. EST)
bridges. By that he means that     may not happen,” he said.                                                                       Dec. 24, website visitors can watch Santa make
Airmen should look ahead to                                             The website is available in eight languages:               preparations for his flight. NORAD’s “Santa
build a bridge using education-       His advice? Build that         English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Japa-              Cams” will stream videos on the website as Santa
-civilian degree programs and/     bridge. Get your PME done.        nese, Portuguese and Chinese.                                 makes his way over various locations.
or Professional Military Edu-      Get your Community College                                                                         Then, at 4 a.m. MST (6 a.m. EST), trackers
cation (PME), or a job, he said.   of the Air Force (CCAF) de-          Official NORAD Tracks Santa apps also are                   worldwide can speak with a live phone operator
   “You’ll never know wheth-       gree. Get an advanced degree.     available in the Windows, Apple and Google Play               to inquire as to Santa’s whereabouts by dialing the
er you will want to cross that     Get breadth of experience.        stores, so parents and children can count down                toll-free number 1-877-Hi-NORAD (1-877-446-
bridge to take on that next job,   This advice applies whether       the days until Santa’s launch on their smartphones            6723) or by sending an email to noradtrackssan-
to make yourself available for     you’re enlisted or an officer, he                                                      
a promotion, or take on that       said.                                                                                              Any time on Dec. 24, Windows Phone users
next leadership challenge,”                                                                                                        can ask Cortana for Santa’s location, and OnStar
Muncy said. “But if you don’t         “If you decide not to cross                                                                  subscribers can press the OnStar button in their
build that bridge, you’ll never    that bridge, then let that be                                                                   vehicles to locate Santa.
be able to cross it.”              your choice. However, if decide                                                                    NORADTracks Santa is possible, in large part,
   In his years of command,        that you do want to cross that                                                                  to the efforts and services of numerous program
Muncy said he has seen re-         bridge, and you’ve failed to                                                                    contributors, NORAD officials said.
quirements for promotion           build that bridge, then you have
                                   done yourself a disservice.”


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