Page 6 - Aerotech News and Review, February 5, 2021
P. 6

Yeager’s History: At the Speed of Life

     Feb. 13, 1923 — Born, Myra, W.Va.  bre-equipped 1st Fighter Day Squadron, George
     June 1941 — High school graduation  AFB, Victorville, Calif., and Morón AB, Spain
     September 1941 — Joined Army; trained as   1961 — Completed yearlong studies at Air
   aircraft mechanic                    War College. Thesis on short takeoff and land-
     Summer 1942 — Under the Flying Sergeants   ing aircraft.
   program, began pilot training          1962 — Became first commandant of the re-
     Early 1943 — Earned his wings, flew state-  named U.S. Air Force Aerospace Research Pilot
   side until England transfer          School, preparing future astronauts for NASA
     November 1943 — Began flying P-51 Mus-  and the Air Force
   tangs against Luftwaffe                Dec. 10, 1963 — Became first pilot to eject
     March 1944 — On his 8th mission, shot down   in a full pressure suit after rocket-assisted NF-
   Me-109 fighter and He-111K bomber before be-  104 he was testing went into a flat spin nearly
   ing shot down over France.           21 miles above earth. He sustained burns from
     Late spring 1944 — Returned to England af-  the ejection
   ter escape with help of French resistance.  1966 — Commanded 405th Tactical Fighter
     Summer 1944 — Flew 56 combat missions,   Wing, Clark AB, Philippines, deploying on rota-
   shooting down 11 more German aircraft, includ-  tional duty in South Vietnam and other locations.
   ing five Messerschmidt 109s in one day, and four   Flew 127 combat missions
   on another                             February 1968 — Commanded 4th Tactical
     July 1945 — Tested P-80 Shooting Star and   Fighter Wing, Seymour Johnson AFB, N.C., and
   P-84 Thunder jet fighters at Wright Field, Ohio.   led F-4 Phantom II wing in South Korea during
   Also flew and evaluated captured German and   Pueblo crisis
   Japanese fighter aircraft              1969 — Promoted to brigadier general and
     August 1947 — Arrived at Muroc Army Air   assigned as vice commander of 17th Air Force
   Corps Base (now Edwards) as Air Force project   1971-1973 — At request of U.S. ambassa-
   officer on Bell X-1 rocket research aircraft  dor, assigned as adviser to Pakistani Air Force.
     Oct. 14, 1947 — Flew the X-1 beyond the   Beechcraft assigned to Yeager by the Pentagon
   speed of sound at the age of 24      was damaged in air raid on Pakistani airbase dur-
     June 10, 1948 — U.S. government finally an-  ing 1971 war with India. Yeager complained the                                           Air Force photograph
   nounces first Supersonic Flight.     Indian pilot was instructed to attack his plane,   A signed photograph by Capt. Chuck Yeager sitting in Bell X-1 cockpit.
     1953 — Flew the Bell X-1A to twice the speed   saying it was, “the Indian way of giving Uncle
   of sound, Mach 2.435, and then saved the aircraft   Sam the finger.”
   when it went out of control, safely landing it  June 1973 — Named Director of the Air   1986 — Appointed by President Ronald Rea-  III, an F-15D Eagle past Mach 1. Chase plane
     1954-1957 — Commanded 417th Fighter-  Force Inspection and Safety Center at Norton   gan to the National Commission on Space and   pilot in F-15 Fighting Falcon was test pilot Bob
   Bomber Squadron (50th Fighter-Bomber Wing)   AFB, Calif.                   the team of investigators into the cause of the   Hoover, who was Yeager’s wingman for the first
   at Hahn AB, West Germany               March 1975 — Following assignments in   Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.  supersonic flight. At the end of his speech to the
     1957 — Toul-Rosieres AB, France    Germany and Pakistan, retired from the Air   Oct. 14, 1997 — On 50th anniversary of first   crowd in 1997, Yeager concluded, “All that I am;
     1957-1960 — Commanded F-100D Super Sa-  Force at Norton AFB, Calif.      Mach 1 flight, he flew a new Glamorous Glennis   I owe to the Air Force.”

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                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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